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Sailor Pokemoon 2; When Butch amd Cassidy Attack!

Another story by the weird Mr. Know It All!

Characters; Serena, Ash, Misty, Ami, Rei, Karen, Jesse, Lita, James, Mina, Andy, Luna, Artemis, Meowth, Pikachu, Togepi, Casidy, Butch, Giovanni

Scene 1; The Temple

Annoying Narrator; Last time, Ash and Misty encountered two new Earth Scouts, Karen and Andy, James's younger brother.

Karen; Some opening, though; I barely spoke in the whole thing!

Narrator; Quiet, Karen. Anyway, we find out that Giovanni wants to take over the land of Tokyo with him and his henchmen who, together, are known as the NegaRockets. Cassidy, Butch, Janson and Lance make up this evil group led by Giovanni, the smoking puss bag himself! Now Serena and her fellow Scouts have to beat them! And with no new weapons for this whole season, Serena's gonna have a little trouble battling!

Serena; Hey, that's not funny!

Lita; I hate not talking! What's with my limited vocabulary...

Jesse; ....and mine...

Meowth; ....and mine...?

Narrator; Ummm......let's move on, shall we?

Title Screen; Sailor Pokemoon 2; When Butch and

Cassidy Attack!

Serena; You must be those guys from the NegaRockets!

Cassidy; Um, in case you've checked in the last few years, I happen to be a girl, not a guy.

Butch; Enough with grammar problems: just give us the Silver Imperium Crystal!

Serena; God! What is it with you guys and my Crystal?

Rei; You've come to destroy us ( holds up transormation wand ) and I won't let you!

James; Hey Butch, have you gained weight? It looks like you did!

Jesse; And Cassidy, your age is really showing more and more these days!

Meowth; Still have that dumb hamster still?

Cassidy; Shut up! We're hear to inform you...

Butch; ....about something special.

Jesse; We already know about your "problem", Cassidy.

Cassidy; Don't remind me. ( A flashback sequence of young Cassidy seeing her mother "dress up". )

Cassidy; Ugh.......can't.....get.....out......of........head........

Ami; ( thinking in brain ) I don't want to know....I don't want to know.....I don't want to know......

Serena; That's it! Either stop talking, or I'll turn to Sailor Moon!

Butch; So you're Sailor Moon? We didn't know that!

Serena; Oops.....

Rei; Nice going, Meatball Head.

Mina; You're supposed to keep your identity a secret, remember?

Serena; Quiet.


Cassidy; We're trying to talk!

Mina; ME TO DO?!!!!

Butch; Shut up, stupid blonde!

Misty; RUN!!!!!!!!!!

Lita; Run VERY, VERY QUICKLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MIna leaps into the air and brutally attacks Butch!

Butch; Ahhhhh!!! My beautiful head!!!!! It's being ripped up into shreads!!!!!!!

Mina; Take it back! TAKE IT BACK!!!!

Butch; God help me!!!!!!!!

Cassidy; Ummm...I think we'll come back another time.

Cassidy teleports away.

Butch; Cassidy, why are you leaving without me?

Serena; Uh, Rei, you can put away your transformation wand now.

Rei; Quiet, Serena! I'm watching Mina beat up Butch.

Mina; Ready to apologize yet?

Butch; NO!

Mina; ( continues beating him up ) You're really stupid, aren't you?

Butch; I'm not answering that question, even though the answer is "yes"....

Serena; Can we please get some information out of him?

Mina; He didn't apologize yet. No way!

Butch; I'm sorry I called you a stupid blonde. I meant to say VERY stupid blonde!

Serena; Butch....!!!!!

Butch; Okay, I'm sorry.

Mina still continues beating him up.

Serena; Ami, transform to Sailor Mercury and freeze Mina...

Ami; OK.....Mercury Star Power!

Mercury; ( to Mina ) I'm sorry, Mina, but I have to do this...

Mina; Hmm?

Mercury; Shine Aqua Illusion!

Mina; What are you doing, Mercury?!!

MIna is frozen. Butch lies very hurt on the ground.

Butch; I may be evil, but I guess I owe ya one, Mercury, so I'll let ya in on someting...

Mercury; What are you talking about?

Butch; Me and Cassidy are going to be attacking in the abandoned Hello Kitty store tonight. The monster Cassidy will be sending out is weak against electricity....that's all I'll tell.

Serena; But what about your other plans?

