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District 3 Toastmasters - d3tm e-news - October 15,  2000

iBrief for Az Toastmasters
CONTENTS: The Long & The Short of It - Table Topic Skill - Fall Conference - Paiute Division Winners - Passing Torch - Poll  Report - Outstanding Division Toastmasters - TLI - Club Officers Not Home Alone 2 - Don't Recycle Your Newspapers - Estrella at New Location Members join PR Team - Worn 0ut Phrases

The Long and the Short of It
The best guideline for public speaking
That anyone has been able to spawn
Is get to the point as soon and you can
And then take off and be gone.
         - Wall Street Journal

The Table Topic Skill
Table Topics is an exercise in developing a skill while responding extemporaneously. The skill -- is to make a point, illustrate that point with two or three examples and to tie it soundly together for a solid close.

In addition to speaking impromptu, it requires listening --- to hear the question, and thinking --- to decide quickly how to present a worthwhile idea.

Fall Conference
Registration Chairman, Dan Winscot, ATM, says its not too late to register for the Fall Conference. If there is not sufficient time to register by mail, he will gladly accept your registration when you arrive. Download Registration form and Agenda at

“Step Up To The Plate" suggests Hanny El-hizawi in a flyer promoting the conference. "Come join Toastmasters from across the state for a fantastic Fall Conference, October 20 & 21, at the Presidio Plaza Hotel, 181 W. Broadway, in Tucson. Friday night includes a Dessert Social as well as the Evaluation Contest.
Fall 2000 Conference to
be held in Tucson's
magnificent Presidio
Plaza Hotel.
"Saturday includes a Banner contest, Opening ceremonies with keynote speaker Ab Jackson. There will be lots of stimulating educational sessions including:

“Laugh & Nobody Gets Hurt” by Peter Francis, “Speaking Excellence Through Self Hypnosis” by Melinda Nay, “How To Keep Them Happy Once They've Joined” by John Smelser, “Calling All News Hounds” by Lucille Houston, “Keeping the Commitment” by Dan Dawson, “20+=Quality Clubs” by Art Nieto. And more.

"Participate in the Executive Council Meeting.  See who gets the awards at the Hall of Fame luncheon. Socialize with fellow Toastmasters. Following dinner, watch the best of District 3 in the humorous contest."

Final Division Speech Contest
The Paiute Division contests, held October 7, 9:30am, at the Az Republic, 200 E Van Buren, concluded the District's division round of Speech Contests. Paiute's winners were:
Winner: Cathy Gauger, Area P3, Palm Lane, "Happy Trails"
Alternate: Jana Ruth, Area P4, Noontime, "Mommie Where Do Babies Come From?"
Winner: Liz Bebo,  Area P1, Valley
Alternate: Harry Wolfe, Area P2, Park Central

Outstanding Paiute Division Toastmaster:
   Janice Winscot, ATM, Media Masters

All Division & Area winners and alternates for the Humorous and Evaluation Contests are listed at
Passing the torch
Winding its way across the District --- passing through clubs in every division on a journey to the Fall Conference, the Olympic-styled TM Torch arrived last Wednesday at Western Sages where it was presented to club president Buddy Rosengarden, ATM. Tm-runner Jodie Kay Petra, DTM, took the torch on the next leg of its journey --- to Gilbert Toastmasters.

Poll Report
In the last edition we asked readers if they would participate in polls conducted in this newsletter. 87% of the respondents said Yes, 9% Maybe, 3% No. Based on the positive responses the newsletter will include a polling feature. Poll questions/ topics are welcome.
Buddy Rosengarden, ATM, and Helen Pugh, DTM, pose with torch at club meeting

Passing the torch
Winding its way across the District --- passing through clubs in every division on a journey to the Fall Conference, the Olympic-styled TM Torch arrived last Wednesday at Western Sages where it was presented to club president Buddy Rosengarden, ATM. Tm-runner Jodie Kay Petra, DTM, took the torch on the next leg of its journey --- to Gilbert Toastmasters.

Poll Report
In the last edition we asked readers if they would participate in polls conducted in this newsletter. 87% of the respondents said Yes, 9% Maybe, 3% No. Based on the positive responses the newsletter will include a polling feature. Poll questions/ topics are welcome.

