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d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - September 1, 2000 
A positive learning experience: Speechcraft
This letter was written by Area Governor Vasanti Deshpande
and addressed to Gila Division Governor Don Griffith


Club52 conducts a speechcraft once a year, in order to recruit new
members.  This is a success story that is worth noting.  Each year 
clubs lose some members and have to keep recruiting. Club52 lost almost half
of its members when OnSemiconductor spun off from Motorola.  The club
was proactive. Before this actually happened, the club arranged an open
house last fall, partly to recruit new members, but also as a preamble
to the Speechcraft to be held in January.  Again, the club gained new
members.  The club is now thriving, and is once again planning an open
house in September and a speechcraft next Jan./Feb.

I have heard many clubs considering speechcraft, but I suspect only a
small fraction of them actually make it happen. It is wonderful to see
the kind of success Club52 has consistently had with it.  The reason 
for the success is the commitment Club52 has shown in dedicating 8 weeks of
meetings to planning, mentoring and nurturing potential members become
full-time members.  I am happy to report that I am one of the
beneficiaries of Club52's Speechcraft, who decided to join the club at
the end of my 8 weeks.

Judy Sutor, President of Club52, has already given a presentation at another C4 area club to share her experience. How can other clubs learn from this positive experience? 


Vasanti Deshpande, ATMS/CL
C4 Area Governor
District 3





Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. Lucille Houston, ATM-G, Public Relations Officer, Chairman.
Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL
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