Butch; Sorry, but those are classified....

Butch teleports away.

Mina breaks free from Mercury's icy cage and falls to the ground.

Mina; ( heavy breathing ) What....was.....that....for....?

Mercury; We had to get information from Butch. He told us that he and Cassidy will attack a Hello Kitty store tonight.

Serena; ( heart eyes ) Awww....I love Hello Kitty!

Mina; I like her even more!

Serena; No you don't!

Mina; Yes I do!

Serena; No, I like Hello KItty more!

Lita; Shup up you two!

Mina and Serena look at Lita.

Lita; Besides, I like Hello Kitty more!

Lita, Serena and Mina argue over Hello Kitty, while everyone else has sweatdrops.

Luna; They'll never act serious, will they?

Artemis; Nope.

Serena; Boy, for an evil jerk, Butch was sure nice to us!

Mercury; Yeah! Guess you can't judge a Nega creep by his boss!

Meowth; I can't believe you're going to listen to him! You must be stupider than I thought you were!

Andy; You mean you know him, James?

James; Yeah, when I use to work for Team Rocket!

Jesse; Why did we leave anyway?

Meowth; Because we became good, remember?

Jesse; Oh, yeah.

James; But the best thing of all is no more Jessebel!

Luna; Uhhh....that's not exactly true....

James; WHAT???!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!


James; AAAAAAAUUUUUUGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luna; Knock it off, James!

Meowth; This makes PBS seem interesting.....

Ash; Heck, this makes UPN seem interesting! Or a marathon of "Sailor Moon" seem bearable!

Serena; Hey, Ash, wanna meet my friend fist and knuckle?

James; No, no, NO!!!!! ( Sobs heavily ) Not her............I'd rather poison myself.....or watch Teletubbies.

Laa-laa; Eh-oh!

Serena; My favorite is Po....

Ash; Is it too late for me to join a Ranma 1/2 story?

Serena; Yep....

Mercury, somehow, someway, turns back to Ami.

Karen; So what do you wanna do today?

Serena & Mina; ( both holding up shopping bags with happy upside down U eyes ) Shop!!!!

Meowth groans.

Luna; So much for caring about the NegaRockets....

Jesse; Actually, shopping doesn't sound so bad. Can I come?

Serena and Mina; Sure!

Serena, Mina and Jesse walk off.....

Ami; I'm going home to study.

Karen; I'm going with Misty to look for a place to fish.

James; Me and Mowth are going on a scenic tour in Japan.

Lita; I'm going home to clean up.

Andy; I'm going on a date with Misty!


Andy looks scared....

Andy; OK, then I'll go to the....arcade.

Misty; Pikachu's coming with me.

Pikachu; Pika!

Luna; Me and Artemis are ( shrugging ) going....

Artemis; .....with Serena and Mina.

Everyone, except for Ash and Rei, leave the temple.

Ash; Hey, come back! What about the NegaRockets?

Jesse; They aren't attacking for hours, twerp!

Misty; And we already know what they're going to do....

Ash; But....but.....

Ash watches in silence as he sees his friends walk out of sight from the Temple.

Ash; ( sitting like an Indian on the ground ) Boring!

A wind blows.....

Rei; Well, Ash, it's just you and me. How about breakfast?

Ash; Uhhh...I guess so.

Commercial break number 1

Ash; Rei, do you ever feel lonely around without everyone else?

Rei; Well, I have Granpa and Chad.

Ash; Yeah, but you didn't have any real friends until Serena and Ami though, right?

Rei; Yeah. I wasn't exactly popular a few years ago. I was onsidered an outcast, actually, because I hung out with two black birds.

Ash; I thought you still did.

Rei; Yes, but back then I would talk to them. I can't believe how insane I was when I was a child.

Ash; Well, you were probaly 9 or 10 back then...

Rei; I was 13....

Ash gets a sweatdrop....

Rei; Oh well, it doesn't matter now, I guess; I now have four great friends plus you and your friends, Ash.

Ash; Guess that answers my question about you being lonely. But why does everyone meet at your place, anyway?

Rei; You ever try to get 5 teenage girls inside a small bedroom and they're actually comfortable?

Ash; Must be tough... ( Rei hands Ash his breakfast of pancakes. She also has pancakes and she sits down too. ) So, Rei, what are you going to do today?

Rei; I don't know. What do you usually do for fun?

