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*Today, we have a very special guest giving the disclaimer. I'd like to introduce Akio Ohtori (of "Revolutionary Girl Utena" fame), Chairman of the Board of the Ohtori Academy, proud owner of the Akio-car™, and all-around Pimp-Daddy. Akio?*

Akio: (sitting on a white couch, sipping an iced drink that has appeared from nowhere) Thank you, Crystal Dawn. None of the characters in this story belong to Crystal Dawn, for she does not manipulate and control everything as I do.

*Thank you, Akio. I think. (runs away quickly, because Akio just scares the living hell out of her. And the ending of "The Power of Dios" didn't make any sense because of him, which HIGHLY pisses Crystal Dawn off)*

Bishojo Senshi Sailor Comet

Act I

Episode 7

Only Skin Deep

Onnaha tsuyoku utsukushika! Musashi to Kasumi taiketsu!

Girls should be strong and beautiful! Musashi and Kasumi face off!

Gloom and dank darkness permeated the air. Far in the distance, thunder sounded and a creature of some sort howled. The blackness seemed to breathe. The sound of footsteps echoed through a large, arched passageway. The footsteps trailed off around a corner and echoed into an even larger chamber. A man smiled wickedly.

"My general," a red-haired woman sitting upon a throne said calmly, "How goes your affairs on Earth?"

"Well, my Queen," the white-haired general replied, "I have a new plan to gain control of the Silver Imperium Crystal." The Queen smiled, sharp eyeteeth glistening in the dim light.

"Do tell, Malachite," she said with malicious overtones coloring her voice.

"I've a plan," Malachite said deviously, "To determine exactly which of those two new Scouts holds the Silver Crystal. My servants have secretly taken over a popular beauty parlor. Sailor Comet's vanity is incredible, and if I know anything about her at all, it'll draw her in instantly. And judging from the way things have been going, wherever she goes, Sailor Nereid is bound to show up." Queen Beryl seemed to nod in agreement.

"Didn't you already try that beauty parlor scam with Sailor Moon before?", a voice echoed behind Malachite. Malachite snarled as Prince Darien stepped out of the shadows. "Don't tell me you're losing your creativity, Malachite," the Prince said, mockingly.

"The first step to victory," Malachite sneered, "Is to know your opponent. Their strengths as well as their weaknesses. If you hadn't noticed, Sailor Comet's biggest weakness is her vanity." He turned and glared at Darien, all the while retaining his noble air. "It is the key to defeating her," Malachite said smugly, "And as soon as we lure those brats into our trap, the Silver Crystal is as good as ours!" Malachite folded his cape in front of his chest, flickered, and disappeared.

"It may be true that knowing your opponent is vital," Darien said, almost to no one at all, "But without cunning, all the knowledge in the world is useless."


Jesse happily stepped toward the temple stairs, humming to herself. Every so often she'd sing a word or two, and Luna thought she would soon go insane listening to it. "Uchuu no hate ga," Jesse sang under her breath, ignoring the effect it was having on Luna. The little black cat simply made a gagging noise.

"What's gotten into you today, Jesse?", Luna said, exasperated, "Usually you have such a sour attitude! Today you're all sunshine and lollipops!" Jesse stopped and turned her head to look at Luna, who was perched on her shoulder as usual. She dug something out of one of the pockets on her skirt, and held it up for Luna to see.

"This!", Jesse said, showing Luna the flyer, "Look! Ikuko Beauty Salon is giving away all their services for free just for today! Doesn't that sound great?" Luna wasn't really sure she liked the "new", happier Jesse.

"It sounds familiar," Luna grumbled, "As I recall, the Negaverse did something like that to trap Sailor Moon once...." Jesse looked at Luna in interest for a second, and then smiled happily again.

"Don't be silly, Luna," Jesse said, "They're not going to go to all that trouble. And besides, I just can't resist a place that's going to make me look even more incredibly stunning and gorgeous! Not that I need it, though...." Jesse sighed pleasantly and began walking towards the steps again.

"Actually, I think if you wore any more make-up, you'd need a hammer and a chisel to take it off at night," Luna muttered. Jesse stopped, huffing.

"What did you say, cat?", Jesse growled.

