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d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - September 1, 2000 
Speakers of the Empty Lectern 
Seve Broe, DTM

They’re elite.  They’re quick.  And if you need help with your club meeting, they’ll give you five to seven.

Yale University has its skull and crossbones society - a secret group of insiders.  The Boy Scouts has its own elite corps - the Order of the Arrow.  And now, Toastmasters has its own highly esteemed group of insiders.  Though they’ve been around for awhile, I am the first to publicly reveal the presence and inner workings of this cadre of crack orators.

I’ve chosen to call this group of minutemen the Speakers of the Empty Lectern. ; Although never officially chartered by the international organization, and the district leadership may deny its existence; by their acts, you shall know them.  This cabal of capable speakers is well regarded by all experienced Toastmasters as a special brigade, and

You’ve been there, I’m sure.  The meeting starts - you may even have a special guest! - and the speaker for the program hasn’t shown up.  A few inquiries are discreetly made, or the Toastmaster calls from the lectern, "Would anybody like to give an impromptu speech?"  Some of  the newer members are hushed into respectful silence.  "An impromptu speech?" they wonder.   "Is the Toastmaster serious?  No one is going to take that challenge."   And another will think, "Let’s just extend Table Topics."  A nervous leader may wring her hands and sweat profusely.  "Perhaps we should cancel the meeting," some will think. Yes, you’ve been there as the experienced, brave or foolhardy member raises his or her voice from a corner, "I’ll give that speech.  I’ll do it." ; All the doubters in the room are quieted Often that special person will give an unforgettable speech, a breakthrough address.  And even if that person hasn’t yet earned the CTM credential, the "seasoned" members of the club will now view this

I watched a member give that impromptu, watershed speech today.  And even though he had only completed two speeches before the group, watched this gentleman capably rise to the occasion.  He will never be called "novice" in Toastmasters again.  Fellow
Toastmaster, I dub thee a "Speaker of the Empty Lectern."  It is  always impressive when it happens.  Like a battlefield promotion, this person has earned additional prestige in the club, and claimed for himself an extra helping of self-confidence.

Are you a Speaker of the Empty Lectern?  Have you helped out your club at a time of crisis, a moment when the program faltered, and all looked black?  Can you prepare a speech just like that?  Are you willing to stand up and try?   Can you just say, "I can do that?" - and then make it happen?

Truly, members who take this challenge are the Knights of our organization.   Give them honor, watch them and learn from them.  The Speakers of the Empty Lectern are the boldest risk-takers of Toastmasters. They carry the torch of Dr. Ralph Smedley even when doubt and hesitation threaten to extinguish it.   In a society of speakers, the Speakers of the Empty Lectern have earned a distinctive grandeur.

(c) 2000 Steve Broe

Steve is a member of Early Risers, Scottsdale Ranch and Airpark






Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. Lucille Houston, ATM-G, Public Relations Officer, Chairman.
Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL
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