Ash; I usually Pokemon battle, but there's no one to battle with....

Rei; You could teach me.

Ash; ( gets happy... ) Really??

Rei; Sure. Truth is, I always admired that Squirtle that sent out my flame when we first met.

Ash; Great!.....But where can we battle?

Rei; We can battle behind the Temple. ( Stands up, finished her meal. ) Come on, Ash, let's go.

Ash; Right!

And so, Ash and Rei ( after cleaning up, of course ) go in Rei's backyard to battle.

Ash; Let me explain about Pokemon, Rei; first off, there are 150 kinds of Pokemon and 15 elements of Pokemon. Some are one type, like how Pikachu is an electric-type, while others are two, like the grass-poison Pokemon Bulbasaur. Second off, each Pokemon knows attacks. Some learn many while some learn a sparse few.

Rei; That doesn't sound too complicated.

Ash; OK, we'll battle 2 on 2; choose two of my Pokemon. No looking!

Rei and Ash randomly choose 2 Pokemon.

Rei; So, when do we begin?

Ash; Now! Go, Pokemon 1!

Ash sent out Squirtle.

Rei; Come out!

Rei sent out...Charizard!!!

Ash; Ha! My Squirtle can beat it easily!

Rei; Not so fast, Ash! Charizard, Mega Punch!

Charizard listens to Rei and attacks Squirtle, hitting the poor Squirtle.

Ash; Squirtle, return!

Go Pokeball 2!

Ash sent out Lapras!

Rei; Charizard, Flamethrower!

Ash; Lapras, Water Gun!

Lapras's Water Gun puts out Charizard's flame!

Ash; OK, now Body Slam!

Lapras slams Charizard unconscious!

Rei; Charizard, return!

Go, next Pokemon!

Rei sent out Muk!

Ash; Lapras, put Muk to sleep!

Lapras starts singing....but Muk takes this time to fight back!

Rei; Body Slam!

Muk slams Lapras, but Lapras isn't hurt much.

Rei; Huh?

Ash; Lapras, Water Gun!

Lapras fires, but the water only goes through Muk....

Rei; Muk, Poison Gas!

Lapras gets poisoned!

Ash; Lapras!!!

Rei; Now a Sludge!

Lapras moans in pain as it's hurt. Ash eventually returns Lapras.

Rei; I did pretty well, considering that it was my first time!

Ash; Lucky stiffs, I guess! But next time I'll beat you!

Rei; Whatever....

Ash; Say, why don't we go to the mall or something?

Rei; I got a better idea. Let's go to DreamLand!

Ash; Are you nuts? It's 10:30 in the morning and you want me to go to bed?

Rei; No....not sleep, the amusement park named "DreamLand".

Ash; Never herad of it.

Rei; Well, I'm going to go get dressed and take a shower, but when I'm ready, we'll go, okay?

Ash; OK. I'll just wait here and watch TV.

Ash watches TV....An interesting show is on....

T.V.; We now return to Digimon, Digital Monsters.

Tentomon; Oh, Izzy, we need help!

Izzy; Yes, according to my graphs, this show is nothing more than a bland ripoff of Sailor Moon and Pokemon.

Matt; Grrr...grr.....evil thought of Tai getting eaten by cheese....

Ash; He looks like James! He even has a bad U.S. voice like James.

Tai; Greymon, attack!

Greymon; No, Tai, I'm going to take a nap.....for a few hundred years....

Tai; You stupid, ugly, monster!

Greymon; Don't make me Nova Blast you.

Gabumon; Boy, Izzy wasn't kidding; this show stinks.

Mimi; Whine whine moan moan cry cry cry moan whine!!!

Patamon; I look like Pikachu...

Ash; He DOES!!!!

T.K; You sound like you're 2 years old...

Patamon; Yep.

Ash; He does....

Palamon; I look like an evil Oddish.

Gabumon; I look like Growlithe.

Ash is about to change the channel when....

Joe; Help me light these explosives, will ya?

Ash; Oooo....This is getting good....

Joe; We're going to blow up the whole island.

Sora; Yeah!

Biyomon; We're all going to die!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ash; ( shouting ) YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tai; 5....4....3....2....1....Explodey!

Kari; Explodey?

The island goes KABOOM!, killing everyone in the process except for....

Angemon; It's a good thing I Digivolved, right, T.K.?

T.K. is a dead pile of bones...

Angemon; You don't have to speak....I know what you're thinking.....

