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Welcome to District 3, Toastmasters International

d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action 
District 3 Calendar - Area/Division - Events
Area speech Contest begin 02/25/01-
Semis mailed to club presidents week of record 03/01/01  From TI
Copies of Semi Cover sheet 03/21/01 Mail to AG
Executive Committee Meeting Area/Div Train 03/24/01 AZ Republic, 200 E Van Buren, Phx
Copies of Semis due to District  03/30/01 Mail to Mike Herskovits, 4605 W. Folley St., Chadler AZ 85226
Regional/TI proxies 03/31/01 Mailed to club presidents of record
Division speech contests begin 04/09/01-
Top 10 Newsletter entries due to TI 04/25/01 Distrct 3 Club Bulletin Contest deadline
Area  visit reports due to DG 04/30/01 Mail to DG PJ Glauz, 2533 N 48th Ave, Phoenix AZ 85035
Roadrunner articles due 05/01/01 Mail to Janice Winscot
Regional/TI proxies due 05/04/01 Mail to DG PJ Glauz, 2533 N 48th Ave, Phoenix AZ 85035
Copies of officer lists due AG 05/16/01
Spring Conference 05/18-19/01  Apache Grand, Apache Junction AZ
Copies of officers lists due to LGM 05/25/01 Mail to Mike Herskovits
TLI 06/09/01
Tentative dates
Region III Conference 06/21/-23/01 Denver Co
Outstanding TM of theYear apps due 07/10/01 Mail to Mike Herskovits
Executive Committee Meeting and July Jubilee 07/28/01 Place TBD

Address questions/concerns to District Governor PJ Glauz at 602.272.5910 or