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District 3 Toastmasters - September 19, 2000 

iBrief: September Update

Roadrunner in mail
The Summer 2000 issue of the Roadrunner newsletter has been mailed. If you do not receive a copy soon, or if you have new members whose names may not be on T.I.'s mailing labels yet, call or send an email to editor Janice Winscot for extra copies. Or, you can download Adobe Acrobat pdf copies from the Roadrunner website by clicking here.

District Directory available
A Directory of the District's Leadership 2000 (officers & committee chairs) and a Club Directory (listing club presidents and educational vps) with contact information were distributed at the Executive Council meeting, September 16. Copies are available from your area and division governors. A pdf copy can also be email to you upon request.

Area Speech Contest last Friday evening
This past weekend Area S-1 held its speech contest. Past District Governor Jim Davis , DTM, reported the finalists as:
Winner: Ramon Valencia, Granada, "Pulling the Plug"
Alternate: Eric Erickson, Eyeopeners, "May It Please the Court"
Winner: Hanny El-hizawi, TV Toastmasters
Alternate: M. Hitch Paprocki, Eyeopeners

All Area winners and alternates for the Humorous and Evaluation Contests are listed on this page link.

One Contest to go
Only one Area Speech Contest remains: S-2. It will be hosted by past District Governor and acting S-2 Area Governor Lee Wagner, DTM.
          Area S2, Sun, Sept 24, 2:00pm Briefing, 2:30pm Contest
          IFS, next to Wal-mart on Speedway, Tucson

Division Contests?
          September 22, 6pm, Gila, St Matthews, Baseline,Tempe
          September 23, 8am, Cholla, SRP, Tempe
          September 23, 9am, Yavapai, AG Comm. I-17 & Yorkshire
          September 30, 7pm, Sonoran, Veterans Hosp, Tucson
          October 7, 8:30am, Paiute, Arizona Republic, Phoenix
                More Division Contest information

Outstanding Area Toastmasters recognized
As reported by Division Governors Don Griffith and Joe Snyder for Cholla and Gila Divisions

Area C2 - Pam Hall, CTM/CL, Shea Way, Tri-City, and Premium.
Area C4 - Bill Smeed, Voice of Motorola
Area C5 - Cyndi Newburn, ATMB/CL Papago
Area G3 - Mike Herskovitz, DTM, Motorola Echoes
Area G4 - Vickie Treciak, ATMS, Gilbert
Area G5 - Melissa Jones, CTM, Mesa Red Tape

Outstanding Division Toastmasters will be recognized during the forth-coming Division Contests.

Speak-A-Thon success
State Expressions held it first Speak-A-Thon on August 21 and declared it a huge success. The fast-pace meeting was concise, well received and will become a quarterly event, according to Gloria Diaz, VP Public Relations and editor of State Expression's club newsletter "The Express."

"As the name implies, a Speak-A-Thon is a meeting dedicated to back-to-back speakers" states Gloria. "During such a meeting only the absolutely necessary functionaries are used in order to allow a maximum amount of time for speeches. Speak-A-Thons provide an opportunity for members to advance through their manual speeches."

Club Membership Building Strategies ... that Work!
Every healthy Club makes membership building an ongoing activity states past International Director, Susan Niven, DTM, in the August edition of her "Region I Newsletter."

"Christine Hall of Talking Rain TM in Dupont WA was onstage at the Hall of Fame in Miami for the 2nd year in a row, to accept a Top 10 Membership Campaign plaque for her club's 1999/2000 program called "Traveling The World With Toastmasters!. "Here's how Christine described it to me," said Susan:

"This was a 6 week membership drive that invited our members to Travel the World. The week before the kick-off meeting, each member was given a boarding pass for "Toastmasters Air." At the kick-off meeting, everyone received a travel bag containing a hand-made Passport, a blow up world globe to hang at their desk with a sign that said "I'm traveling the world - Ask how to join me!", guest invitations, and airline-type snacks were included. To continue seeing how Christine's "Travel the World" campaign worked, read Susan's full report on this linked page.

Top Ten Points of a Great Speech
Thomas Leonard has these three ideas in his top ten list of points that make a great speech: #2) Achieve and touch the audience, #5) Create a sense of urgency, and #7) Make your points specific. Read Tom's ten points, then send your Top Ten to us for future publication.

A Guest At Every Meeting
That is the goal of Overlake Club 2889-2 President Lauren Thomas . If there is not a guest present at a meeting, she appoints a member to be the "Phantom Guest." At the end of the meeting, the Phantom Guest gives comments as if it were his or her first visit. The practice not only reminds every member that they always need to be inviting guests, but it also requires members to look at the Club through the eyes of a Guest. (Contributed by District 2 Governor Jerry Weltner to Region I Newsletter, August 2000)

Three New Districts in Toastmasters International
As of July 1st, there are now 77 Districts in Toastmasters International, plus one Council. New Districts are: District 59P - Central Europe (49 Clubs), District 67P - Taiwan (48 Clubs), and District 76P - Japan (40 Clubs)! Gulf Toastmasters Council (22 Clubs) is working toward securing 60 Clubs to reach full District status!

Leadership attributes need nurturing to grow
Encourage these winning qualities whenever they are demonstrated says Lawrence Balter, Phd, professor of applied psychology at NYU:
     Like ability: a friendliness and charm that naturally attract others.
     Persuasiveness: the ability to convince others to follow a specific plan.
     Daring: a willingness to take chances and persevere, even in the ace of failure.
     Energy: a vitality that keeps one going and inspires other  to do the same.
     Decisiveness: the ability to choose a course of action.
     Adaptability: a willingness to try new methods and abandon ineffective ones.
     Optimism: the belief that one will ultimately succeed.
     Goal-directed  approach: the drive to get things accomplished.
           -Lawrence Balter, Ph.D, author of "Who's in Control?" (Fireside)

A quarterly District Executive Council session
met Saturday, September 16, at the Arizona Republic Building, Phoenix, with 31 district officers and committee chairpersons present. Information highlights included:
     Executive, PJ Glauz,DG:
    Education & Training, Virgina Richtar, LE&T:
    Marketing, Mike Herskovits, LGM: Clubs at charter membership has reached %52 (up from 33%). Two new clubs chartered: Voices of Vital #1724, Tempe, Az Center Skyline #4005, KMPG, Phoenix.
    Public Relations, Lucille Houston, PRO: 30 Day Sept. Plan:
          1. I will invite one guest to my club
          2. I will speak to one person for 16 seconds about TM
          3. I will speak to one person for 1 minute about my club
          4. Hand out five flyers promoting Toastmasters and my club

   Special Committee reports
     TLI - Facilitator Training set for October 22.

I don't mind telling you what I think. I'm undecided. 

~ Glenn Pike, DTM | Next issue: October 1, 2000