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Sailor Pokemoon

by Mr. Know It All

Characters; Serena, Ami, Rei, Lita, Mina, Ash, Misty, Karen, Jesse, James, Meowth, Pikachu, Luna, Artemis, Darien, Cassidy, Butch, Giovanni, Lance, Janson

Note; Ash and the Sailor Scouts are friends. OK? Also....DON'T SUE ME!!!! I'M SO POOR!

Scene 1; Ash and Misty and Pikachu walking in the Orange Islands...

Ash; Boy, Misty, it sure has been a tough journey....

Misty; Yeah, I thought you would never compete in the Orange Leagues....

Ash; But I did, and I got in 17th place!!!! YEAH!!!!

Misty; ( under breath ) Out of 200......big deal.....

Pikachu; ( looking sad ) Cha.......

Ash; Stop putting me down! I'm only one 10 year old!

Misty;'s too bad Brock and Tracie left to go in their lives.

Ash; Hey, Misty. Remember Serena?

Pikachu; Cha!!!!

Pikachu whines, saying that he DOES miss Serena. ( But more importantly, he misses Ami, Rei, Lita and Mina. Serena never petted Pikachu much....)

Ash; OK, Pikachu ( he feels its pain ), let's call Serena!

Pikachu; ( has happy upside-down U eyes ) Cha!! Pikachu!!

Misty; It couldn't hurt, I guess.....

Ash finds a telephone booth ( NOT a video phone booth, like he always does ) and decides to call Serena.

Serena; ( yawning, since it is early in the morning ) Yawnnnn! Who is it?!

Ash; It's me, Serena; Ash!

Serena; Ash?! Where are you??

Ash; I'm at the Orange Islands.

Serena; Orange Pirates?

Ash falls down. So do Misty and Pikachu.

Ash; ( angry ) THE ORANGE ISLANDS!!!!!!

Serena; Sorry. So, why did you call?

Ash; I was wondering if I could meet you some time...

Serena; Really? This isn't just to aggravate me??

Ash; Of course not. ( At least not yet....... )

Serena; OK, Ash, and Pikachu, and that scum you call "Misty"....

Misty; ( gets really red in the face... ) WHAT WAS THAT???!!!!!

Pikachu; ( angry ) CHUUU!!!!!!! ( Shocks the telephone booth and breaks it! )

Pikachu; ( worried ) Cha.....

Misty; Well, serves her right for calling me scum! Right, Pikachu?

Pikachu nods its head.

Ash; ( has a water droplet on his head ) Uhhhh....let's go to Tokyo!!!

Ash; Episode 9: The Birth of the Rocketeers!

Back in Cherry Hill Temple...

Rei; What is taking Serena so long to get here? I gotta tell her about the spirits I felt yesterday...

Mina; She'll be here, Rei! Be patient!

Ami; Yeah, Rei, give her a break!

Lita; And I thought you liked Serena, so why are you still bad-mouthing her?

Rei; She needs discipline! I can't stand how she can get away with being a meatball headed doofus every day! It's stupid!

Lita; You're just jealous that you don't have a boyfriend!

Rei; I'm not jealous. ( Rolls eyes back. ) I'm....just...less....than....thrilled....

A loud panting of someone running to the Temple is heard. It's Serena ( and Luna )!

Artemis; Rei said she predicted a new evil coming, Serena.

Serena; Oh no! Now I can't spend all summer kissing Darien!

( changing the subject ) Hey, did you know that Ash and Misty are coming over to visit us?

Ami; And just WHEN were you planning to tell us this?

Serena; I just found out! SHEESH!!!!

Artemis; It's been an awfully long time.

Luna; Jesse and James quit Team Rocket, a new girl named Karen ( who is inside the temple right now ) is taking Brock's place, and we learned that James is the leader of the Earth Scouts.*

* According to my sister's new Sailor Pokemoon R Movie story.

Luna; Oh, and guess what? James has a brother!

James ( behind a bush trying to scare everyone, pops out ) I HAVE A WHAT??!!!???!?!!!!?

