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OCTOBER 1, 2000 GO to

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*Club Directory

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes 7-29-2000

Summary Index 
to Past Issues
(Feb-Aug, 2000)

September 18 | September 1
August 15 | August 1
July 15 July 1
June 15 | June 1
May 15 | May 1
April 15 | April 1
March 15 | March 1
February E-news

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District 3

Toastmasters Int'l
District 3 Home Page
Club Location Maps
The Roadrunner
Speakers Bureau
Public Relations

Two people were talking about their investments at a coffee shop. One of them confided that all the changes in the share prices were making her so edgy that she could not sleep, or had terrible nightmares. "I am sleeping like a baby," said her friend. "I wake up every three or four hours and cry."

d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - October 1, 2000 
iBrief for Az Toastmasters
Pass the Torch - Take the PollS2 Contest Winners - Division Winners - Youth Leadership request -Presentation Tips - Division OTMsSix Keys to Clear CommunicationFall Conference - TLI Facilitator Training - Officers Not Home Alone - Az Center Skyline Charter - Printer Friendly

Pass the torch please
Watch for the Olympic-styled Torch that is being passed between Toastmasters Clubs throughout District 3 on its way to the Fall Conference in Tucson on Oct. 20. 

The Olympics inspired Torch was originated by Vicky and TC Canby for a theme meeting at Walkie Talkies. The idea to "pass" the Torch to other clubs was born at the Yavapai Division Contest on Sept. 23. Bobbie King, who carried the the Torch to both State Expressions, P-2 and T-Bird Talks, Y-2, the following week became the 1st Torch Bearer. The Torch includes the names of all clubs it visits. Watch for it. It may be passed to your club during the next three weeks. An extended "Pass the Torch" campaign will be considered at the Fall Conference.

Polling feature
A polling feature was included in the last newsletter with the belief that the interactive element would be fun, possibly informative, and certainly positively received. At last count 12 toastmasters had participated. Their votes indicated that giving manual speeches continues to be the majority choice.

I asked Richard Moore, one of our resident marketing professionals, to suggest how to increase use of the poll and provide potential questions. He did. At the top of his list was this gem: "If we continue to include a polling feature in the newsletter, will you use it?" Register your response at right ----->
Is there a poll question you would like to ask other Toastmasters? Click here if yes.

Final Area Speech Contest 
Area S-2 held its speech contest September 23. Acting Area Governor and Past District Governor Lee Wagner, DTM, reported the area's finalists as:
Winner: Annette N. Ferraioli, Saguaro, "Going Down?" 
Alternate: Erich Holzer, Object Orators, "Why?" 
Winner: Daniel Stringham, Aztec
Alternate: Don Adams, Los Nortenos

All Area winners and alternates for the Humorous and Evaluation Contests are listed on this page link.

Division Contests Winners
Humorous Speech Contest
Winner: Jo Swaback, Fountain Hills
                "Age Is Only Important to Cheese"
Alternate: Tim Hawley, CHATS 
                "The Eulogy - A Different Kind of Ice-Breaker"
Evaluation Contest
Winner: Terri Sparks, Fountain Hills
Alternate: Carol Chandler, Tri City

Winner: Dave Wachter, Chipmasters, G-2, "Rule of Home Maintenance"
Alternate: Jon Burroughs, New Horizons, G-4
                "Twinkie Nation"
Winner: Nancy Starr, Leaders Plus, G-3
Alternate: Susan Stromback, Good Neighbors, G-1
Winner: Brian Cavanaugh, Sound Blasters, 
                "Basic Training" 
Alternate: Lori Binns, Word Processors, 
               "Fun in Acapulco"
Winner: Rich Moore, Walkie Talkies 
Alternate: Bobbie King, T-Bird Talks
Winner: Mike McLain, Huachucha, S-3, "The Slap"
Alternate: Annette Ferraioli, Saguaro, S-2, "Going Down?"
Winner: Hanny El-hizawi, TV Toastmasters, S-1
Alternate: Don Smejkal, Cochise, S-3

Paiute - Contest Scheduled:
October 7, 9:30am, Az Republic, 200 E Van Buren

Youth Leadership request 
This note from Jane Kelly, Sec/Tres, Round Up: "I  recently received a call from Mr. Kimble of the Native Americans Community Health Center Youth Services (279-5262 ext. 245). He was inquiring about a toastmaster group for young teens. He has a group about 10 individuals; a few have some speaking experience as they go into the community and speak about drugs, etc. They meet on Thurs. evenings and need our help.  Please spread the word---maybe you know of someone who would like to participate on this youth project. This seems like a worthwhile cause." Also contact Youth Leadership Chairman Leonard Knight