Outstanding Division Toastmasters Named
Cholla - Vasanti Deshpande, ATMS/CL
Gila - Julie Stevens, ATMB/CL
Paiute - Janice Winscot, ATM
Sonoran - Marcia Golombik, DTM
Yavapai - Judy Edmond, ATM/CL

The winning Outstanding District 3 Toastmaster of the Year will be announced during the Fall Conference, following the evening Banquet and Speech Contest.

Outstanding Area Toastmasters are listed at

TLI- Facilitator & Judges Training
One-full day event---set for October 22, immediately following the Fall Conference. Facilitator Training: 9AM to Noon. View Flyer. Judges Training: 1PM-4PM. Officer Training dates set. View  flyer.
Club Officers not "home alone", con't
When is it time to look for help? Before it gets dark! At the first sign that the lights may be beginning to dim in your club --- make a  911 call to reach a variety of support services provided by experienced Toastmasters. Educational and Marketing Committees, Area and Division Governors, and other willing Toastmasters can be there to help when they know it is needed. Who are they? Club Officers---Not Home Alone, continued

Don't recycle your newspapers --- until...
One of our long time toastmasters seemed to always be willing to fill a speaking position when called the night before a meeting. Why was he always available on such short notice?

"I clip speech ideas from the daily newspaper," he said. "I have a box of vanilla folders which I've labeled with subjects that intrigue me: 'Art, Human Interest, Music, etc.' As I read the paper I clip out items that catch my attention.

"Newspaper files are inexpensive, easily accessible, and very beneficial. I know I will will be called on to speak sooner or later, so why not be prepared?"

Do this on a regular basis, he says, and you will be surprised at how your awareness of various subjects will expand and you are developing a good source of easy get material for future speeches.

Harvest your newspaper for ideas, look for good speech material on every page, and when you've gleamed your resources, its time to recycle those papers --- but not before.

New Meeting Location for Estrella TM
Estrella Toastmasters has a new address: Goodyear Fire Station No. 3, 3075 North Litchfield Road, Goodyear, Arizona. (This is NOT a mailing address change.)

The City of Goodyear has graciously allowed us to use the conference room in their newest facility.  We'll also be informing you about our upcoming open house soon. - Submitted by June Van Valkenburg

What is your favorite "worn-out phrase?"
Andy Rooney of Sixty Minutes made notes during a Presidential State of the Union Message, and discovered the speech could have been cut from 64 minutes to 45 minutes without losing anything but fat by eliminating clichés and worn-out phrases. Phrases from his notes included: "And so tonight, let us resolve ...", " We must do more..", "It is time to stop..", "I know it will be difficult...", "I say to you...", "And let's be honest...", "Therefore, I urge you ..." All of these phrases (and others he includes in the full story) he says have been used in all State of the Union messages for the past 50 years. Full story at
What "worn-out phrases" peeve you?

Susan Thayer and Alta Staley have joined PRO Lucille Houston's team of PR people. "Susan will help me do a PR
presentation at the Conference in Tucson, said Lucille. "She has a degree in PR and is a great asset. Alta has already  acquired an up-to-date list of newspapers and other possible contacts.
When I answered the telephone, a male voice said, "Come on over."
I didn't reply.
"Come on over. We're waiting for you," he said again impatiently.
Much annoyed, I asked, "To whom do you wish to speak?"
There was a long pause, and then he said, "I'm sorry, I've got the wrong number. Nobody I know says 'whom.'"
After listening to a speech, a discerning listener said, "He didn't have much to say, but he did a nice job of saying it."

Every good presentation must "have something to say." It must be build upon your desire to deliver a meaningful message to the audience, to communicate new information, new ideas, or a new approach to a familiar subject. The presentation must reward the listener for the time invested in listening to it.

Your "having something to say depends upon your willingness to gather facts relevant to your topic, your ability to present those facts in an original and imaginative way, and your ability to persuade your audience to embrace your objective.
- from Delivering A Strong Message, Learn to Speak with Impact, by John Schaefer and Marcelle A Brashear

Kind Words
Modern science is till trying to produce a tranquilizer more effective than a few kind words.

~ Glenn Pike, DTM | Next issue: November 1, 2000
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