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d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - September 1, 2000 
Update - Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI)
Nancy Starr, DTM, TLI Chair

Toastmasters Leadership Institute is not only the place to prepare for leading your club to success; it is a place to practice your personal leadership skills!  With a total of 35 break-out sessions, Summer 2000 TLI provided ample opportunities to learn more about the responsibilities of an officer, and time for putting those skills to work. 

Our summer TLI events were incredibly successful ? providing training for more than 430 attendees! 

The feedback from these attendees allows us to make plans for an even more dynamic program for the next TLI.  One significant change we are making to the program is a focus on the Veteran training ? specific training for those who are continuing in their current office, or have held a club officer position previously.  Since a large percentage of our TLI attendees are Veteran officers, we want to ensure their training needs are met.   Judy Norris, ATM-B has been appointed to serve as the TLI Veteran Officer training coordinator, assisted by Dr. Pat Gangi, ATM. 

Frequently asked questions about TLI :

Q:  What is TLI?
A:  The officially sanctioned leadership training for District 3. At TLI, we train our club and district officers, as well as provide contest workshops and judges training sessions. 

Q: If our club elects officers annually, do we have to attend training again in the winter?
A:  Yes!  First, the Distinguished Club Plan (DCP) requires a club to train at least 4 officers each six months.  To prevent your training from being redundant, we offer a “Veteran Officer” roundtable for those who are continuing or repeating an office. 

Q:  How is the Veteran Officer training different from the “Nuts N Bolts” training for new officers? 
A:  Although the “basics” are reviewed, a significant portion of the program is devoted to solving problems and addressing specific issues for those who are experienced. 

Q:  Do we have to spend the whole day at TLI?
A:  Come when you can, leave when you must! The only requirement is to attend the session for the office you hold.  All other sessions are electives, which allow you to learn more about leadership tools for club and personal success!

Reserve these dates for Winter TLI (locations to be announced).  For up-to-date TLI information, check 

         ·       Saturday, December 9, 2000
         ·       Saturday, January 6, 2001
         ·       Saturday, January 13, 2001

Interested in participating in TLI as a volunteer, as a facilitator, or an aide? Please contact TLI Chairman, Nancy Starr for more information. 480.423.0037 or 






Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. Lucille Houston, ATM-G, Public Relations Officer, Chairman.
Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL
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