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Inspiration: I really don't know where this one came from.

Disclaimer: Would I own Pokemon? Heck no.

Author's note: I have no idea where I got this from. Stay with me. I think I got it from Pokemon the Movie. Yeah, that's it...

"NO! I won't! I won't I won't I won't!", a little boy screamed. His blue hair shined as he kicked and screamed. Tears streamed down his cheeks. "James, stoppit! You're getting annoying!", his father scolded. But he didn't listen. Why should he? No one cared for him. They pretended, but didn't. "Get him in the machine, quickly!", his mother ordered a guard. He had a red 'R' on his shirt. The man roughly grabbed the boy by the shirt and tossed him in. A glass tube surrounded him. James pounded with all his might. A dark, wicked man walked calmly towards the tube. "Well done, Mr. and Mrs. Kohorn. This child does have telekinesis, correct?" His parents nodded. "Yes, Giovanni. He inherited it from his grandfather. It will become strong." Giovanni smiled. "Now, James, we won't hurt you. Just promise us you'll join Team Rocket when you get older, and you'll be fine." James' parents gasped in fear. "That wasn't part of the deal, Sir! That will ruin our family's reputation!", his father growled. Giovanni grinned. "You'd rather me try to clone the boy and risk killing him?" James stared in disbelief. 'They're gonna kill me?', he thought in horror. "I won't let you!", James screamed, his eyes now glowing. a psychic blast hit the inside of the tube, but it evaporated on impact. "Huh? What happened?" Giovanni laughed. "You can't break that. It's solid Moon Stone, impenitrable." Giovanni snapped his fingers. Two Rocket members took his parents away. They cried. James looked on in terror. "Begin the cloning process. NOW!" metallic arms shot out at James. Needles dug into his skin and took the much needed blood he had. A tube of his blood shot into a scarey looking machine. Flashes of light came from it. A tube, like his own, but filled with liquid, had a now living creature in it. It was a boy, about James' age, with teal hair, a little shorter than his own. The boy's brown eyes fluttered open. The liquid drained from the tank. "Where am I? Who am I?", he aksed in a raspy voice, unlike James' southern one. "You're in my lab. You're name is...", Giovanni thought a minute,"Butch." The boy's exchanged glances. "You are James' clone." Butch stared disdainfully at the other boy. "I feel power from you, but mine... is so much stronger." Butch stood up. His eyes glew blue and the tube around him broke. James looked on in shook. He did the same, successfuuly breaking the tube. The boy's stood and looked in awe at the huge lab. Butch said telkenetically to James, {I'm going ot kill you.} James stood solemnly, and 'said' back, {Why? I did nothing ot you.} Butch retorted, {I'm stronger, you are nothing. I will prove my worth.} James calmly replied, {No, you won't kill me. You'll be dead before you have the chance.} Their eyes met and they knew what had to be done: One of them had to go. Giovanni smiled. "I'm glad to see you're getting along. James, you may go home. Butch..." "I want to join", James said to Giovanni. Giovanni noddod and snapped his fingers. A Rocket member brought a shiny metal stick and tattoo ink to him. "This will hurt", Giovanni said, beginning to cut an 'R' into James' skin, than coloring it red. It burned badly, but James said nothing. Butch had the same done to him. They had identical tattoos on their shoulders, James' an his right, and Butch's on his left. Giovanni smirked. 'They're mine. I have the two most powerful Psychics at my command.'

12 Years later:

"James, stop thinking about food and help with the trap!", Jessie, his female partner, groaned. He nodded, and proceeded to mold a metal ring for they're plan. But he felt watched. Like there was someone around. A small metal object dropped from the sky. It blew up, emmiting smoke. "Prepare for trouble and make it double!", two voices called.

"To infect the world with devastation!", a girl called.

"To blight all peoples in every nation!", a raspy voice called.

"To denounce the goodness of truth and love!"

"To extend our wrath to the stars above!"

"Cassidy!", she emerged from the smoke.

"And Butch!", he emerged out of the shadows.

"Team Rocket, circuling the globe all day and night!"

"Surrender to us now or you will surley lose the fight!"

Jessie clapped unenthusiastically. "Huray. Are you finished?" Cassidy growled. "I didn't want to come here, but Butch made me." Butch walked up to James. "So, buddy, is your tattoo ok?", he asked him. James' eyes widened. "How did you...?" {Know? I'm your clone, aren't I?}, Butch 'said' to him. "You! I knew it! I knew you were too familiar!" Jessie and Cassidy just stood, totally confused. "Huh? Mind telling us what's going on?", Meowth asked. James growled, "He's my clone." "WHAT?!?", all three yelled. Butch turned his head to them. "I'm his clone. 12 years ago, Giovanni cloned the world's most promising Psychic..." James but in, "Yeah, me." Butch growled at him, "Let me Finish! Any way, I was created and stayed with the Boss, while James promised to join Team Rocket when he grew up, and I was trained to be a member. My powers are superior to his, and we kind of have a grudge." James sent a Psychic blast through him, knocking Butch to the ground. "My powers are just as strong! If not stronger." Butch sent a menacing look at him. "Mine are stronger! They were enhanced!" James stuck his nose in the air. "I didn't need enhancments and I'm just as strong." Butch's eyes glew a red color. "We'll settle this at my birth place, New Island. We'll fight to the death." James nodded. Butch disappeared in a flash of blue, with Cassidy. "I will win", James said confidently.