Jesse; I don't believe it, either.

Ash, Misty, and Pikachu rush to the Temple. Like the others, they're wearing the same crud they wear every day.

Ash; I'm here!

Serena; ( waves arms ) Hey , Ash and Pikachu!

Misty grumbles. She hates not being referred to by Serena.

Misty; Thanks for the "comments" you gave me on the phone, Serena!

Serena; Any time, reddie!

Misty; Say that to my face, Serena!

Serena does, getting a firm slap in the face for her comment.

Rei; Wimp!

Meowth; She really hates being insutled, doesn't she?

Pikachu; Cha!

Eventually, everyone clams down and goes inside. There the Earth Scouts are introduced to Karen, a 10 year old tomboy who, like Ash, wants to become a Pokemon Master. Her Pokemon are Marril, Togepi, Snubble, PiChu, and Pi, Clefairy's unevolved form. Serena hugs Marril while Karen introduces herself.

Karen; My name is Karen Catchall. I come from Sunny Town and I have collected 12 badges in just 5 months!

Ash; You also have some cute Pokemon.

Serena; ( hugging Marril, who is smiling ) Yeah. They're all cute! ( She then hugs PiChu! )

Misty; I can't believe you have a Togepi!

Togepi; Togi togi!

Karen; It wasn't easy getting it....I spent over an hour looking for it.

Ash; I can't believe how many Pokemon you have...

Karen; Thanks for the complements!

Ash; It's amazing how nice you are compared to some other pre-teen girl that I know.....

Ash is smashed on the head by Misty.

Luna; Ash, Misty, Jesse, James, Meowth, Pikachu, Karen is Sailor Snowflake; her attacks are Ice Frost and Water Freezer Burn, both powerful ice attacks!

Ami; We have too many Scouts with water-related powers....

Serena; Get use to it, Ami.

Artemis; It's not OUR fault Ami.

James; So, Luna, who is this brother you were talking about?

Luna; I don't know, besides the fact that his name is Andy and that he likes....( disgusted to say )...Misty!

Ami; Ugh!

Misty; Are you sayng that I'm ugly, Ami?

Ami; Let's just say when you're around, I look like I'm Mina.

Mina; I love being priased!

Misty; No don't get it very often....

Mina; But I like it when I do!

Artemis sighs a deep sigh....

Scene 2; The NegaRocket Headquarters

Before the "Witches" in Sailor Moon S, there was the NegaRockets! The NegaRockets are actually divided into 2 groups; one ( with Cassidy and Butch ) steals Pokemon, while the other ( with Lance and Janson ) stelas energy. Both, however, are lead by the same evil organazation; Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket.

Giovanni; At last! I've finally been able to unleash my powers to become an evil mastermind! First I will take over Tokyo and get rid of the Scouts, then I'll steal every Pokemon in the world!

He and his Persian laugh evilly.

Giovanni; Butch, Cassidy, Lance, Janson....

Cassidy and Butch line up on the right side of Giovanni, while Lance and Janson ( Janson is a girl ).

Giovanni; Butch, Cassidy, I want you to attack Tokyo and gather up energy!

Cassidy; But me and Butch don't do that.....

Giovanni; Well, untill those brats leave town, there's nothing else to do! Just go....

Butch; We won't let you down.

Cassidy and Butch walk outside the room. There are wearing clothes strangely similar to those of the NegaMoon...( bu they have R's on their head instead of NegaMoon symbols. )

Lance; ( ffacing Giovanni, along with Janson ) What do we do?

Giovanni;'ll soon know.

Conversation continues at the Cherry Hill Temple.

Ash; Hey, guys, Rei is telling us what the new evil is!

Everyone hurries to the usual spot where Rei sees fire spirits. They all have their legs crossed ( except for Meowth, Luna, Artemis, Pikachu and Togepi ) and watch Rei from behind.

Rei; ( eyes closed, concentrating to her fire ) A evil man....very old, probaly in his 50's.....has a cigarette.....owns a Persian??.....part of group called the NegaRockets.....

