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Happy Birthday Koty!!!!!

This page is for Dakotah's First Birthday. Happy First Birthday sweet angel face.

Has it really been a yr since you graced our lives with your sweet presence?

Has it really been a yr since we looked into those beautiful eyes if yours?

Has it really been a yr since you brought joy back into my life?

Has it really been a yr since we held you for the first time?

So many months have gone by since that first time I held you

So many months since I last saw your smile

So many months since the joy has left

So many months now of wondering "why me again".

We love you sweet Angel Face, and Miss you so much.

Hope you have a special day with all the angels above.

In Memory of Dakotah Rayne Dougherty on his first birhday, he should have been with us. Written by: Delynn Jones, July 7,2000.

For those not familiar with Koty's story or his family. He is one of 3 angels now Gone on to a "better place". His brothers Gunnar and River were stillborn in 1997, and Koty left his family September 6,1999 just one day shy of being 2 mths old. His cause of death was SIDS. Please try and put any baby to sleep on his or her side as it can HELP prevent SIDS but to warn you it DOES NOT ALWAYS PREVENT SIDS, we know Koty always slept on his back or side. His momma would not allow him to sleep on his stomach and he still died from SIDS.

Koty was a very special little boy who was and is still loved by so many including those who never got the chance to know him, so on this his special day please join us in lighting a special candle to let his family know that is still loved and missed.

Koty, even though I never had the chance to meet and get to know you like your momma, I still feel it in my heart like it was yesterday. The pure joy your parents had when they called me to let me know that you had made your arrival in this world. I can still remember how happy I was for your momma that she finally had her baby safely in her arms cause I know how scared she was that what happened to your brothers would happen to you. I really wanted to jump on the airplane and come see you but I could not. I really wish now that I had. Your sweet little face is etched in my memory and heart and will never be erased. Please look over your momma this next few weeks as she needs you so much to help her be strong for not only herself but for your new baby brother that is on the way.

I love you Koty, Happy Birthday!!


Delynn, Nathaniel and Kristen's Momma

A very special thank you goes out to Shelly, angel Kaylee's Momma for helping me to do these graphics for Koty's birthday page. Thank you so much.Shelly's Page