Interesting overhead presentation tips
~ A 1-inch letter is readable from 10 feet. Two-inch letters from 20 feet, 3-inch letters from 30 feet, etc.
~ Assume 72-point fonts are 1-inch high.
~ Don't sacrifice readability for style. See for more.
~ Presenting from a laptop is much different than from a projector. See

Outstanding Division Toastmasters Named
Cholla - Vasanti Deshpande, ATMS/CL
Gila - Julie Stevens, ATMB/CL
Yavapai - Judy Edmond, ATM/CL
Sonoran - Marcia Golombik, DTM

Paiute - Announcement pending October 7 contest.
Outstanding Area Toastmasters

Six keys to clear communication
Getting across good ideas is the biggest challenge faced by anyone making a presentation. Some of the most important basic guidelines that have emerged from seminars conducted by Creative Training Techniques, according their report, include;
~ Present single ideas. ~ Be as specific as possible ~ Follow a logical sequence ~ Use language common to your listeners ~ Know your aim ~ Give the audience an overview. 

Fall Conference
There are some Toastmasters who believe that the most laughter ever achieved at a District Conference occurred during the interview of Ab Jackson following his humorous "Redman Tobacco" speech several years ago. Ab returns to the Fall Conference this year as the Keynote speaker. You may not want to miss it. October 20-21, Presidio Plaza Hotel, 181 W. Broadway, Tucson. Early registration deadline is Oct. 7. Registration form and conference information is included in the Roadrunner. Or download the online version.

TLI- Facilitator & Judges Training
One-full day event---set for October 22, immediately following the Fall Conference. Facilitator Training: 9AM to Noon. View Flyer. Judges Training: 1PM-4PM. Officer Training dates set. View  flyer.

Club Officers not "home alone"#
A review of club officer names does not reveal a McCully Culkin; therefore we suggest that none of our District 3 Club Officers are "home alone." They have direct access to a variety of organizational resource support provided by experienced Toastmasters. Educational and Marketing Committees, Area and Division Governors, and other willing Toastmasters can be there when help is needed. They are only a telephone call or an e-mail away. Club Officers---Not Home Alone, continued.

Charter Presentation
A formal Charter Presentation was held during last week's meeting of Arizona Center Skyline Toastmasters. President Darin Pipkin accepted the Charter presented by Marketing Chairman Art Nieto, DTM. The club meets Friday, 11:30am to 12:30pm at One Arizona Center, 400 E. Van Buren, Suite 1100, and its membership is open to all guests.

Toastmasters to participate in National Christmas Tree Lighting Pageant
This note courtesy John Munns, District 36: Below is an e-mail from Mike Nolan the District's representative for the National Pageant of Peace. This may seem early to be talking about XMAS, but these tickets go fast.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Nolan, Mike", Subject: National Pageant of Peace

I've just been notified that this year's Tree lighting will be on Monday, December 11 and that Toastmasters will be introducing entertainers at the National Christmas Tree every evening from December 12 through 30, except for December 24 and 25.

Tickets for the Tree lighting entertainment, which always has celebrity entertainers, will available by calling the National Park Service ASAP next Tuesday, October 3, at 202-208-1631. You can receive as many as six tickets per household. Mike Nolan, DTM, Toastmasters Pageant of Peace Coordinator. Add'l Event information

True Speech test
The true test of a speech is in the reaction of the whole audience, not of a single evaluator.
 -- Dr. Ralph Smedley

~ Glenn Pike, DTM | Next issue: October 15, 2000 

Send Instant Message
If I'm at the computer when you visit, we can chat.
If not, you are welcome to leave a message. - Glenn
Fall 2000 Conference to be held in Tucson's magnificent Presidio Plaza Hotel, October 20-21.
Conference Registration Form

Click map for larger view

Poll Participation

Will You Participate in Polls conducted in d3tm_enews?

Maybe, if the question interest me and I have an opinion
No, because I do not think polls add to the newsletter
Other. Send response by e-mail.

If you really want to give me advice, do it on Saturday afternoon between one and four o'clock, when you've got 25 seconds to do it, between plays. Don't give me advice on Monday. I know the right thing to do on Monday." -- Alex Agase, college football coach

Leadership tip:
"The speed of the leader determines the rate of the pack."


Changes in Club Meeting Time, Day, Location
Anniversaries, Charter Banquets, Open Houses, Other

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. Lucille Houston, ATM-G, Public Relations Officer, Chairman.
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