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As You all know Justin was thinking about a solo project and we have the inside info that no one else knows. The Cd was released not long ago, but it is very hard to find. We caught up with Justin to ask him a few questions about the album.
Are Boy Bands From Hell: So Justin what made you want to do a solo project?
Justin Timberlake "White Thug":Yo Yo Yo you know its like this see i was tired of those Home Dawgs always being up on me! So i was like i gots mad skills so why not make a rap album and bust some flows, And kick it old school.
ABBFH: umm Yeah sure Justin but anyways, What can you tell us about the album?
JT: Well you know how it is, cuzz like it was just me bustin mad skills on the mic. I did the project cuzz you know i need some more chadda! Cuzz i be kickin it and be all like "Ohh Snaps! I need more Dough!" Damn look at Da Time i gots to be gettin in my Ride and start cruisin down to JC and all those otha bitches. Word up!
ABBFH: ok well do you have anything else to say to the people out there?
JT: yeah just that ORLANDO BE IN THE HOUSE!!! DAWG! you know what im sayin right homie?
ABBFH: No im sorry but im not your Homie.
(After the interview i punched justin in his mouth and told him "You Dumbass You are white remember? You have no skills at all! So just Go back to pop music!") We at Are Boy Bands From Hell have provided you with this list of Tracks on the album.


The Tracks on The album