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A Pleasant Mistake

Rating: PG

Written: May '99

Category: Romance, humor

Spoilers: none

Disclaimer: Jesse, James and Meowth belong to the Poké people.

Summary: An accident turns out to be for the best.

Author's note: This is a companion piece to "Shoot me." This one is told from Jesse's point of view, and the other from James'. You should probably read this one after the other one, instead of the other way around. I just think it works better that way.

Feedback: It's the way to go!


A Pleasant Mistake

by Rocket Jesse


It was a pretty bleak day. The whole sky had been gray since the hidden sun snuck up, but there wasn't a single drop of rain. I know nobody else does, but . . . I like those kinds of days.

I was in our hideous balloon, leaning on the side and staring at the passing "scenery." It was my duty to make sure we didn't get too low or too high. James and I were having a meaningless discussion on whether bell bottoms were still cool or not.

"It's getting really cold," he noticed, as the day was coming to a close.

"That's just 'cuz you guys don't have fur!" Meowth was curled up in a little ball in the corner, looking all cozy and content. Cats tend to do that a lot.

"You always say that," I said, not with enough energy to sound as threatening as I usually do. Turning to James, I was suddenly envious of all the clothing he wore. "Look at you. You have nice warm pants, a really nice warm turtleneck and a really really nice warm jacket." I motioned to my outfit. "And look at what I'm wearing! You say you're cold . . ." I said the last sentence half to myself. He was still staring at my clothes.

Or rather, lack of clothes.

Sometimes he is just so sweet to me, and then, other times, he just makes me want to slap him. Which, as you know, happens quite a bit.

"What are you looking at, James?" His eyes were still somewhere around my bare stomach.

Somewhat surprised, he lifted his gaze to meet mine. "Uh . . . nothing."

Since I was tired and cold and just wanted to go to sleep, I let it slide. Sighing loudly, I turned back to the trees and grass we were floating over.

I could almost feel him looking at me.

This time, I knew he wasn't just looking at my body. He was looking at *me*.

That knowledge comforted me, and I started to wonder. What if he comes up and puts his arms around my waist? And what if, when I stand up, he starts to whisper in my ear? And what if, when I turn to face him, he kisses me?

I smiled lazily at these thoughts. Usually, when I day dream like that, none of the evidence shows on my face. It didn't matter, though. Nobody could see.

"Jesse?" he tentatively asked.

I straightened myself and turned around.

He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could say a word, the basket lurched.

I was alright; I just put my back against the side of it and braced myself. But James . . .

He didn't have anything to hold on to, and he was quickly thrown off balance.

The direction that helpless James' body chose to take was the direction that I was in. Thinking I could prevent him from falling on me and possibly stop us both from flying out of the basket, I stepped forward and held my arms out.

It . . . ah . . . didn't *quite* work out that way.

He's bigger than me. That means he's heavier than me. And *that*, ladies and gentlemen, means that he fell on me.

His mouth . . . kinda . . . landed . . . on . . . mine.

I seriously have no idea how the hell it could have happened; it's one of those weird things that only happens on tv. Needless to say, I was immediately back in reality, all traces of fatigue and chill completely gone.

I was way too stunned to do anything in the form of a kiss. He was too, I gathered. Under any other circumstances, I definitely would've given him something to talk about. It's just that the edge of a dirty old hot-air balloon basket (not to mention a Meowth hot-air balloon) was not the place I envisioned our first kiss to take place in.

Actually . . .

I take that back -- it would've been great. I was leaning with him halfway out of the basket, and every inch of the front of our bodies were touching.

A few seconds later, he pulled away and mumbled and apology.

Wait a minute, did I say seconds? That would be *hours*.

Obviously mortified beyond human capacity, he went to stare out at the ground on the opposite side from me.

It took me a while to blink away the dream-like haze that had entered my brain. Once I had, I averted my gaze from James to Meowth, who was just staring at me, wide-eyed and amused.

"You were supposed to be watching the altitude." The cat didn't sound like he was trying to pull something, like he normally did. He was just trying not to laugh.

I wanted to say something like, "Well, I was a little preoccupied," but then I'd only end up telling him who I was preoccupied *with*. That was no good. James was standing right there.

It was pretty plain that he was listening; he was just pretending not to. Well, maybe it was only apparent to me. I just knew he was.

That's precisely the reason I made my next decision. "Shut up, Meowth. Wipe that smirk off your face. Take us down, I need a drink of water." And I need to be alone so I can run around giddily and make a complete fool out of myself.

Hey, I *am* a love-struck teenage girl.

Meowth must have picked up on the death glare I gave him, clearly communicating to him that if he said one word that would embarrass me, I'd bash his brain in. The balloon soon touched down.

James headed to the exact clearing that I was going for. In too much of a . . . mood . . . to call him back, I ran in the opposite direction.

