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District 3 Executive Council Meeting Minutes 7-29-2000

Summary Index to Past Issues
(Feb-Aug, 2000)

September 1
August 15 | August 1
July 15 July 1
June 15 | June 1
May 15 | May 1
April 15 | April 1
March 15 | March 1
February E-news

Welcome to 
District 3


d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - September 18 2000 
Membership Building Strategies...That Work
Past International Director Susan Niven, DTM
A Winning Membership Campaign from District 32
Many of you will remember that around this time last year, the
newsletter included info about "Membership Monopoly" - one of the Top 10 Membership Campaigns for 1998/99. Well, CHRISTINE HALL of Talking Rain TM in Dupont WA will be onstage at the Hall of Fame for the 2nd year in a row, to accept a Top 10 membership Campaign plaque for Talking Rain's  1999/2000 program called "Traveling The World With Toastmasters!. Here's how Christine described it to me:

"This was a 6 week membership drive that invited our members to Travel the World. The week before the kick-off meeting, each member was given a boarding pass for "Toastmasters Air". At the kick-off meeting, everyone received a travel bag containing a hand-made Passport, a blow up world globe to hang at their desk with a sign that said "I'm traveling the world - Ask how to join me!", guest invitations, and airline-type snacks. Members traveled around the world by earning mileage points - getting signatures in the passport - for bringing travel companions (guests) to meetings, turning guests to members, and more. The Club members were divided into 2 teams - the Eiffel Tower Team & the Stonehenge Team, and 2 game pieces - an Eiffel Tower statue & picture of Stonehenge - tracked their travels on a big world map posted at every  week's meeting. Points were determined by actual miles between destinations. The team that traveled the most miles won. The non-winning team had to provide the ethnic food for the pot luck lunch, the week after the membership campaign ended."

Sure ... it was a Ton of Fun ... but check out these numbers:
* 81 Passport Signatures
* 36 Guests
* 10 New Members ... all in 6 weeks!

Thanks, Christine, for sharing this great idea - and Congratulations !!!

Lots of Clubs create Membership Building Contests. Others put up posters at every meeting to keep track of which members have invited guests ... and which of those guests have joined the Club. Whether there is a formal contest going on, or a more loosely-defined ongoing membership  drive, there are some features that describe the most successful
strategies. Some of those are:

* Every member in the Club knows that inviting Guests is important!
* Every member is committed to the necessity of bringing in new members
* Every member knows how to be successful with their invitations
* The Club has some helpful written materials to give to Guests
* The Club keeps track of Guests, and contacts them about coming back
* Everyone makes Guests feel welcome
* Program participants explain their roles, so that Guests can follow the meeting
* Guests are invited to join!

Exerpt from Region I Newsletter, August 2000, past International Director Susan Niven, Editor.


Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. Lucille Houston, ATM-G, Public Relations Officer, Chairman.
Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL
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