A plane goes by, killing Angemon!

Narrator; And so the show ends. The End.

Angemon; But we still have 20 minues left!

Narrator; Hmmm...I know!

Serena; Luna, I'm hungry! Can I eat Rei?

Luna; First, eat Ami for dinner.

T.V goes off.

Ash; That was scary....

Rei; Ready to go?

Ash; Sure, let's go to DreamLand!

Rei; But I want to go the mall!

Ash; Hey, you said DreamLand!

Rei; Well, I lied. Come on, we're off to the mall.

Ash moans.

Rei; Hey, Chad, feel like carrying more bags for me?

Chad; No....Laa laa laa laa laa laa laa de de de de do do do da da da lee lee laaa.......

Rei; Quiet, Chad!

Chad; Hee hee hee hee hee......

Ash; He's scary!

Big Bird, the evil bird of happness; Gahhh!!!!

Elmo; Elmo knows where you live!

Ash; What's going on?

Cassidy; I've decided that you twerps needed some about battling some evil Muppets?

Ash; Evil?

Cassidy; Well, see ya!

Cassidy leaves.

Big Bird, the evil bird of happiness; This attack was made possible today by a grant from the NegaRockets and finincial support from morons like you!

Cookie Monster; Cookie Monster hungry.....for YOU!!!

Rei; I thought I would never have to do this....battle puppets. Mars Star Power!

Ash; Thunderbolt Power!

Count von Count; How many Scouts will I beat up? 1 Sailor Scout, 2 Sailor Scouts....2 Sailor Scouts! HA HA HA!!! ( Thunder heard in background. )

Thunderbolt; Why do I always get stuck with the abnormal?

Mars; Me, too.

Elmo; Hello, Sailor Mars; how about giving Elmo a will only cost ya a limb!!!

Mars; I never liked Sesame Street as a child, and I don't like it now! Uh!! ( Kicks Elmo and Guy Smiley )

Guy Smiley; Until next time folks....this is Guy Smiley.... ( disappears in a cloud of dust )

Grover; You don't like furry little Grover, Thunderbolt? I'm nice and you don't like me?

Thunderbolt; Grover, you were always one of my favorite Muppets, but since you don't like being a good Muppet...Thunder Cloud!!!!

Good bye Grover.

Thunderbolt; Take that, Zoe!

Mars; Count your blessings, Count von Count!

Thunderbolt; Time to go to that great big Garbage Compacter in the sky, Oscar the Grouch!

Big Bird; Bwark! Bwark! Try to deal with me!

Snuffy; And me: Snuffy Alowiscious....I mean, Alywiscious.....I mean......SNUFFLELUFFAGUS....I mean, uh.....PREPARE TO BATTLE ME, SNUFFY!!

Thunderbolt; Thunder Cloud!

Mars; Mars Fireball Flash!

Big Bird; I'm a blue bird....I am so evil.....

Snuffy; Help me....Big.....Bird......

Goodbye, Snuffy and Big Bird!

Thunderbolt: That's all of them. ( Looks over to the left. ) Oh no, look over!

Annoying News Reporter; And no, Kermit the Frog with another Evil News Story!

Kermit the Frog; Hello, I'm Kermit the Frog live from Nega Street here with another seems that a duo of dorkiness has invaded and killed us evil Muppets....well, I'm not going to take it no more!

Miss Piggy; That's right, my little froggy husband!

Ralph; Yeah!

Fozzie; Let's get him!

Gonzo; Yeah! Yeah!

Rizzo; This will be fun!

Animal; Eat dorks! Eat dorks!

Thunderbolt; Hey! You weren't on Sesame Street!

Kermit the Frog; So? Do you think we care? Now it's time to make a rainbow connection....but first... ( pulls out gun ), let's narrow the rainbow down, shall we?

Mars; Did he ever hold a gun?

Thunderbolt; I don't think so.

Kermit the Frog: Attack!

Miss Piggy, Gonzo, Fozzie, Ralph, and Rizzo head towards Thunderbolt and Mars.

Mars; It's not right to play with fire....Mars Fireball Flash!

Fozzie; Wet blast!

Thunderbolt; That's a sucky name.... ( Rei's Firebsll is put out ) but it seems effective.

Mars; I don't believe it!

Thunderbolt; Sailor Mars, they're Muppets! Just beat them up!

Gonzo; Crud! He's right!