Ash; NegaRockets???

James; You must mean our old boss, Giovanni.

Meowth; It has to be! No one else owns an ugly Persian!

Misty; Really? I think they're cute, like Tentacool.

Meowth falls down.

Karen, looking worried, laughs a nervous laugh at the sight of Misty and Meowth.

Karen; You two are weird.

Mina; So what else is new?

James; So we got of get rid of Giovanni, is that it?

Rei; Seems to be the only way to restore peace....but I had a horrible vision.....

A dream sequence with Sailor Mars starts.

Rei; I imagined that Giovanni and his evil forces all joined up together to form one big, invisible evil force. Giovanni and his for henchmen wiped out all of us Sailor Scouts and Earth Scouts! He then destroyed all of Tokyo and took possession of every Pokemon, good or evil! Eventualy, he killed his own henchmen and his Pokemon and only he and his Pokemon watched over the otherwise deserted world. But, something happened....a soldier....I think.....something of the name of "Sailor Pokemoon". He or she saved us from the evil, destroyed Giovanni, and retrned everything back to normal. However, the Scout fainted to do so, and with his or her last once of strentgh ( ???? ) he or she was destroyed by the wreckage caused by the death of Giovanni! ( Dream sequence ends, blurs back to the Temple ) So the only way to prevent this is to kill his disciples so he can't grow to his invincible stage.

James; But how are we gonna kill Cassidy and Butch?

Rei; How did you know about of Giovanni's disciples?

James; I always figured they were evil.....

Jesse; Yeah, they make us look like good guys!

Ami; You ARE good guys!

Ash; Yeah! Did you forget to turn on your brain or something this morning?

Rei; The scary thing, though, is that prediction of mine will come true soon....and HERE!!! They could come here any moment and destroy this temple!

Rei; But first......they're gonna sent out ANOTHER monster to drain up energy.

Serena; SHEESH! How uninnovative can you get to steal energy?

Lita; Seems like they can get pretty uninnovative....

and they can keep on doing it and doing it and doing it...

Misty; So what do we do?

Serena; I know....

Mina; Uh-oh......

Serena; ( lifts a sleeping bag ) We can have a sleepover!


Serena; That way, none of us get seperated or anything!

Rei; One problem, Serena....don't you think Granpa would notice a dozen more people than usual in his house?

Serena; We could lock him up in a closet or give him sleeping gas.

Rei; You're not serious, are you?

Serena; Then I could use my Luna Pen to disguise myself as him.....

Rei; NO!!!

James; ( listening to WalkMan ) Happy, happy I am so Pi Pi!

Jesse; Pi pi!

Mina; Ummm....

Meowth; Nya-nyate ny!

James; Kojiro!

Jesse; Musashi!

All three; Rocketodan!

Ash; I'm scared....

Serena; Hold me....

A rustling is heard in the bushes......he looks like James, but he isn't.....

Scene 3; Night at the Temple

So, Serena and friends did get to stay at Rei's overnight after all ( thank God it was a weekend ). However, all is not quiet at Rei's....

In the TV room ( the same one in the Sailor Moon R movie ).

Ash; You know, we never found out what was rustling in the bushes...

Rei; I'm sure it's just a hobo or something....

Ami; What do I doubt there are hobos that hang around this temple?

Misty; Wouldn't they have begged for food by now?

James; (singing to song from Walkman ) Fire with a sense of reason....

Rei: ????????

Ash: ???????

Pikachu; Chu????????????????

Togepi; Togi togi!

Artemis; I never speak....

Jesse; Quiet! One talking cat in my life is bad enough!

????: What are you talking about, Jesse?

Rei; Evil spirits, disperse.....

Ash; Stop Rei!

Ash gets hit by a sticker and falls down!

Rei's grandfather; I heard someone fall down! ( Comes to Ash ) Hey, you gay, you should be ashamed!

Rei; Granpa! That's a boy!

Granpa; I still stick with my comment.

Ash moans.


Granpa leaves the room, as he and Chad go to another room for some sleep.