"When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes...." Jesse heard a familiar voice coming from behind her. She turned around to see James sitting on the temple porch, reading (rather loudly) from a book. "I all alone beweep my outcast state," he continued, trying to sound dramatic. Jesse walked over towards him, listening to his reading. "And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries," he said soulfully, "And look upon myself and curse my fate, Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, Featured like him, like him, like him with friends possessed...." Jesse looked on in amazement. She wasn't sure what James was reading, or why, but she thought it was beautiful. She continued to step towards him until she was standing beside his chair on the porch. "Desiring this man's art, and that man's scope, With what I most enjoy continued least; Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising, Haply I think on thee, and then my state," James went on, looking up at Jesse, "Like to the lark at break of day arising, From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate; For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings, That them I scorn to change my state with kings." Jesse sat down beside James' chair, looking at him in adoration.

"That was beautiful, James!", Jesse said dreamily, "What is it?" James looked strangely satisfied.

"It's Shakespeare's Sonnet 29," James said, sounding rather proud of himself, "It basically says, 'I'm a loser, but you love me, so it's okay.' There's one in here that made me think of you, Jesse..." He began flipping through the pages of the book, finally settling on the right page. Jesse looked pleased.

"Really?", she chirped, "I'm sure it's beautiful, gorgeous, and wonderful if it reminded you of me!" James smiled smugly. Luna sighed, rolling her eyes.

'Flattery will get him everywhere,' Luna thought sarcastically.

"It's Sonnet 18," James commented, looking down at the book, "Ahem. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date." Jesse continued to gaze up at him affectionately. "Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed; And every fair from fair sometimes declines, By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimmed," James continued, "But thy eternal summer shall not fade. Nor loose possession of all that fair thou ow'st. Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade When in eternal lines to time thou grows't." Jesse sighed. "So long as men can breathe or eyes can see," James went on, "So long lives this, and this gives life to thee." By now, Jesse had clasped her hands in front of her chest and had begun sighing heavily.

"That was so beautiful!", Jesse said, breathlessly, "It describes me perfectly! Oh, James..." James looked down with a smug look on his face. Jesse closed her eyes for a second. When she opened them again, she was in a throne room, sitting beside the throne that Shooting Star occupied. She looked down and saw herself wearing her princess gown. She blinked again, and just as suddenly as the vision had appeared, it was gone. 'Was that... what the Silver Millennium was like?', Jesse thought, looking back up at the still-smiling James. The silence was broken by the sound of a bus pulling up to the stop in front of the temple. Jesse's head jerked around toward the sound. "Oh, no!", she squawked, jumping up and running off the porch, "The bus! I'm going to miss my bus!" She ran down the stairs and out of sight, Luna hanging onto her shoulder for dear life. James' smile turned into a scowl.

"Of all the luck," James scoffed, "She ran away again!" The doors to the temple opened beside him and Meowth strolled out.

"What were you doin' out here?", Meowth asked his human partner, "I could hear you all da way in the temple!" James held up his book.

"I was reading Shakespeare," James said snootily. Meowth snickered at that statement before bursting into full-fledged laughter.

"And... just exactly wot was you readin' Shakespeare for?", Meowth managed to choke out between giggles, "Isn't that stuff a little... over yer head?" Meowth started to roll on the ground.

"I was reading it to try and impress Jesse," James said defensively, "And it's not over my head!"

"An' wot makes you t'ink dat's gonna impress her?", Meowth asked, regaining his composure.

"Well," James said, trying to sound intelligent, "It worked for Romeo! Juliet fell in love with him after he read Shakespeare to her!" Meowth simply adopted a look of disgusted disbelief.

"You moron!", Meowth shrieked, "Shakespeare wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'!"


Misty was sitting in the bleachers at the practice room in the Pokemon Center with Artemis and Togepi. Ash and Brock were battling to train for the tournament that was a few days away and she was listening to a local radio station on a walkman and a set of headphones. She scowled as a commercial interrupted the music programming. "Are you unhappy with your look?", the radio chirped into Misty's ear.

"Uh, not really," Misty responded dully. The radio continued with its pitch.

"Or would you just like to treat yourself to a make-over?", the radio voice went on. Misty perked up a little. "'But, wait,' you say, 'I don't have that kind of money!'", the announcer continued, as Misty drooped a little.

"No," she sighed dejectedly.

"Well, today you don't need money to look the way you've always dreamed!", the voice said perkily. Misty began to look excited.

"Tell me more!", she said happily, turning up the radio.

"Today only at the Ikuko Beauty Salon," the voice went on, finally getting to the point, "Everything and every service in the salon is free! No strings attached!" Misty gasped, hearing the magic, four-letter, "f"word. "So come to the Ikuko Beauty Salon and treat yourself the way you deserve to be treated!" Misty had heard enough. She jumped up excitedly, grabbed Artemis and Togepi, and ran down the bleachers. As she headed for the door to the practice room, Ash called a time out in his battle.

"Hey, Misty," he yelled, turning around, "Where ya goin'?" She turned to see him and Brock.

"I'm going to the Ikuko Beauty Salon!", Misty called back, "Everything there is free, just for today! I'm going to get a complete make-over!" Ash sniggered.

"It won't help you any, Misty," he laughed, "You'll come back still able to break mirrors!" Misty stalked over to the Pokemon Master wannabe.

"The only reason I'd ever break a mirror," Misty yelled, pounding Ash over the head with her fist, "Is to hit you with it, Ash Ketchum!" After satisfactorily pummeling Ash, Misty turned and walked out the practice room door.

'Remind me never to get her mad,' Artemis thought to himself from his vantage point on Misty's shoulder.


"There you go, miss," the friendly beautician said, "Your hair's all set! I'll come back by in a minute to start your manicure!" The beautician walked away from Jesse, leaving her to bake in that big, heavy hair-setter machine she'd just been strapped into. Jesse smiled and picked up a "teen-girl" magazine that had been resting on the table beside her. Jesse turned right to the horoscopes, not really caring about the "Is he crushing on you?", or "Are you a spaz Quiz" sections. She finally found the page she was looking for and ran her finger down the columns of words, looking for her sign.

"Leo, Leo...", she said to herself. Her finger stopped half-way down the page. "Here it is," she mumbled, as Luna sat purring at her feet.


Meanwhile, in the supply room of the beauty salon, several monitor screens lit the walls. There were monitors viewing almost every imaginable angle in the salon. In addition to the video monitors, there was also a screen showing some kind of models, DC charts, and computations. In front of that monitor stood the woman who had, just moments before, set Jesse's hair. She scowled at the screen in front of her. "All blasted day, and not even a hint of the Silver Crystal!", she complained. A white haired man appeared behind her, shimmering into view.

"I take it you've not located the crystal yet?", Malachite asked. The black-haired beautician glowered.

"No, m'lord," she scoffed, "We've had no luck so far." Malachite looked at the screens and monitors.

"Don't fret, Cosmetica," he said, "Those scouts and that crystal are bound to show up. They always do. But other than that, is everything going as planned?" Cosmetica turned to one of the control panels and typed a few keys. The screen with the computations flickered and began showing something else that looked like a diagram of a power source connecting to several places.

"Of course, sir," she said, "The black crystal has been installed to scan all the hair-setters in the salon. When the person who possesses the crystal sits in one of the hair-setters, the black crystal instantly detects them." The video monitor showed some sort of visual interpretation of what Cosmetica had just said. It showed the Silver Crystal being placed in one of the hair-setters and the machine detecting it.

"Wonderful," Malachite hissed, "It's only a matter of time before those Sailor Nuisances fall straight into our trap!" He turned and with a flutter of his cape, vanished.


The doorbell of the salon went off, letting the workers know that another customer had entered. A girl holding a white cat and an egg pokemon walked in. "Hiiiiieeee!", Misty chirped happily as a beautician walked over to her. From her hair setter, Jesse visibly flinched upon hearing the girl's voice. She looked up from her horoscope and scowled.

"I was having such a great day, too," Jesse said to no one in particular, "Now that the twerp's here, she'll ruin everything!" Jesse watched as the beautician led Misty to the setter directly across from her. Misty got strapped in, much the same way as Jesse was. Jesse sat and fumed. Misty looked up from the beautician and happened to notice the angry red-head sitting across from her.

"Ahhh! It's you!", Misty squawked, "What are you doing here!?!" Jesse glared in return.

"Making myself even more beautiful," Jesse said, irritated, "But I suppose I don't need a make-over as much as SOME people I could mention..." Misty glared back.

"At least a make-over will make me look better," Misty said, sticking her nose up in the air, "What about you... putty face?" Jesse's face turned red and she clenched her fists. For a second, she looked as though she would explode. Just as suddenly, her face returned to its normal color.

"Hmph," Jesse sniffed, "I'm not going to allow you to ruin my day, pest. You can keep on making your little comments, because they don't bother me. I'm having far too nice of a day to waste my time with the likes of you!" With that, Jesse brought the magazine back up to her face and continued to read. Luna hopped up onto her lap.

"Why?", Luna meowed, just plainly enough that only Jesse and Misty could hear. Luna gave Jesse an inquisitive look.


Meanwhile, in the control room, Cosmetica was watching the monitors intently and working at a keyboard. She was jolted from her work by the sound of an alarm. Her eyes darted from one monitor to the next, desperate to find what had set off the alarm. Suddenly, she found the reason for the alarm. "That's it!", she said triumphantly, "They're the one who has the Imperium Silver Crystal!" She jumped up from her chair and went for the door.


"Why?", Jesse said back to her, "Because I'm in love with two men at once!" Jesse dreamily gazed off into nowhere as Misty looked on, amused.

"Oh?", Misty asked, obviously looking to hit a nerve, "And which two men would that be? Maybe James and Meowth?" Misty thought that was incredibly funny and began laughing. Luna and Artemis ran for cover - they knew Jesse was about to go off. Jesse jumped right out of her hair setter, hands balled into fists.

"You little pain!", she yelled, seething, "That's not funny! What about you and Ash and Brock, huh!?!" Misty's face turned beet red.

"What's that supposed to mean!?!", Misty screamed back, placing Togepi in the seat and jumping up as well.

"You know!", Jesse yelled back. Suddenly, before either girl could deck the other, a strange current crackled through all the hair setters, knocking the occupants out cold. The salon workers mysteriously vanished. Jesse and Misty both stopped dead in their tracks and looked around.

"Uh oooh," Misty said, "Looks like trouble." Just then a silhouette appeared in the back doorway.

"I've got you now, you little pest!", a female voice cackled, "I'll have that Imperium Silver Crystal!" Jesse and Misty exchanged a knowing glance.

"Make that double," Jesse muttered more to herself than Misty. Cosmetica, complete with bright pink bodysuit, red lips, and shimmering black hair stepped out of the doorway. Suddenly, Luna ran out from under one of the hair setters.

"Transform!", the little black cat yelled, "Hurry! We need Sailor Scouts! Now!" Misty and Jesse immediately took out their transformation wands and held them in the air.

"Comet... Power!", Jesse yelled. Sparks and ribbons flew out of the wand and seconds later Sailor Comet stood in Jesse's place.

"Nereid... Power!", Misty yelled. Bubbles and ribbons sprang from her wand and covered her. When they disappeared, Sailor Nereid was ready for a fight.

"Now...", Comet began, "Prepare for trouble!"

"And make it double!", Nereid continued.

"To protect our world from the Negaverse!", Comet exclaimed.

"To place their evil under our curse!", Nereid went on, taking a step forward.

"To defend the values of all us girls!", Comet said, striking a pose. True to her previous word, Luna rolled her eyes.

"To protect the people in our world!", Nereid followed, turning to look more dramatic.

"Sailor Comet!"

"Sailor Nereid!"

"Get ready for defeat," Comet started off, pointing a gloved finger at the monster.

"And a lot of pain, too!", Nereid finished, drawing her clinched little fist up to her chin..

"In the name of our world, we will punish you!", both girls finished in unison. Frankly, the monster looked rather bored, as well as considerably smug.

"Silly Sailor Scouts," Cosmetica replied nonchalantly, "It's not you I'm interested in." Sailor Comet and Sailor Nereid gave each other a look of shocked disbelief.

"What do you mean?", Nereid asked, confused, "I thought you were after the Silver Imperium Crystal."

"I am," the creature replied smugly, "And neither one of you have it. I've finally figured it out."

"Well, who has it, then?", Comet asked, quickly becoming annoyed. Cosmetica gave her a feral smile and lunged forward. She completely missed Comet and Nereid, but that wasn't who she was aiming for in the first place.

"Luna!", Nereid shrieked as the creature swiftly picked Luna up by the neck and gave her a quick shake.

"I know you have that crystal, fleabag," Cosmetica growled, "Now hand it over before I ring your neck!" Sailor Nereid rushed over to try and aid Luna.

"Let her go, monster!", Nereid yelled, grabbing onto Cosmetica's arm. Cosmetica slung her this way and that before finally flinging her into a wall. As luck would have it, a rack that happened to be attached to that wall also fell on Nereid, tumbling to the ground with a clatter. She was unconscious. Sailor Comet did the only thing she knew to do.

"Comet..." She lifted her right arm into the air. "Ekans..." A glowing snake wrapped around her arm. "Bind!" The glowing snake shot out from around her arm and flew at Cosmetica. However, Cosmetica simply brushed it off.

"My power has no effect!", Sailor Comet said frantically, "What do I do!?!"

"Nothing, dear," Cosmetica said haughtily, "Except.... DIE!" With that, Cosmetica flung her free hand at Sailor Comet, sending a barrage of sharp hair pins flying at her. Comet squealed and dodged out of the way, rolling across the floor. While she recovered, Artemis ran out from underneath the hair setter he'd been hiding under.

"Luna!", he cried, "Give her back!" He flung himself onto the monster's face, clawing with all his might. Cosmetica struggled against him, thrashing wildly. She finally succeeded in knocking Artemis away, revealing a bloody, scratched face. Artemis skidded across the floor, unconscious as well.

"No," Sailor Comet said, shocked, "I've got to get Luna back! Even though she gripes at me all the time, and threatens me, and embarrasses me... I mean, Meowth would never forgive me if I didn't do something!" With that, she ran at the flinching monster. "Sailor Comet... Kick!", she shouted, launching herself into the air and sending her foot flying at the monster. However, before her foot could make contact, Cosmetica caught it and sent her flying into a wall as well, all the while keeping her grip on Luna's neck. Comet rolled out of the way just as Cosmetica fired another volley of razor sharp hair pins at her. As she dodged, she grabbed a few pair of scissors and flung them the monster's way. The creature effortlessly parried the sharp objects back at Sailor Comet. The scissors stuck firmly into the wall, pinning Comet's outfit in five places. "I'm stuck!", Comet shrieked. Cosmetica walked toward her purposefully.

"Why, yes, you are!", she exclaimed with evil glee, "Poor little Sailor girl. Say goodnight!" Cosmetica drew back her free hand, ready to fire more hair pins straight at Sailor Comet. Comet flinched, turning her face away.

"I'm too young and beautiful to die!", Comet screamed.

"Star Fire Blast!", a familiar voice called from out of nowhere. Comet turned back to look at the monster. Cosmetica had a pained look on her face and was holding her side. Suddenly, a white blur raced by, taking Sailor Comet with it. After coming to an abrupt stop, she looked up to see Shooting Star smiling at her. "I'd have to say I agree," he said, smirking.

"Shooting Star!", Comet exclaimed frantically, "You've got to help me! Luna's in trouble and my attack won't work!"

"Try another one," Shooting Star said, comfortingly. Comet looked at her hands, confused.

"I don't know what to do!", she squealed. Cosmetica, meanwhile had begun to recover from Shooting Star's attack.

"I've already told you," the monster snarled, "All you have to do is die!" At that, the creature began to run straight at Sailor Comet and Shooting Star, brandishing a finely manicured set of razor-sharp claws.

"Get out of the way!", Star shouted, pushing Comet one way, and dodging the other. Cosmetica missed her target completely and ended up puncturing the wall with her nails. Infuriated, she tossed Luna to one side and braced herself, trying to pull them out of the wall. Sailor Comet turned and watched her, growing more irritated by the second.

"That's it!", Comet shouted. She flung both hands down to her sides. "Comet...." She spun around as light began to gather around her. "Arbok...." She brought both hands over her head, trailing a circle of light around her body. "Poison...." She threw both hands out in front of her body. "Sting!" Several glowing needles shot from her fingertips. Cosmetica turned just in time to see a barrage of white-hot needles flying at her.

"Nooooo!", the creature shrieked in stunned amazement. Her eyes widened as the energy needles collided with her body. Soon she was engulfed in a blinding white light as all the needles struck her. When the light subsided, nothing was left of Cosmetica but ash. Comet looked on in awe.

"Wow!", she said, "I have a new attack!" Shooting Star picked up Luna, walked over to her, and watched as the black homing crystal floated down from the ceiling into the middle of the room. Malachite appeared before their eyes, looking quite incensed.

"So," Malachite snorted, "You didn't have the crystal after all. It was that damnable cat. But I'll get that crystal, one way or another." With that, he faded from view, leaving Sailor Comet alone with Shooting Star (except for an unconscious Sailor Nereid, Artemis, and Luna, that is, but oh, well). Shooting Star looked over at Comet.

"That was impressive, just now," he said, stepping closer to her. She blushed as he stepped right in front of her. She looked straight up at him and he smiled. Was he finally going to kiss her? She held her breath and closed her eyes and then...

"Ahhhh....", Sailor Nereid said, popping up between Comet and Star, "I think it's about time we were on our way....!" With a cheesy smile, she grabbed Comet by the arm. Comet gave her an evil glare.

"WHAT do you think you're doing!?!", Comet screamed, the force of her voice ruffling Nereid's hair, "He'll run away again!" Suddenly, she felt Luna being pushed into her arms. Comet whirled around to find Shooting Star gone. "See!?!", she screamed, pointing to the spot where he'd been just a second ago, "Every time he sees you, he runs away!!! At this rate, I'll never find out who he is!" Nereid rolled her eyes.

"I keep telling you, and you just won't listen!", Nereid said, exasperated, "It's James! You're just too stubborn to listen to me!" Comet's eyes watered.

"I can't believe that!", she said, clutching Luna to her chest, "I just can't believe that clumsy, whiny James is my prince!" Comet looked at Nereid, hoping that the girl couldn't guess just how fond she really was of her "clumsy, whiny" partner. "Anyway," Comet said, trying to shift the subject to a more comfortable topic, "Since this whole beauty parlor was a scam, I'm going home." She turned, taking Luna with her, and took her leave to power down into her normal clothes.


"So," Queen Beryl said curtly, "That wretched cat has the Silver Crystal." Malachite bowed before her.

"Yes, m'queen," Malachite replied cordially, "I'm already devising a plan to retrieve it from the mangey furball."

"Good work, Malachite," Beryl said evenly, "Half your work is done. Even though we had to loose a fine warrior like Cosmetica to complete the task, you've found the crystal. Now all that need be done is for you to retrieve it." Malachite looked up to his queen.

"Yes, your majesty," he answered, "Those were my thoughts exactly." Beryl smiled a wicked red grin and looked down on her general.

"Do not fail me, Malachite," she said, smiling her toothy grin.


"Well, Misty," Ash said, holding back a snicker, "It doesn't look like they were able to do much with you. But then again, I guess there was only so much they could do!" He broke into full-fledged laughter at that one. Misty growled. She grabbed Ash by the collar.

"If Togepi wasn't right here, I'd pound you good, Ash!", she screamed. Togepi, who was sitting on a nearby bleacher squealed with delight. It always loved seeing Mom "play" with the black-haired boy. Pikachu and Artemis, who were sitting nearby, both gave an exasperated sigh. Brock got up from his spot on the bleachers and came over to Misty and Ash.

"So what exactly happened at that beauty salon, Misty?", Brock asked, looking her over, "It doesn't look like they did anything with you." Misty shrugged and let go of Ash's collar.

"They had an accident," Misty fibbed, "Someone came in with lice or something, so they had to shut down to clean." Brock looked like he was considering that statement.

"Well, that makes sense, I guess," he said, holding his chin. Misty breathed a sigh of relief. She was glad they had bought her story.


Jesse lay asleep in her bed, her arms curled protectively around Luna. The little black cat was curled up peacefully nuzzled into Jesse's blanket. Silently, a shadow crossed there faces. It came from the open door on the other end of the room. James peered in, watching them sleep. He stood there, quietly watching until Meowth strode up beside him. "What're you doing?", Meowth asked quietly.

"Just watching," James softly replied, stepping away from the door and closing it, "Meowth... Does Jesse seem more... distant to you lately...?" Meowth looked up at him.

"Ya know," he replied, "Come to think of it, yeah, she does." James began to walk away, Meowth on his heels.

"I wonder why," James said, sounding hurt.


Jesse dreamt of herself as a princess again. Dancing and twirling across the dance floor, she made all those present mad with envy of her beauty and charm. Her gorgeous red and white Silver Millennium dress flowed around her like water. She swept across the floor, on the arms of both Shooting Star and James. Smiling and laughing happily, they glided across the dance floor, immersed in their own little world.

End Episode 7