Urza Block Black Control

Posted by Kujio (Kujio@yahoo.com)

4x Ravenous Rats
4x Skittering Horror
3x Bone Shredder
3x Masticore
4x Duress
2x Persecute
2x Yawgmoth's Will
4x Befoul
4x Powder Keg
4x Dark Ritual
4x Blasted Landscape
2x Spawning Pool
< 16x Swamps

This deck is great because it can easily win against Sneak attack with 1st turn Duress. Some changes you may want to make is to include Skittering Skirge for offense. Also you may want to expirement with the Despondency-Smoke Stack combo.

Submit your decks to Kujio@yahoo.com
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