"Well, Ash, this is the place", Misty said to him. He held a ticket in front of Pikachu and then said, "Yeah, it is Misty. Why would this 'Mr.Kohorn' invite us here? It seems strange." Tracie nodded. "Didn't the note say it was a Pokemon Tournament or something?" Ash nodded. Pikachu squeaked, "Pika pi. Pika chu." Ash hugged his little friend and squealed, "I bet you're saying that we're gonna win, aren't ya, Pikachu?" Pikachu nodded and shot off two sparks from his cheeks, checking his power. Togepi clapped and chirped, "Toge toge Briii!" A lady walked up to the group. "You're on the boat to New Island, correct? Tickets please." Ash handed her three tickets. "Enjoy your trip!"

"Now arraiving on New Island. Enjoy your stay!" Ash and his friends noticed quickly that they and only three other trainers came along. "My name's Sunaru, what's yours?", a cute red head asked Ash. She had creepy steel eyes. "I'm Ash Ketcham, of Pallet Town. And this is misty, Tracie and Pikachu! And that's Togepi", he said. "I have a Pikachu, too.", she picked up a Pokeball from her bel, "Sparky, come out." Out of the ball came a Pikachu with a collar on. "Cutie!", Misty squealed. "I'm a Pokemon Master. I have five others." The girl played with one of her Pokeballs. "guys, come out!", she shouted. "Wiggly!" "Char char man der!" "Pidge yotto!" "Beeee free!!" "Gyar dos! Roar!" Ash's eyes sparkled. "Wow! A Gyarados! Too cool!" the girl looked proud. "His name's Fearless", Sunaru said in a superior way, "My Wigglytuff is named Lullaby, Pidgeotto is named Rover, Butterfree is Happy, Charmander is Zippo and this little guy",she held up a black, white and orange Meowth, "is Moonbeam." A girl about Tracie's age walked up to them. "I'm Yorucrem, and I love water Pokemon! I have a Blastoise, a Vaporeon, a Starmie, a Golduck and an Slowbro. They don't have names. They're great fighters." Another girl, about Misty's age, trotted over to them and said, "I love grass and bug Pokemon! My favorites are my Venusaur, Syther, Vileplume, Pinser, Victreebel, and Beedrill. I'm Sram."

*all of these trainers are inside jokes. you have to read Sunaru joins Team Rocket to understand.* "You guys have some great Pokemon! they'll be a challenge!", Ash exclaimed. "Look there. That's where we have to go", Sunaru told them. In front of them was a huge building, covered in vines. The doors swung open, and standing there was a Nurse Joy. Her hair was covered by a hat. She smiled warmly at them. "Welcome to the challenge. Release all your Pokemon", she said. Everyone did as told. "Charizard, I choose you!", Ash called. Out of the ball came a dragon with a flaming tale. It roared. "Hiya, buddy. Feel like listening to me today?", Ash asked. He was answered by a spray of flames burning him. Sunaru smirked. "I thought you were a good trainer." Ash growled defensivly. "I am!" A voice broke their thoughts. It was scratchy and harsh. "Welcome trainers! Please put your Pokemon on this conveyor belt! We're simply seeing what level they are at." all the Pokemon were put on a conveyor belt. A single hair or scale was taken from each. "Pikachu: trainer Ash Ketchum. Level: 52", the machine said. Ash whispered something that sounded like 'Yes!'. "Pikachu:trainer Sunaru Scout. Level:52" Sunaru turned to Ash, "We'll have a battle of wits later, Ash", she said. ash nodded. After about fifteen minutes of this, Ash discovered that all of his Pokemon were at least at level 49, each. Pikachu was the highest leveled, Squirtle was the lowest at 49 exactly. Sunaru's Pokemon were all at least at level 50, the exception was Happy, at level 49. The other's were about the same. After they were done, the people who invited them there came from the shadows... "Team Rocket! You invited us here?!", Misty shouted. There stood James and Butch. They nodded. "We wanted to see who was stronger, clones or origins", Butch said. Tracie yelled, "Why, and how, can you do that?" James smirked. "When we tested for your Pokemon's level we took DNA and cloned them. Why would we want to do this? Well, me and my clone have a score to settle." Misty looked shocked. "You were cloned?" James nodded. He looked at Butch with hatred. "That twerp Butch is my clone." Ash, Misty and Tracie gasped in horror. James snapped his fingers. All of the Pokemon that had been brought came from behind them. "Let the games begin", Butch yelled.

To be continued...