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Joey : Is it time to eat yet????

Full Name: Joseph Anthony Fatone Jr.
Nick Name: Joey, Flirt, PHAT-One, FAT-ONE, No Talent, Lets-have-him-in-the-group-but-not-let-him-sing Fatone, and many more
Birthdate:January 28, 1977
Original Residence:Brooklyn, New York ( psst he's in the mob)
Current Residence:Orlando, Florida in JC's Bed
Height & Weight:H= 5'11" W= 187lbs ( real weight=769 lbs)
Eye color:Brown
Hair Color:Brown
Likes:Roller Blading (Ha yeah right), playing video games( i can believe that cuzz that just involves sitting and movin your fingers around), jet skiing (Poor jet ski, it has to take all the weight), superman collectives(cuzz he's 8 ?)
Dislikes:Fake People(but he hangs out with Britney Spears?!?!?!)
Previous Work:Worked as the Wolfman in the Beatlejuice show at Universal Studios
Musical Influences:His Dad, and 50's musicians
Bad Habit:Burps a lot(cuzz he's fat and italian)
Part of body he hates:his nose and his feet(what about his gut?)