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District 3 Toastmasters - d3tm E-news - November 1,  2000

iBrief for Az Toastmasters
Time to Speak - Over One Hundred Winners - SCRAM, he said - Notes To Take Home - The Torch - Facilitating Success -Roadrunner Deadline - Harvest Party - Printer Friendly

A Time To Speak and  . . . .
A toastmaster was stopped for running a red light recently. When the officer indicated he was issuing a citation, the driver protested, "But Officer, I'm a Toastmaster." "So," was the cool response. "Yes. You see, when the red light is turned on we are allowed a 30 second grace period."

Grace period not withstanding, as can be seen by the large clock at right, members of the Speak E's club have a very visible reminder to develop the skill to say what needs to be said in the time allowed.

Over one hundred winners. . .
were rewarded for their participation at the District's Fall 2000 Conference in Tucson, October 20-21. All walked away inspired, enthused with good ideas, pages  of educational notes, and many enjoyable memories. A select few walked away with trophies for exceptional speaking and leadership performances. Most notable were: Humorous Speech

Dave Wachter, Brian Cavanaugh 
and Mike McClain
Contest winner Brian Cavanaugh, 2nd and 3rd place winners Mike McClain and Dave Wachter, Evaluation Contest winner and Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year winner Nancy Starr, 2nd and 3rd place winners Rich Moore and Liz Bebo, First Timer winner Ricardo Lopez, and Immediate Past District Governor Kelli McDoulett, DG PJ Glauz and LtGE&T Virginia Richtar, for achieving the prized Distinguished District recognition.
Rich Moore, Liz Bebo and 
Nancy Starr

SCRAM, he said. SCRAM!
"If you were fortunate enough to attend the Fall Conference opening ceremonies, writes Cholla Division Governor Don Griffith, ATMB/CL, from the notes he took during the Keynote presentation by Ab Jackson, "you learned valuable tips on getting organized --- and had fun too."

"Ab Jackson, professional speaker and former Toastmaster, provided clear, simple and entertaining ways to beat back the paperwork and clutter that seems to take over our lives in his 'Get Organized' Keynote address which kicked off Saturday's event line up.

"Mr. Jackson used the acrostic SCRAM to illustrate his clutter control techniques:
S - Save or Store it… Do you really need it? 
C - Can it, toss it
R - Refer it… Send it to the right place
A - Act on it
M - Make it go away… Get off those mailing lists! 

     Ab Jackson

"If you think this topic makes for boring fare, guess again! The lucky Toastmasters in attendance saw a master communicator at work. By the end of his 45-minute talk, Mr. Jackson had the audience laughing, bouncing (literally) and shouting out the SCRAM key words.

"We all learned how to win the clutter war and so much more. Thanks, Ab!"  -  Don Griffith

Notes to take home
If you were not present, or attended a concurrent session, you can take advantage of the notes taken by Brian Cavanaugh (Peter Francis' "Laugh and Nobody Gets Hurt"), Judy Edmond (International Director John Smelser's "How To Keep Them Happy Once They've Joined" and Dan Dawson' s "Keeping The Commitment"),  Julie Schreul (Melinda Nay'sSpeaking Excellence and Self-Hypnosis"), Dee Dees (Susan Wallace's "Seriously, How Do I Write A Humorous Speech?"), Dean Gibboney ("Susan Thayer's "Advertise Your Clubs" and Lucille Houston's "Calling All News Hounds"), and Art Nieto's, "Twenty Plus Equals Quality Clubs."

The printed Conference Program, designed and produced by Janice Winscot is posted for your additional information and contains a complete listing of Member Awards, Governor's Club status, the Top Toastmasters of the year, and Club Awards as well as the Conference's agenda and participants.

A variety of photographs taken during the conference are also posted on the web. Copies can be downloaded for your club newsletter and personal use.

A Torching future
The "Torch" successfully arrived at the Conference. Its future purpose was introduced by Database Chair Trisha Blackwelder during the Executive Council Meeting and presented to District Governor PJ Glauz, DTM.
 The goal is to have every club in Arizona carry and sign the torch for District 3, making the commitment to work towards the critical success factors; 20+ clubs, members, CTM’s and ATM’s with the main focus on members (new and retained) and Competent Toastmaster recognition CTM’s. Final destination, Spring Conference, May 18/19, 2001 at the Apache Grand Hotel, Apache Junction, Arizona.

Facilitating Success
Following the Conference, an all day training session was held for members preparing to participate in Toastmasters Leadership Institute's next educational session and officer training program. Full story by Nancy Starr, DTM, TLI Chair.

News to be printed
Production of The Roadrunner, District 3's quarterly newsletter is underway for its January issue according to editor Janice Winscot, ATM. Deadline for articles is Wednesday, November 1. If you have information to submit, call Janice at (w) 602-444-8168, (home) 602-843-6637, or send an email to

Harvesting - An Area party
Area C2's Governor, Pam Hall, hosted a potluck Harvest Party on October 26 at her condo.  Twenty people, representing six of the area's eight clubs, attended.

"The food was delicious and the company fantastic!" said Pam. "The party provided us an opportunity for all members of our area clubs to kick back, relax, and become better acquainted."

"District 3 Public Relations Officer, Lucille Houston gave a wonderful educational presentation on Public Relations and offered some great ideas for our clubs.  All in all, we had an absolutely marvelous time!" Pam said.

Judy Reinke

Speak E's member Judy Reinke, serving as timer, shows off the club's Timing Clock at a recent meeting.
Jeff Stephens has been  named Speak E's Toastmaster of the Year

Immediate Past District Governor, Kelli McDoulett, DTM, holds the plaque the district received from Toastmasters International after achieving Distinguished District for three consecutive years.

Brighten your corner with Enthusiasm; it is the torch of achievement.

Kelli McDoulett

True eloquence consists in saying all that is necessary, and nothing but what is necessary - Francious de la Rochefoucauld

~ Glenn Pike, DTM | Next issue: November 15, 2000 

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