?????: Hey, James!


?????: That's right, James, I'm your...

James; You're my friend Steve from Pokemon Tech!

????? falls down.

?????: No, you !#$%%#@, I'm your brother, Andy!

James; You look nothing like me ( even though he looks almost like James, except his hair is shorter and lighter, and he's 13 years old. )

Rei; I still think he's an evil spirit....

Andy; Who's the girl, James? Your girlfriend?

Rei; ( angrily blushes ) WHAT??!!!

James; ( under breath, evil look on face ) She wishes....

Andy; OK, anyways, listen up; my name is Andy Kohorn, 13-year-old brother of James Kohorn, even though I got the looks of the family.

James; At least I wasn't sold to an orphanage when I was born!

Andy; That's only because you were born first! If you were born after me, you would feel like you were in Oliver Twist by now.

James; I remember that book. Stupid, dumb orphans. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Ami; Demon spawn!

Andy; That was his nickname when he was 5.

James; No, it was demon child!

Lita; What did you mean about orphnages, Andy?

Mina; How did a cute guy like you end up like that, anyway?

Andy ( whispering to James ); Does she think every guy is cute?

James ( back to Andy ); Pretty much. She's the goddess of love, you know. But it's her friend Lita I'd really watch out for!

She won't stop at nothing for cute guys!

Andy; Sounds dangerous......

James; Luna told me that you like Misty, but guess what? STAY AWAY!!! She's not your type; trust me. You'd have an easier time swimming from sharks in the ocean than you would saying that you like Misty.

Andy; Is it true that she once beat up a boy because he called her "cute"?

James; That and much, much more.....

Andy; Ugh!

James; So, what do you say now?

Andy; You think I should ask her out now, or wait until later?

James falls down.

James; You're hopeless!

Mina ( thinking, knowing what James and Andy said ) Oh, I wouldn't say that, James! Heeheeheeheeheeheehee!

James; Why are you chuckling, Mina?

Mina; ( thinks, unknowing what to say until she finally comes up with something to say )Uhhh......I was thinking about the time when I tripped Ash into that ditch!

Ash; That was not funny!

Rei; Ok, it's time to go to bed! Andy, you can sleep in my bed. I'm going to sleep on the floor.

Andy; ( happy, blushes ) Thanks, Rei!

James; ( thinking ) Oh God! Could it be that he likes both Misty and Rei? ( thinks for a second ) Nah.

Andy; ( whispering to James) Hey, James, don't you think Rei's cute?

James: ( thinking again, has a queer expression on his face ) Oh no, a male Lita! No, even worse.....a second BROCK!

Serena; ( thinking ) So he likes girls, hmm? Well, let's see if we can turn him away from them, right, brain?

Serena's Brain; ZZZZ-snork! Huh? Did someone say something about using her brain?

Serena; ( still thinking ) YES!

Brain; Man, I thought you would never use me!

Serena; Well, I am! Now help me think of a way to ruin a boy's crushes.

Door closes...

Serena; Fine! I'll do this myself!

Karen; You know, this makes me feel kind of happy that no one likes me. Or not....<sniff!>

Serena; ( still thinking in head ) Open up, Brain!

Brain; You haven't used me in 1000 years! What makes you think I'm going to allow you to use me now?

Serena; ( Humming to a certain song.... ) Oh, if I only had a brain...

Brain; You're scaring me! I'm going to Ami's head!

Ami's Brain; That's right! Come to my brain!

Serena; No, brain! You're being brainwashed! Get it: brainwashed?

Brain; That's not funny.

Rei's Brain; Shut up, Meatball Brain!

Renie's Brain; Kitty-brain magic!


Everyone stairs at Serena.

Rei; Weirdo....

And so, at 3:00 A.M., everyone finally gets to sleep, except for Andy, who is outside looking at the stars....

Andy; The stars....they're so beautiful tonight....each one bright and yellow and balls of burning gas....

Note; That last part's from The Lion King which is copyrighted by Disney.

Rei; ( walks outside ) Andy! What are you doing up still?