Finally, with James and Meowth far behind me, I let the smile onto my face that I'd been struggling to keep down. I couldn't refrain from the giggles that ensued.

Once I had laughed enough to realize that I looked like a total idiot, I called out Arbok so I could talk to it. I needed an outlet, or else I'd blow up.


"You don't have to battle, Arbok. I just want somebody to talk to!" I guess I couldn't keep the enthusiasm out of my voice, because it looked at me strangely.

"About James!"

It simply rolled its eyes and muttered something I took to be, "Finally kiss you?"

Scaring the crap out of me, an all-too-familiar laugh burst out of a bush.

"MEOWTH!!!" I yelled, absolutely furious. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?!"

He stepped into the open, still chuckling. "Need somebody to talk to? I thought you needed a drink."

I scowled at him, but could only sigh in defeat. Talking to a Pokémon that could talk back was obviously a better bet than one that couldn't. "Arbok, return."

It dematerialized and flew into its Pokéball.

"I hate it when you're right."

"As long as you don't hit me!"

Giving him a look that portrayed that I very well might do just that, he turned on his . . . "charm."

"I just wanted to hear what you think, Jesse. What you think about what poor James did to you." He rubbed himself against my legs and purred. "He's really scared."

I sat down, intrigued by his last sentence. While he crawled into my lap, I asked him, "Scared? Why would he be scared?"

Call me crazy, but this time, his concern seemed genuine. He looked up at me and said, "He doesn't think you feel the way towards him as he does to you."

Some of my good old suspicion showed itself. "How do you know that?"

"I know that because I was just talking to him."

"You were?" I asked, probably a little too anxiously.

"Yep. Boy, has he got it bad for you."

I blinked in awe. I had known this, of course, but hearing it was so different. And better. "He . . . he told you that?"

For some reason, that question earned me a small chuckle. "He didn't have to."

If anybody would, Meowth would know. I ignored that and tried to get to the point. "Why doesn't he think I feel the same way?" It should've been blatantly obvious. Or so I thought.

"Are you kidding? You're always beatin' up on him!"

He had a point.

"Well, what should I do?" I immediately regretted letting that question out of my mouth. How could I stoop so low as to ask *Meowth* for advice?

"Simple. Kiss him." The cat said it like he was telling me that the sky is blue.

"Don't you think that's a little . . . extreme?"

He hopped out of my lap and asked, "What are you afraid of? You're in love with him, and he's in love with you. It'll be easy."

"I never knew you were a matchmaker, Meowth," I said, trying to change the subject. I failed miserably.

"I ain't. It's just that it gets more and more annoying every single day when you and him *don't* kiss. It's like Mulder and Scully."

"Really?" I asked, flattered that he'd compare us to the king and queen of unresolved romantic tension. "Mulder and Scully?" It was unexpected, too. "I didn't know we were *that* bad!"

"Yeah, it is. Every single time you two look at each other, you get a Mulder and Scully thing and I just want to slam your mouths together!"

I made up my mind. "Alright, Meowth. I'll see what I can do." Almost uttering a word of thanks, I stopped myself before committing a completely un-Jesse act of graciousness.

With some of the same energy I'd had in my giggling fit, I hopped onto my feet and jogged to the clearing James was inhabiting.

Okay, I didn't really *jog*.

I sort of . . . skipped.

Don't you dare laugh at me.

So I . . . went . . . to find James. It didn't take long at all.

Right away, I came upon the guy I knew so well, hunched over the little stream that threaded through the forest. "Hi."

So what if I didn't make a dramatic entrance? This is real life, people! It's not like I'm in a movie or on a show or anything.

His body jumped as if I'd startled him. "Oh, umm . . . hey, Jesse."

Since he wasn't making a move to turn in my direction, I sat next to him, trying to look at his face. "Something wrong?"

Without meeting my eyes, he muttered, "I'm fine. I just need to be alone."

His tone was so sad and his head hung so low that it broke my heart.

I know, I know. It screams cliché.

And there's more.

"I don't think you really want to be alone, now do you?"

That got me a look. Sorrow overwhelmed his features, although why, I couldn't imagine. "You wouldn't understand."

Oh, he was just so clueless that I couldn't stand it! I didn't get mad at him or anything. No way, not in a rare romantic moment. I needed to take action, and that's exactly what I did.

Smiling, I wrapped my arms around him. I whispered into his ear, "You sure?" so seductively that there'd be no mistaking my intent, not even for James.

When I drew my head back slightly to look at his expression, I smiled again. Happiness and shock were all I could see.

For a few seconds, he simply stayed still, not making a move.

Then, as far as I can figure, his passion exploded and suddenly his hands were all over me and his mouth was on mine again.

I lovingly returned the gesture.

But I did have to fight to ignore the snickering coming from the bushes.


I know it was a stupid ending. Cheer me up!