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My New Friend

She beat me. I won't let her get away with it again. Ever. She gets praise from the Boss when she messes up. I must have revenge. Now, what could Jessie's weakness be? Her Arbok? No. Lickitunge? No, she hates the thing. Meowth? Nah. James....? YES! That little brat she babysits must be her weakness. Now, how to use him for my own purposes? "Yo, Cass, you ok? You seem kinda dreamy.", Butch asked me. He's cute, in a way. I love his voice. I don't care what the others say. I think it's adorable! "Yeah, I'm fine. I just figured how to get revenge against Jessie." He squealed in the way only he could. Absolutly adorable. "What is it, Cass? Is there any way I can help?", he asked eagerly. I nodded. "Get James to come with us on a walk." His brown eyes widened in horror. I figured he wouldn't understand. "Don't worry, I have a plan."

Somehow, Butch talked James into thinking we wern't so bad. Boy, he's dumb. But cute. REAL cute. Not like Butch cute, but.... innocent cute. I love it. A great aced to my plan. We walked around the Team Rocket grounds, talking. James seemed smarter alone, like Jessie was pushing it back. Now she'll pay. How could she do that to him? He's so sweet! His laugh is unbelievably cute. "So, James, I was wondering. Since we're friends now, how 'bout you join our team? It would be a great addition.", I said to him casually. His eyes, which, I must admit, are the most beautiful shade of green I've ever seen, widened, like he was scared. "Join you? Like, as part of your team?", he whispered in horrid shock. I nodded. "Well, yeah. I kinda like you, now. You're cute." I smiled a wide smile. As I said 'cute', I heard Butch growl. Probably my imagination. James looked almost sick. Not good. "Cute? I'm cute? What am I, a Pikachu?", he growled. I almost laughed. What was wrong? "That was a compliment, James, chill out. It's not like I said you were a dork or something." He growled even more. This was bad. "Who's a dork? Jessie? Meowth? My best friends in the world?", he retorted. I was shocked. I honestly didn't think James had any guts. "Well, no, I guess they aren't. Jessie and I are alot alike.", I choked out. I hate the way 'Jessie and I' sounds. Ugh. James immediatly smiled. Then he hugged me. What the hell??? Why was he hugging me? "I'm glad you can finally put your differences away!", he giggled in total glee. He had a child like laugh, but his giggle? More like a baby Pikachu squeaking. Too cute. Butch pulled him away from me, straining a smile. He whispered to me, "Why'd he hug you? Is he a nut?" I shrugged. "Jessie and James hug alot, so he must be used to it.", I whispered back. He smiled a crooked smile. I didn't like that look. At all. Even for Butch it was evil. "So, Jimmy," ,To my surprise, James turned to that, as if he was used to it. Then I remembered. James calls Meowth Tiger, and Meowth calls James Jimmy. But it didn't fit him, "You and Jessie are friends?" He nodded."She's a looker isn't she, James?" James's face went red as ketchup. "Excuse me?", he asked. He sounded like such a snob when he said that. It scared me. "I asked if you thought she was a looker. You know. A babe. She must be good in the sack. I guess only you would know." Butch smiled wickedly. James looked utterly appaled. Then he shot his nose in the air, like one of those rich boys. "I don't know what you're talking about.", he said in a supieror way. "Come on.", Butch teased, "You can't have been her partner this long and not have fooled around with her. Tell me the truth." Oh, Butch! You numbskull! Jessie would never let him if he tried! And he wouldn't. James growled defensivly. I figured he would have said something about us but instead, he said, "Cassidy, how can you stand him?", he looked at me worried and then pulled so close it looked like he was kissing my ear when he said, "Tell me if he tried anything. That ain't a question." I hesitated and nodded. Butch had tried to rape me several times and, once, succeeded. I hated him for weeks. I was glad I didn't get pregnant. I would have killed myself. James pulled impossibly closer still, yet his lips barely grazed my hair, and said, "I'm there for you. If you need to talk, come to me." After that, he kissed my cheek. Not a boyfriend or first date kiss. Like a child kissing big sister. It was the single sweetest thing a guy has ever done for me. James turned to Butch and said to him confidently, "I'm glad I ain't you. How could you do that, to anyone?" Butch smirked and said, "What? Rape? That's easy. Get 'em in a bed and do your thing." Then he laughed. That is, for about the second James didn't punch him in the jaw. Butch lay, blood dripping from his jaw. He looked like he was in a lot of pain. I wanted to help him, put my new freedom didn't let me. Someone had finally hitten Butch. I felt like kissing James. Actually, I did. He calmly returned the kiss. "Thank you.", I whispered, tears filling my eyes. He wiped them away. "No problem. I always wanted to do that.", he said with a smile. He squeezed my hand. "Come on, Jessie and you have an argument to settle." I chocked a little. "You can join us.", he went on, "It will freak the brats out now that we're evenly matched." A huge smile formed over his face. His green eyes twinkled. His hair blew in the wind. He was absolutly handsome. Cute just didn't do it anymore. "Now I see what Jessie sees in you.", I smiled. He looked very confused. "What does she see in me?", he asked. I blushed and formed a sweatdrop. "She-she's in love with you...", I said shyly. He smiled. "Tell me something I didn't know.", he laughed. I blinked. How does he know?? "I asked her to marry me a while ago. We're engaged. I haven't been spreading it around, though. But I love her." He blushed slightly. I squeezed harder. His hand, I mean. "She made a good choice." James blushed heavier. "Thanks. Cass?" "Yes?" "You're my new best friend. Now I have three." I could tell I was blushing. "You're mine, too."