Rei sits down next to Andy.

Andy; Oh, I was thinking about my life has been now, when I met my brother for the first time in over 12 years!

Rei; Really? What was your past like?

Andy; First, promise you won't tell.

Rei; I promise.

Andy; Well....

( Flashback sequence ) Like the other 10 of you, I was also a Scout. However, one day I was kidnapped by the NegaVerse and was forced to work under Queen Beryl. I was only months old, and I didn't know much back then. Eventually, I was raised by Queen Beryl as a sort of evil "son", you can say. People thought I was killed, but I didn't get killed....I survived because Queen Serenity knew that I was actually good. She turned me back to a good guy, and I served as her back-up prince in case something happened to Princess Serena, err, Serenity. Well, like everyone else, I was killed when the NegaVerse attacked. 1000 years later, I was born as the 2nd of 2 children in the Kohorn family. However, James' parents only wanted one child, and so they literally disowned me! Eventually, I ended up in an orphanage until I was experienced enough to be on my own. When I turned 10, I left and went to Pallet Town and got a Charmander from Professor Oak. I also collected a Growlithe, a Poliwhirl, a Vulpix, and a Jigglypuff, along with a Tauros, Pidgeot, Gyarados, Dodrio, and even a Chansey! When I heard that my brother James was going to the Cherry Hill Temple off of some kids, it reminded me of the brother who I heard so much about but never met. I came here to the Temple, and well, that's that.

Rei; That doesn't sound that very secretive....

Andy; Well, I still don't want you telling anyone. ( Pauses. Looks sad. ) My Pokemon have been my only friends for the last 3 years....( puts hands onto Rei's, becomes happy )...untill now.

Rei; ( Gets a sweatdrop ) Uhhhh......thanks.....I guess....

Andy; ( happy upside down U eyes ) Now that I met up with you guys, I know that I will have friends after all!

Andy looks at Rei and, sensing Rei doesn't like it, lets go of her hands and puts them back on his legs.

Rei; ( Gets up, walking back inside ) So, are you coming inside now or what? Your bed looks pretty empty, you know...

Andy; Don't you mean your bed, Rei? ( Rei walks back inside, until..) Rei...

Rei ( turns around ); Hmmm?

Andy; Thanks for talking to me.

Rei; ( blushing ) You're welcome.

Rei walks back inside and goes to sleep, but Andy doesn't...

Andy sighs.

Andy; Well...I'

Andy falls asleep.

The night passes, and day breaks at the temple...

Ash walks outside the temple.

Ash; ( looks at Andy ) Why did you sleep outside all night?

Andy; ( half-awake ) I felt, all right?

Ash; Whatever.

James; Ha! My brother slept outside all night!

Andy; I also got to talk to Rei!

James; So?

Serena; ( Looks up )..huh? ( points to sky ) Who are they?

Two figures come down to the ground.

Cassidy; I'm Cassidy!

Butch; And I'm Butch!

Serena; Who are those weirdos?

Ami; That guy looks like James with short hair.

Narrator; What worthless knowledge will our heroes learn next time? Will Lita, Ash and James ever stop runnig away from Mina? Will I ever stop being annoynig? Well, maybe that question can't ever be solved, nor could the one before it, but the last one CAN! So stay tuned for Sailor Pokemoon R episode 2; When Butch and Cassidy attack!

To be continued........

Sailor Moon Says!

Serena; Today we learned....nothing, except that everyone looks like James, especially Andy and Butch!

MIna; I learned that I can yell at teens and they run away....

Andy; I learned that nobody transformed in this whole story!

Serena; The NegaRockets must have been sleeping....that's why they didn't attack!

Cassidy; We were....very long nap....zzzzzzzzzzz......

Butch; Snork!

Meowth; I learned that I kept my big mouth shut for once!

Jesse; You were here?

James; You were here too, Jesse? I thought I was the only one.

Karen; I didn't get to talk much. Some introduction!

Serena; So we all learned something after all...or not. Sailor Moon Says! Heeheehee!