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Tournaments held: Indefinitely canceled

Your hosts

Our assistants, when needed

These rules are DIFFERENT than the average tournament!!!! The Hosts will assume you have read all of them!!!
1. Each round will consist of the best 2 out of 3 games for the partners. THIS IS A SINGLE ELIMINATION TOURNAMENT. If you lose the round, you are out for the remainder.

2. Players will choose their partners for the first round. Each round thereafter, the Host will set the games.

3. At the end of each game, the player who set the game needs to tell the host the outcome by stating in the room who won. Once the HOST has been notified of the outcome, restart your game and continue on with the rest of the round. THE HOST MUST BE CALLED TO ACTUALLY CHECK THE LAST GAME OF THE ROUND TO VERIFY ADVANCEMENT TO THE NEXT ROUND.

4. Once games are checked, the results stand as is. There will be no “GIVING” another player a win unless the opponent concedes BEFORE the games are checked.

5. BOOT RULE: You get one free boot per tourney, after that, you will take a loss for that game, and be given 5 minutes to return in order to continue with the round. If taking a loss for the boot makes that your second loss in the round, then you are eliminated. EXCEPTION: The HOST will watch the final round and have the final say on the outcome of boots. The intention is for the ultimate champion to actually defeat the opponent twice in order to win. However, if a player boots and the outcome of the game was easily determinable, the HOST can and may declare a victor in the game.

6. When available, there will be an assistant here to the host, to fill the numbers so there will be no BYES...this assitant is not elligible to win the tourney unless by some freak of fate they do play every round (and win, of course)! If there are an odd number of players at the start of the first round, the “odd-man out” MAY receive a bye for round one if no other player arrives before the end of the first game in round one. NO PLAYERS WILL BE ALLOWED TO START WITH A LOSS. Late arrivals may not be allowed to play. It is contingent on there being a readily available opponent to start playing before the end of the first game in round one is over. If you arrive AFTER the first game in round one is over, you will not be allowed to join the tournament.

7. Please, do NOT use nude or obscene avs or gestures, or vulgar language. If you persist in doing so, you will be asked to leave, and will not be included in further pairings for that tournament.

8. We appeal to the honesty and integrity of all participants, and do not condone, nor will we tolerate, the use of dice doubler programs or any other means of “cheating.”

For Winners, click here.

Danaelia's GammonCircus-Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3pm central
Lots-O-Laughs Gammon; Wednesdays 8am central
Coffee, Tea or Gammon-Tuesdays and Thursdays 7am
Wench's Gammon Gallows; Thursdays 7pm central
Aelia's Paint Shoppe