In the beginning there was Logos and Logos was with God (John 1:1).
This light, which comes out from the Father-region is called LOGOS, THE WORD or from other different names like CHABD, SHABDA, NAM and NAAM. The old Egyptians called it PTRA. Logos is a sound and light-stream which comes down from the Father and passes through each and everyone, where sound is the essence and light the substance.
Regarding to the esoteric schools there is nothing which is not light and all light is consciousness and a thought. The purest light is pure spirit without matter and it is space in itself. In the beginning there was nothing, and there wasn't even a nothingness. This is Beingness, the true Father and which is darkness, the invisible light, while light as matter is the true darkness which forgot the true nature of light and is mobile light.
Light in itself is a thought and no-matter which comes about as matter only when it is given attention, otherwise as energy. In this Father region no life exists, just consciousness. Life envelops through movement and is consciousness in movement. It's told that within this ocean of light and sound, everything emerges. In its highest condition there is no light, just a sound of a one-hand applause. When it meets resonance (attention) light emerges, which is matter and which forms the form-giving creation.
The fulfilled Father/Mother is a homogenic ocean of pure spirit. It is perfect, superior in itself to itself in an ecstatic condition of love and blessing.
Before birth and creation itself alone was consciousness. It was just it that saw and just it to be seen. Its prime nature was love and there was nothing else. All consciousness was directed inwards toward itself, and love was its nature and essence, always active and required no object for to express itself, it is nothing but a big reservoir of love. This unlimited reservoir of love as in itself only existed, as with nobody exchanged its love. Everything has emerged from this and therefore there is love in everything and wherein there is no love, it can't be perceived (Phelps Notes by Myron H. Phelps 1947).
Out from Anami emerged a Word and Agam, Alakh and Sat Lok were created. The Word was the essence and the word Sar emerged from Sat Lok and created 16 Nirguns, also called the father's sixteen sons, and Bhanwarguphá, Mahá Sunna and Sunna. After a very long time the word from Sunna created Trikuti (the kasual level).
It is on top of this region that the Buddhism Nirvana lies, or where the Jew-created God's domains are positioned, or the Brhamma from Hinduism emerges. It's the region where the mind and the mind-related creation emerges. The regions from this level and thereunder is said to be ruled by the fallen angel called Satan, the ego of truth or the I of God, the universal personality. Who was the fifth of the sixteen sons and called Kal-Niranjan, which means time beyond creation, or the outflow. The Devil Diablo which means the divider, him who divided the unit into many. Him who got the mission to create God's own creation and who then created his own creation under God's creation, as he didn't like God's creation, as he wanted a creation to his own image. He is Jehovah,with whom the Jews say they have made a treaty and who regarding to them wished for Abraham to sacrifice his firstborn to him and who's existence Buddha didn't know of, or the Hinduism, but in the Veda books were called Neti Neti, not this and not that.
It is to him the soul is in debt; "an eye for an eye - a tooth for a tooth", "the law of kharma", "what you seed you shall harvest" within his creation, who's tribute he demands shall be paid by you or somebody else for you, before the soul can be separated from the mind. The key to how the soul is separated from the mind is not told within Buddhism or Hinduism.
In the higher spheres of Satanism the father shall sacrifice his first born son in a fire ceremony, or the child shall sacrifice his father by killing him with a double-bladed knife.
John Dee was an astrologer in the Court of Elisabeth I. He was also her unofficial secret agent and signed his reports with 007. Dee was an adept and a widely famous seer and said he was in contact with an angel with a wand. What is reproduced below are a few pieces from the "19 keys" which was printed 1659 by John Dee.These are written in enochian, which is a language which is said to be even older than Sanskrit. The sound from this language is like a mix of Arabian, Latin and Hebrew. These 19 keys are the verses the Satanists sing in their rituals in enochian and is then said to turn on vibrations in the ether for to bring down the forces they address.
- Look! says Satan, I am a circle on which hands stand 12 Realms. In the beginning I made you into marshals and placed you in the Board of the 12 seats, giving to each one of you power over time, you true noble, and that you from your highest, and from the corners of your Governments can upbring my power. Outlet the fire-veils of life and expand constantly on Earth. Thus you have become a tool for righteousness and truth, in Satan's name raise thee in holy secret wisdom.
The author comments: The circle and the 12 Realms are Cosmos with the Zodiac, representing time "Kal-Niranjan".
In the fourth key it says: - Raise Thee! You sons of Lust and visit the surface of the Earth, I am the Lord, your God who is and lives forever. In Satan's name move thee and show thee as worthy for-speeches, that they may praise him among the sons of man.
In the fifth key they are demanded to gather with priests and magicians on Earth to misguide.
In the 19th key it says: - Flee the face of Satan, the origin of comfort, who's eyes are the brightness of stars, who has given you the rulership over Earth. Who in the beginning stepped forward and said, Earth let her be delegated by her ones, and let there be differences in her. Bring darkness and dusk within her infinite! Why? It causes me anger, that I created man. For one moment he is familiar, in the other a stranger. Let the Gates of Hell wide open! The lower Heavens let them serve thee, them who rule.
The author continues: The lower Heavens are the lower elements which have crystallized as the planet Mars, the Realm of Death or the Underworld and the planet Earth, which is the Beast. They call its being and let it rise from under the world and other planet's being for to help them. To run on the route of Lust, that is water, the element, the sexual energy, the origin of mind's lust and nature, it's the nature of the earth and her route.
Later, from Trikuti (the kausal level) emerged the Word OM, from this emerged the three Worlds of Phenomena in the creation (the kausal world, the astral world and the physical level) and from Sahans-Dal-Kanwal (the astral level) the word Anahad and from there Pinda emerged and the physical universe with its six sub-regions. In one of those six regions we live our lives, which is water, the region of the element in one of Pinda's many solar-systems and the reason why we are born into this world through the gate of the body, which is ruled under the water element, the sexual chakra.
This chakra, which is sacred - the chakra is named "Svad-Isht-Han" in Sanskrit and is like a lotus with six leaves (that's the reason when a man and a woman unite these two chakra energies toward each other, we call it to have sex), the local color is whity black. Where the left Ida-channel goes in, we find an orange cosmic beam and at the inflow of the Pingala channel the tone F. Hk is the gate to the Moon-god Soma's world and for to arrive to this world we have come through the moon. Here we find Elohim, who was a help to Jehovah, to create all the physical forms and bodies. This center is a focus for the creating powers, construction and design.
6 6 6
The number of the Earth is 666 or 6, which is the six-pointed gate for the soul to go out on earth, and the star of the Jews is the six-pointed symbol for the ruler of the Earth, The Beast and its number is 666, as the wise man shall see is the number of man, the number of the earth, who is human in its spirit. See the value of the number of the earth, the velocity around her father the Sun, is 66,600 English miles per hour. The distance to the moon, she who kept and keeps the life on earth, is 6x60x660 English miles or 60 earth radii. The radios of the Earth are 6x660 English miles and her time period for to pass a star constellation, which is her lord takes 6x6x60 years, and in occultism you always leave the zeros out.
The knowledge of sound and light is essential for the understanding of the laws of nature and which in the ancient past was called magic.
This knowledge is used today for to manipulate the minds and souls and for to program us, which leads to spiritual entrapment into matter, leads to imprisonment and suffering under its desires. Exploiting the desires is the key to the plans of Satanists to enslave humanity under their control ...
Source: TOR, the Organize Resisters. Translation from Swedish by the author of this webb.
Changed layout: 21 February 1999