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d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - September 1, 2000 
Speech Contests

Paiute Division Fall Speech Contests Schedule

Area P1 - AG Joe DeRico ATMS/CL
Saturday, September 9 
8:00 am Briefing  9:00 am Contest
Arizona Republic Newspaper Building
200 E Van Buren, 4th Floor, Phoenix.
Admission - Free

Area P2 - AG Bobbie Mendenhall, ATMB
Saturday, September 9 
1:00 pm Briefing  2:00 pm Contest
Arizona Republic Newspaper Building
200 E Van Buren, 4th Floor, Phoenix.
Admission - Free

Area P3
Combined with Area P1

Area P4 - AG Joyce Dunker, CTM/CL
Combined with Area P2

Paiute Division
Contest Chair Div Gov. Richard Chard
Chief Judge - 
Saturday October 7 
8:30 AM  Briefing,  9:30 AM Contest
Arizona Repubic, 200 E. Van Buren, 4th Floor
Admission - 



Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. Lucille Houston, ATM-G, Public Relations Officer, Chairman.
Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL