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Crescent Moon episode one.

Theme song.

Fighting goodness in the night.

Stealing hearts by daylight.

Blasting off from the fight.

He is the one Crescent Moon.

He'll never turn his back on a friend.

He's always there to defend.

On him we can depend.

He is the one named...

Senshi Venus!

Senshi Mercury!

Senshi Mars!

Senshi Jupiter!

New indenty still so new to him!

She is the one Crescent Moon

Fighting evil in the moonlight.

Winning hearts in daylight.

With the Senshi to help fight.

She is the one Crescent Moon.

She is the one named Crescent Moon!

Well, that's the theme song. It goes to the tune of Moonlight Desentu. I love that song! ^_^

Title: Moonstar and Water Nymph Make it Big!

"Luna, want a donut? I have plenty", a boy, about seventeen, asked a cat. The cat was black and a crescent moon was on her head. Her eyes widened. "Are you serious? You'll actually give me one?", she gasped. James, who was the boy, nodded happily. He placed a round donut in front of her. She purred happily as she ate. "Serena usually ate them by herself...", the cat started. Then she choked back sobs. James hugged the cat protectivly. "She'll be okay. I promise" he said to her. Luna sobbed.

"Malachite! Come forth!", Queen Beryle screeched. A man with ice blue eyes appeared in front of her. He wore a commander uniform, which was grey and had a cape of blue. A sword lay at his side. "Yes, my Queen?", he asked like a gentleman. "The Sailor Scouts are dissabled for the time being, correct?", she asked. Malachite nodded, then said hesitantly, "Yes, but, they have a new Scout that... can .... still fight." Queen Beryle smiled wickedly. "One? Only one? No matter, we can over power her", she hissed happily. Malachite bowed and asked, "Shall I dispose of her?" The queen thought about this. "Let Prince Darien help you." Prince Darien appeared beside him. They let low growls at each other come out. Queen Beryle smiled. Darien said to her, "She is the keeper of the Moon Diamond, which was in our posesion just 1017 years ago." Beryle's eyes widened. "SIEZE HER!"

"Luna, when will you make the other Senshi scouts?", James asked her. Luna had earased the memories of everyone who saw him trans form the last, and first, time he transformed. Jessie was the destined Senshi Mars, Ash was meant to be Senshi Jupiter, Misty was in reality Senshi Mercury and Jezebel was the destined Senshi Venus. "When they prove their worth, or I feel they are capable of such responsibility", Luna answered. James sighed. "I'll need help soon. I need the other Senshi", he said. Suddenly, a scream was heard from behind him. A lion like creature sniffed around, knocking down objects and scaring people nearby. "The Negaverse! James, transform!", Luna snarled. James nodded, and reached into his shirt. He pulled out a beautiful locket designed in a pink moon in the middle surrounded by four other colored dots of blue, red, green and orange. Around the edge was a wreath of roses. Inside, no one would suspect that a powerful weapon was in it. James held the locket high above his head. "Crescent Moon Power!" The cover disolved, reveling the inside crystal, and a strange blue light emmited from it. He glew pink and green, with dash of blue as he transformed. That is, if 'he' was the right word for the situation. As he transformed, his hair grew to the middle of his legs, and was tied in a form of Odangas, like Sailor Moons', only braided and lavender. They did have the Meatballs at the top, though. 'He' raised his arms above his head, and blue ribbons surrounded, both of 'his' arms, finally forming white gloves trimmed with blue. The same happened to 'his' legs, but they were idetical to sailor Moons', but instead of red boots, they were blue! 'His' Sailor suit formed in a flash of white light. 'His' skirt was extended from 'his' body, but instead of blue, like Sailor moons', it was red. 'His' bows, the one in the front blue, in the back, red, appeared while 'his' skirt did. The locket 'he' used to transform sat firmly in the middle of 'his' front bow. Now 'his' tiara appeared, a blue crystal in the middle. Then 'his' coverings for 'his' odangas came, also blue. All together, 'he' was Sailor Moon, colors reversed. 'His' pose was exactly like Sailor Moons', except in 'his' right hand 'he' held a rose. Now, he was a girl. Fully. "Ah'm ready ta fight!", she said confidently. She now had a thick southern accent, like her male form's fiancee, only less annoying. "Ah'll try and say 'Ah'. I. I did it!", Sailor Crescent Moon said cheerfully. As you can see, I don't like writing that she has a southren accent, so after a while, it will go away. Luna yelled to her, "Crescent Moon, time to attack that monster!" She nodded. Then ran up to the monster. "Hey, you! Yeah, Pussy Cat! Come here and fight!" The monster bared its fangs at Sailor Crescent Moon. She whimpered. A crystal around the monsters neck glew brightly. The hideous creature sneered. "So you have the Moon Diamond. I should've guessed they'd give it to a wimp to guard it." Crescent growled defensivly. "I'm not a wimp!" Her earings began to glow. She yelled, "Moon Ninja Stars...." She pulled them off and they largened in size, more than double. They resembled throwing stars. She held them out in front of her. "Neo Cut! Trash this monster!" The monster whimpered in pain as blood covered her face. She lunged at Crescent Moon, pinning her to the ground. "Malachite, she's the one! She has the Crystal!", the monster screamed triumphently. Malachite appeared in a flash of soft, white light. He sneered at the now fallen Crescent Moon. "I knew you were too cute to be powerful. Okay, Little Girl, give me the Moon Diamond and maybe this won't be painful." Crescent Moon shook her head furiously. "Neva! Neva in a billion years!", she scremed. Malachite tried pulling her locket off. "It won't budge! What did you do to it?!" Crescent Moon just began whimpering. "You can't have it! It won't let you! Only Crescent Moon can take it off!", Luna laughed. She burst into a fit of giggles. Malachite went neon red of embarassment. "I knew that...", he said, trying to cover his mistake. Luna rolled her eyes. 'All right, Cutie, hand it over. NOW!", Malachite yelled at her. "I said I wouldn't and I'm not changing my answer. And don't call me 'Cutie'!", she growled. Malachite mumbled a very unapproprate word (mail me at to find out what it was! ^_^) and kicked Crescent Moon in the stomach. She cried out in pain and tears filled her eyes. "Someone help me...", she cried quietly. "Mercury... Neo... Water flash!", came a voice. An arrow of water came from the shadows and burst to make a strange mist around them. Malachite screamed, "What's this?!" The voice cried out again, "I'm Senshi Mercury and I shall defend the Princess!" The figure came from the shadows, and the mist moved from around her. There stood a girl in a light blue and green Sailor suit. The skirt was the light green, and the bows were a pretty sky blue. Her red (orange?) hair was in a ponytail off to the side of her head. She had green blye eyes. 'It's that Misty girl!', James's mind screamed. Luna stopped giggling to watch Malachite disappear, screaming, "I'll get you, Little Princess! Just you wait, you'll be my bride!" Crescent Moon shuddered at those words. He was speaking of her. After Zoicite died, Malachite fell in love with her. She felt sick at every mentioning of him. Senshi Mercury bent down to help her, and they got talking.

"Artemis gave me my powers. I'm the only one so far.", Misty said to the now male James. James nodded, and said, "It's great I have help. Now Malachite will think twice about messing with me." Misty glanced at him, and blushed a tad. 'What a hunk!', her mind screamed. She shook her head and said to her mind, 'I can't like him! He's evil!' Her mind replied, 'He's Sailor Crescent Moon, defender of truth and love! And he's dreamy! What more could you ask for?' Misty shook her head. "Hello? Mist, you there? I asked if we could stay in Tokyo for a while. Well, what do you say?" Misty turned bright red. "We can stay... together, I guess", she stammered. James's eyes went wide. "Together? I wasn't thinking that far, but, okay, I guess. We'll rent a room with those pals of yours, Tracie and Ash. I hope they can forgive me, even for a little while. I'd like to get to know Pikachu. I love electric Pokemon!", he squealed, making Misty even more gone over him. 'What a babe! I'm really beginning to like him...', she sighed as she thought this.

"Rent a room with Team Rocket?! Misty, are you nuts!?", Ash asked her as they walked up to their new hotel room. She simply replied, "James promised that they'd be good I think we can trust him, at the very least." She sighed a little. Ash got quizzical. "Misty, you've been talking nonstop about James, almost like you trusted him. Are you ok?" Tracie laughed to himself, and said, "I was wondering the same thing", he turned his head to Misty, "I think you like him." Misty sweatdropped. "She thinks he's a friend, of course she likes him. What does that have to do with it?", Ash stated. Tracie knowingly smirked. "I think Misty may be falling for a villian. Aren't ya, Misty? Just like you love Psyduck, you have a crush on James." Ash's eyes went wide with jealousy. "You can't like him! He's evil!", he screamed at her. Misty stuck her nose in the air. "I never said I did, Ash Ketcham, and if I did, which I don't, I would've told you all by now. Besides, my love life is my own business." Tracie smiled a wide smile. 'Match-maker time!', he thought to himself.

They kids knocked on the door. James answered, and Misty felt her heart jump, and her face turned pink. "Hey, guys! Glad to see you!", James said to them, then scooped up Pikachu from Ash. Unlike he usually would do, Pikachu didn't shook him, because Misty seemed to trust him. James scratched Pikachu between the ears, causing the small Pokemon to squeak with delight. "Pika Cha! Chu! Chu chu! Pika!", it squealed. James giggled and bent down to play with Togepi, who was thrilled to have more frineds. Misty watched as James toook Togepi into his arms and cooed to her. The tiny baby trilled and almost immediatly entered a fit of giggles. Tracie began sketching James and Togepi, and said in a sly tone as he handed it to Misty, "Isn't it cute?" Misty blushed heavily as she saw that Tracie had written at the bottom, 'Deticated to Misty's Crush.' Then she took the picture from James's view and kicked Tracie swiftly in the leg. He groaned in pain. "Meow! Hello dere Togepi!", Meowth cried from Jessie's arms. She was in a red sweater and black jeans that flared off at the bottom. It was very fashionable. James smiled at his friends. A small black cat with a crescent moon on her forehead followed them and immediatly rubbed against James's leg and began purring. James placed Pikachu back in Ash's hands and scooped up his cat, and said, "This is the world's greatest cat that isn't Meowth, Luna!" Meowth smiled as he mentioned that he wasn't bad either. Luna purred and meowed loudly. Ash stroked the cat's head and rubbed under her chin. Luna purred and licked Ash's hand. ash giggled and said, "She's a cute little thing, isn't she? Can I hold her?" James smiled and held Luna out to Ash. She nuzzled into his jacket. Ash was sure now that Team Rocket wouldn't hurt them.

"It was real nice of ya to let us stay, James. We would never afford this kind of room!", Misty gushed. Jessie nodded and looked curiously at Misty. Then she whispered cautiosly into Meowth's ear, "Do you think that twerp has a crush on my Jam... I mean, on James?" Meoth's eyes widened and he smirked. "'Your' James? I don't think Misty's the one with the crush", he teased. Jessie blushed and growled, "What are you implying?" Meowth turned his head away. "I ain't tellin. Afterall, it is your James, why should I bother explaining to you that you have the hots for him?" "I do not!" James heard a little of the conversation and blushed a neon red. He smiled goofily and thought to himself, 'Jessie likes me?! Oh, perfect! Maybe I'll get to tell her how I feel!' Misty looked up at James with a simpering look, that made him think that maybe she had a crush on him. "Gee, James, I betcha know all the coolest places in Tokyo! Could you take me, Togepi and Pikachu on a tour?", she begged. Ash looked a little P.O.'d. Tracie looked on knowingly. Pikachu jumped happily, wanting to see the sights with his new friends. Jessie looked as if she would strangle Misty. Meowth looked confused as he wondered when dinner was. James looked a little shocked and answered with a nod. Togepi sat quietly, secretly plotting revenge if she'd be dragged round a new place for hours without a meal, which is what she expected to happen. 'Which attack should I use with Metronome...?', she thought to herself. Then she chirped happily, all ready decided on using thunderbolt if she didn't get fed. Then, again, they were off.

"Wow, this is the coolest, James!", Misty giggled. Togepi was quite pleased, because James made them stop now and again to feed her. Pikachu sniffed aimlessly, while Misty gushed over whatever James showed her. They were in some sort museum that James had visited as a child. It was filled with beautiful artworks, including some by Peggy Jones. James loved her work. As did Misty. Pikachu loved one of them picturing herself in a self portrait, before she used her real name. It was a very pretty blonde girl in a pink dress. He loved it. James loved the one of a prince and princess on the moon. The girl looked alot like the beautiful Princess Serena, and the man resembled Prince Endymion. He loved it. Misty liked it to, because it was romantic. Togepi began squealing, and sniffled. She was hungry. Pikachu scampered over. "We better feed these two. They look starved!", James giggled. Suddely, the wall bust open. The lion from earlier bust in. She glared at Misty and she cowared. "Give me the Moon Diamond!", she snarled. Misty gasped and she raised her hand in the air and yelled, "Mercury Senshi Power!" She flew in the air, wrapped in blue light. Her Senshi Wand appeared in her hand, and a ribbon of water came from it, encircling her. Then, after a split second, she was Senshi Mercury, the beautiful Warrior of Water and Ice. "I am Senshi Mercury, and in the name of the planet Mercury and its Princess, I shall destroy you!", she shouted. James lifted his locket up. "Crescent Moon Power!" The cover disolved, reveling the inside crystal, and a strange blue light emmited from it. He glew pink and green, with dash of blue as he transformed. That is, if 'he' was the right word for the situation. As he transformed, his hair grew to the middle of his legs, and was tied in a form of Odangas, like Sailor Moons', only braided and lavender. They did have the Meatballs at the top, though. 'He' raised his arms above his head, and blue ribbons surrounded, both of 'his' arms, finally forming white gloves trimmed with blue. The same happened to 'his' legs, but they were idetical to sailor Moons', but instead of red boots, they were blue! 'His' Sailor suit formed in a flash of white light. 'His' skirt was extended from 'his' body, but instead of blue, like Sailor moons', it was red. 'His' bows, the one in the front blue, in the back, red, appeared while 'his' skirt did. The locket 'he' used to transform sat firmly in the middle of 'his' front bow. Now 'his' tiara appeared, a blue crystal in the middle. Then 'his' coverings for 'his' odangas came, also blue. All together, 'he' was Sailor Moon, colors reversed. 'His' pose was exactly like Sailor Moons', except in 'his' right hand 'he' held a rose. "I am Sailor Crescent Moon, and in the name of love, justice, and on behalf of the beautiful Princess Serena, I shall punish you!", she shouted. The lion did not seem impressed. She yawned and sent energy zooming at them, and they were hit. Crescent Moon whimpered in pain. "That's it, I'm getting rid of you, once and for all", she stated.Her earings began to glow. She yelled, "Moon Ninja Stars...." She pulled them off and they largened in size, more than double. They resembled throwing stars. She held them out in front of her. "Neo Cut! Trash this monster!" The monster withered in pain and fell to the ground. She turned into a pile of Moon Dust. Mercury and Crescent Moon jumped up and down happily, cheering, "We did it! We did it! We did it!" Then, a flash of light encased them. "Smile for the camera, Pretty Ladies!", a photographer said, snappint their picture. Mercury thought he was familiar, and he was. He was Todd. The young man eagerly snapped away, saying to them, "You gals'll make the front cover. I can see it now, 'Crescent Moon and Senshi Mercury, The Unbeatable Duo!' You'll have such publicity! You'll be stars!" Mercury's eyes lit up, and squealed with glee. Crescent Moon didn't look impressed. "Especially you, Crescent Moon. A girl as beautiful as you is destined to be a star!" Crescent Moon got a huge sweatdrop. Mercury giggled. "No thanks, we have a planet to save. And besides, Sailor Moon is the real hero. You should thank her, because we won't be around for long", Crescent Moon stated, before jumping high in the air, with Mercury following close behind. Todd snapped a picture of the in a pose that looked they were flying majestically into the clouds. "This will make the cover", he said to himself.

"Hey, look James, there's a Super Hero in this town!", Jessie giggled. They were taking a tour around the town, looking for a resturant. James looked at the newspaper in her hand, and gasped loudly. There were Sailor Crescent Moon and Senshi Mercury! Above the picture was a headline that said, "Two New Heroes To Depend On, The Beautiful Sailor Crescent Moon and Senshi Mercury!" Underneath the picture said, "After a hard battle with a monster, Crescent Moon and Mercury jump off in victory. Photo courtesy of Todd Snappin, sketch (Pg. A6) courtesy of Tracie Sketchit. It is them posing in victory." James thought he would kill something. 'I'm on the cover, and listed ten bazillion times as beautiful!? I think I'll go kill that dumb photographer...', he thought to himself. "I'm way better looking than her", Jessie stated. James smiled and said, "She speaks the truth for once. Good job, Jess." Jessie looked over and blushed a little. "You think I'm prettier than her? Oh, I figured you'd be drooing over her like every other Rocket member. Cassidy said that Butch has a major crush on her already." James nearly burst out laughing. 'Wait till he finds out I'm a guy!', he thought to himself. Luna giggled on his shoulder. 'This may be fun...', she thought in her head.