Rizzo; We can't fight....

Thunderbolt; Like this....( flips over Fozzie and hits Miss Piggy with him. He then takes Gonzo and throws him on top on Rizzo. )

Just Ralph and Kermit now...

Ralph; Not fair!

Thunderbolt; Well, life's not fair, Ralph!

Thunderbolt rips apart Ralph.

Kermit the Frog; ( scared ) Uhhh, it's time for me to go. Until next time, this is Kermit the Frog signing off! ( Runs away. Mars burns him before he can get out of sight, though...

Kermit the Frog; You sickos....hurting and killing an international icon!

Mars; You're a giant, green Muppet!

Kermit the Frog; Not....nice.....Brian....get.....revenge....... ( turns into a pile of dust, which is blown away by the wind. )

Animal; Me.....get.....( Thunderbolt stabs him ) Ahh!!!!! Jerk! ( Falls to the ground and disappears in a cloud of dust.

Brian Henson; ( son of Jim Henson, famous Muppet creator)

Look what you've done to them!

Ash; So?

Brian; Bah! ( Walks off, not caring anymore. Smokes a cigar. ) Stupid story. And what's with those stupid outfits?

Mars; ( raises fist ) Stupid?! While, I .....

Thunderbolt; ( holds back Mars ) Don't, Mars!


James; And there is the Eiefel Tower, Meowth.

Meowth; That's the Tower of Crystal Tokyo...

James; Ummmm, yeah, that's what I meant to say...

Meanwhile, elsewhere.....

Ami; Hmmm.....well, better move on to College material....


Serena; ( wearing bunny-shaped hat ) I love this hat!

Mina; ( wearing the same thing ) It's so cute!

Jesse; ( looking disgusted ) Ugh!....

Serena; What's wrong?

Jesse; I wish you would grow up! Sheesh, how can you live with yourselves, acting like a bunch of oversized 10 year olds?

Serena; Whatever. ( Points to the left, Mina looks at Serena. ) Look, Hello Kitty!

Mina; ( Runs toward the left ) C'mon, then!

Serena; ( Runs, too ) Yeah!

Jesse gets a sweatdrop...

Meanwhile, with Lita....

Lita; ( Wearing an apron and running a vacuum cleaner ) It's too bad the others will never know how much fun it is to clean like I do.....

With Karen and Misty...

Karen; I've caught 6 Pokemon!

Misty; Showoff.....

With Ami....

You see Ami reading a book. Exciting, huh?

Scene 2: Well, later that day...

It's now night time. And you what that means....yep, they're at the Hello Kitty shop.

Sailor Moon; Cassidy should be here any minute now....

Waterfall; Just a matter of waiting...

Brushfire; Yawn....

Mars; I don't understand what's with their waiting....

Cassidy <finally> shows up, but shows up in a cloud of smoke.

Cassidy; Since you helped Butch when he was in need from that stupid girl....

Venus; Hey!

Cassidy; We'll spare ya for now. It will get tougher, though...

Cassidy disappears, leaving everyone in a state of confusion.

Scene 3; The Park

Ash; ( Looking at the sky ) Why are we here?

Serena; ( Holding Darien's arm ) Beats me.

Misty; This is really pointless.

Serena and Darien, for no apparent reason, kiss.

Darien; Too bad this doesn't mean anything...

Serena; You think I care as long as I kiss you and you enjoy it?

Jesse; Love-sick fools....

Darien and Serena; Hey!

Narrator; Well, this is getting pointless, huh? Don't worry, SOMETHING has got to happen tomorrow......or will anything? To be continued....

Sailor Moon Says!

Serena; Today, nothing happened...

Ash; Just like last time...

Serena; Helllo Kitty!


Meowth; I still didn't talk a lot!

Ash; Will Rei ever shut up?

Rei; Says you. You know how much YOU talked in this story? A lot more than I did!

Ash laughs REALLY loud.

Ash; ( Crying tears ) You're a riot, Rei!

Andy; I am the Master BeBop! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!

Sammy; La la la laa laa...

Serena; ??????? Sailor Moon Says! Hee hee hee!

Note; I don't own Pokemon or Sailor Moon. Those are owned by people with more money than me! If oyu want to contribute or ask me questions ( c'mon, you know you want ta ), e-mail me at my VERY LONG email address; Also try to guess where the name "Mr. Know It All" is from. Hint: It's frm an American cartoon.....