UBC Mono-red Beatdown Deck

Main Deck:

4 Goblin Lackey
4 Goblin Patrol
2 Goblin Welder
4 Goblin Raider
4 Molten Hydra
4 Ghitu Slinger
4 Keldon Champion
4 Reckless Abandon
4 Parch
4 Arc Lightning
4 Ghitu Encampment
18 Mountain


4 Scald
4 Keldon Vandal
2 Rack and Ruin
3 Masticore
2 Steam Blast

A new season of Pro Tour Qualifiers is upon us, so it's time to start investigating Urza's Block Constructed Decks. A lot has changed since Pro Tour: New Jersey, when Blue/Red Wildfire deck won the day. Many decks have been significantly weakened. The Wildfire decks lost Tolarian Academy and Voltaic Key, which makes them slower and far less consistent. In addition, a whole new set has been released, Urza's Destiny. This set adds a great deal to the mix. It provides us with the popular artifacts Masticore and Powder Keg, which have already taken a prominent role in the Standard environment. In addition, it greatly strengthens blue and red. Blue gets Thieving Magpie, a creature reminiscent of Ophidian, and Treachery. Red gets greater damage dealing potential with Reckless Abandon and Keldon Champion.

Naturally, when any new format comes around, the first thing I do is try to build a mono-red beatdown deck. Keeping the mana curve in mind, I took a look at the creatures in various casting costs. There are very few one casting cost red creatures to choose from: Goblin Lackey, Goblin Patrol, Goblin Cadets, and Goblin Welder. Because of the limited card pool, I expect a large number of creature decks, so Goblin Cadets are right out. That leaves the Lackey, Patrol, and Welder, all of which have their merits. Since I expect fewer Tinker/Artifact decks with post-PTNJ bannings, I decided to maximize Goblin Lackeys and Patrols instead of the Welder.

The two casting cost slot presents us with more options. Molten Hydra is a definite for the deck. It acts much like Fireslinger does in Standard mono-red beatdown decks, serving as both board control and beatdown. For two red and a colorless you can put a counter on the Hydra, making it a bigger beatdown against decks with no creatures in play or giving it the ability to break through an annoying creature stalemate. In addition, those counters can be removed from the Hydra to deal damage to another creature. Aside from the Molten Hydra, we have room for additional two casting cost creatures and this choice in unclear. Goblin Raider, Goblin Masons, and Pygmy Pyrosaur are all viable options. Because of the presence of Goblin Lackey in the deck, I've decided to use a goblin. Due to the large amount of removal that deals with one toughness creatures such as Engineered Plague, Sicken, and Shower of Sparks, I prefer the Goblin Raider. In the end, mono-red beatdown decks are designed to do 20 damage as fast as possible and the Goblin Raider has a greater chance of living to deal damage to the opponent.

As for more expensive creatures, I've decided to use Ghitu Slingers and Keldon Champions. The Ghitu Slingers are simply amazing, providing both removal and additional beatdown to the deck. The Keldon Champions, combined with early beatdown and red burn, can help the deck go over the top and finish off the opponent. Its tempting to use Avalanche Riders or Viashino Cutthroats instead, but with the banning of the ultrapowerful mana producers like Tolarian Academy and Gaea's Cradle, land destruction seems less necessary, and the Viashino Cutthroat may end up dealing no damage to the opponent if he or she has a chump blocker or protection from red creature.

Its also tempting to get tricky with the burn spells, using Flame Jet, Scent of Cinder, Lava Axe or Landslide. In environments with limited card pools, there tends to be more creature based decks than in environments with many sets, like Extended. For this reason, its important that your burn spells also do damage to creatures, not just the opponent. Otherwise, you may find yourself holding that Lava Axe as your opponent beats you in the head with Pouncing Jaguars. Scent of Cinder also seems powerful in an all red deck, but it doesn't fit well with the beatdown theme. Beatdown decks are designed to get creatures into play as fast as possible, as creatures are the most efficient ways of damaging the opponent. Following this strategy will leave you with very few red spells in hand (hopefully), making Scent of Cinder weak and unreliable. I decided to include the most straightforward burn spells in the deck, Parch, Reckless Abandon, and Arc Lightning. All three of these spells have already proven to be effective in the Standard environment, so they should be good enough for our Urza's Block deck.

Finally, I've sketched out a rough sideboard for the deck. I expect to see a great deal of monoblue in the environment, so Scald is a must. If the red deck plays first and gets a second turn Scald, it makes it very hard for a blue deck to win. Scald is even good in the mid- and late game if the blue deck is forced to tap out or runs out of counters, as it prevents the blue deck from getting the most use out of its kill card, Morphling. The other sideboard cards are more a matter of taste. Its important to have artifact destruction, as artifact-based Wildfire decks will surely be present in the environment. There are plenty of viable options, Viashino Heretic, Keldon Vandals, Scrap, Rack and Ruin, and Meltdown. Find a combination of these cards that you feel comfortable with and you'll be fine. In addition, its a good idea to have a sideboard against other beatdown decks. Masticore and Steam Blast are both fine spells in the mirror match or against an aggressive monogreen deck.

Give this deck a try when you are playtesting for the upcoming round of qualifiers. Even if it isn't your style and you aren't likely to play it, its a good idea to play against it and see how you fare. Good luck.

David Price
King of Beatdown
article taken from the Dojo
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