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NOVEMBER 1, 2000
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Fall Conference
Printed Program
Jance Winscot
Conference Photo Page

Educational Sessions
Laugh & No Body Gets Hurt, 
Peter Francis
How To Keep Them Happy After They Join, 
John Smelser
Calling All News Hounds, Lucille Houston
Advertising Your Club, Susan Thayer
Twenty Plus =Quality Clubs,
Art Nieto
Keeping the Commitment, 
Dan Dawson
Seriously, How Do I Write a Humorous Speech? Susan Wallace


d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - November 1, 2000 
"Speaking Excellence and Self-Hypnosis"
An educational session by Melinda Nay

As reported by Julie Schruel, DTM, American Expressors


Melinda Nay opened the session with effervescence and enthusiasm.  She then proceeded to tell the truth about self-hypnosis and its daily impact.  Many were in attendance because they were curious, all were there to learn.  

We were not only there to learn about self-hyonosis, but to experience it, and so we did!  Before we realized it, we drifted off into the "I am relaxed" state of self-hypnosis.  Although it would have been easy to doze off, we 
remained focused on our intent.

Melinda gave us a formula for a 2-minutes self-hypnosis:

        1.      Assume a comfortable position.
        2.      Fix gaze casually upward and hold.
        3.      Take 5 deep breaths. As you inhale, silently  
                 think "I am," as you exhale, silently think 
        4.      On the 5th exhalation, silently backcount from
                 5 to 1.
        5.      As you reach 1, or sooner, allow your eyes to
                 close and remain in the hypno-meditative state
                 for 2 minutes.

  In addition, we were given verbiage to use to prepare ourselves before we study, before we perform a speech, and even before writing.   All the techniques used were simple common sense methods to improve our minds, 
relax, and enjoy the journey.  Melinda provided an interactive learning experience valuable to the growth and productivity of our lives.  Well done, Melinda!

    Melinda Nay
Changes in Club Meeting Time, Day, Location
Anniversaries, Charter Banquets, Open Houses, Other

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. Lucille Houston, ATM-G, Public Relations Officer, Chairman.
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