LIST OF STEP-RELATED ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (STEP = Solar-Terrestrial Energy Program, the umbrella for an enormous research initiative.) ----------------------------------------------- The following is a list of the Acronyms and Abbreviations used in the STEP International, GBRSC News, and the SIMPO newsletters. Update: March, 1995 ---------------------AAAAAAAA------------------------------- AARI - Russian Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute ABOMO - Airborne complex Optic and Magnetic Observatory ACE - Advanced Composition Explorer ACR - Anomolous Cosmic Rays ADAF - AGONET Data Analysis Facility ADENA - Parallel computer system AE - Auroral Electrojet magnetic activity index AEOS - Advanced Electro-Optical System AGONET - Antarctic Geospace Observatory Network AGO - Automatic Geophysical Observatory AGU - American Geophysical Union AI - Artificial Intelligence AICPITS - All India Coordinated Program of Ionosphere and Thermosphere Studies AIDA - Atmospheric Investigations of Dynamics over Arecibo AKEBONO - ISAS Spacecraft; formerly EXOS-D AKR - Auroral Kilometric Radiation ALIS - Auroral Large-scale Imaging System ALMAZ - Russian Tether Satellite for 1995 ALOMAR - Lidar Observatory for Middle Atmosphere Research AMI - Aeronomic Models of the Ionosphere; STEP Project 3.6 AMIE - Assimilative Mapping of Ionospheric Electrodynamics ANARE - Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition APAFO - Advanced Particles and Fields Observatory APE - WIND spacecraft Alpha-Proton-Electron Telescope APEX - Russian mother/daughter satellite ARISTOTELES- Applications and Research Involving Space Technologies Observing The Earth's field from Low Earth orbiting Satellite ARR - Andoya Rocket Range ASHOE - Airborne Southern Hemisphere Ozone Experiment ASI - All-Sky Imager ASPOC - CLUSTER spacecraft Active Spacecraft Potential Control ATLAS - NASA Space Shuttle missions AVS - Automated Visualization System AWAGS - Australia-Wide Array of Geomagnetic Stations --------------------BBBBBBBB------------------------------ BARS - Bistatic Auroral Radar System BAS - British Antarctic Survey BDMO - Ballistic Missile Defense Organization BGS - British Geological Survey BLP - Boundary Layer Physics; STEP Project 2.5 --------------------CCCCCCCC------------------------------ CADITS - Coupling and Dynamics of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System; STEP Project 3.3 CADRE - Coupling and Dynamics of Regions Equatorial; a 1992 CEDAR campaign CAM - Consortium on Array Magnetometers CAMMICE - POLAR spacecraft Charge and Mass Magnetospheric Ion Composition Experiment CANOPUS - Canadian Auroral Network for the OPEN Program Unified Study CBERS - China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite CCD - Charged Coupling Device CDAW - Coordinated Data Analysis Workshop CDF - Common Data Format CDHF - Central Data Handling Facility CD-ROM - Compact Disk - Read-Only Memory CEDAR - U.S. Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions CELIAS - SOHO spacecraft Ion Composition CEPPAD - POLAR spacecraft Comprhensive Energetic Particle Pitch Angle Distribution CGM - Corrected Geomagnetic coordinates CGU - Canadian Geophysical Union CHEOPS - A 1990 Balloon campaign to study ozone depletion CIS - CLUSTER Ion Spectrometry Experiment CLEMENTINE - U.S. BDMO Deep Space Program Science Experiment for 1994 CLUSTER - ESA component of ISTP CM - Corrected Geomagnetic coordinates CME - Coronal Mass Ejection CNES - Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales COMOSM - Coordinated Ground-Based Magnetic Observations for Studies on response of the Magnetosphere and Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling; STEP Project 2.2 COMSTOC - Coronal Magnetic Structures Observing Campaign for 1992 CORONAS - Russian satellite for 1994 for study of the active Sun COSPAR - Committee on Space Research COSTED - Committee on Science and Technology in Developing Countries COSTEP - SOHO spacecraft Proton, Ion and Electron Energy Distribution COSTR - Collaborative Solar-Terrestrial Research program CPI - GEOTAIL spacecraft Comprehensive Plasma Instrument CRISTA - Cryogenic Infrared Spectrometers and Telescopes for the Atmosphere CRL - Communications Research Laboratory, Japan CRRES - U.S. Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite CSC - Commonwealth Science Council CSSAR - Center for Space Science and Applied Research, China CUPRI - Cornell University VHF Portable Radar --------------------DDDDDDDD------------------------------ DARN - Dual Auroral Radar Network DAT - Digital Audio Tape DECADAL - Decadal Atmospheric Variation Project; STEP Project 5.1 DECIMALS - Dynamical, Electrical and Chemical Interactions near the Mesopause at Arctic Latitudes during Summer DMI - Danish Meteorolgical Institute DMSP - U.S. Defense Meteorological Satellite Program DOC - U.S. Department of Commerce DOD - U.S. Department of Defense DOE - U.S. Department of Energy DOI - U.S. Department of the Interior DSPSE - U.S. Deep Space Program Science Experiment DST - Disturbance Storm Time equatorial magnetospheric activity index DWP - CLUSTER spacecraft Digital Wave Processor DYANA - Dynamics Adapted Network for the Atmosphere; STEP Project 4.0 --------------------EEEEEEEE------------------------------ EASOE - 1991/1992 Campaign to study Stratospheric Aerosols EDI - CLUSTER spacecraft Electron Drift Instrument EEJ - Equatorial Electrojet EFW - CLUSTER spacecraft Electric Fields and Waves EGS - European Geophysical Society EIA - Equatorial Ionization Anomaly EISCAT - Scandinavian radar system EITS - Equatorial Ionosphere-Thermosphere System; STEP Project 3.4 ELBBO - Extended Life Balloon-Borne Observatories EMAD - Equatorial Middle Atmosphere Dynamics; STEP Project 4.2 EMFT - Interball/Tail spacecraft Electro-Magnetic Fields Tail EPIC - GEOTAIL spacecraft Energetic Particle and Ion Composition EPS - GOES Energetic Particle Sensor EPTP - Interball/Tail spacecraft Energetic Particles Tail Probe ERNE - SOHO spacecraft Energetic and Relativistic Nuclei and Electron Experiment ERNET - Indian-based computer network ESA - European Space Agency ESF - Indian Equatorial Spread F Campaign for 1993 ESTEC - European Space Technology Center --------------------FFFFFFFF------------------------------ FAC - Field-Aligned Current FAGDS - Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Data Services FAST - NASA Fast Auroral Snapshot Small Explorer FGM - CLUSTER spacecraft Fluxgate Magnetometer FITS - Flexible Interchange Transport System FLARES22 - Flares at the Maximum of Solar Cycle 22; STEP Project 1.1 FLEX - NASA Follow-on Explorer FLIP - Field-Line Inter-hemispheric Plasma model FREJA - Swedish Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Atmosphere Satellite FUSE - NASA Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer --------------------GGGGGGGG------------------------------- GAEM - Global Atmospheric Electricity Measurement program; STEP Project 5.4 GAPS - Global Aspects of Plasma Structures; STEP Project 3.1 GBR - Ground-based, Balloon, Rocket GBRSC - Ground-Based, Balloon-Borne and Rocket-Borne Observations Situation Center, Japan GCM - General Circulation Model GECMA - Global Electrodynamics and Coupling through the Middle Atmosphere; STEP Project 4.5 GEDDS - Geospace Environmental Data Display System GEM - U.S. Geospace Environment Modeling program GEOTAIL - ISAS/NASA Tail component of ISTP GGCM - Geospace Global Circulation Model GGS - ISTP Global Geospace Science GIN - Geomagnetic Information Node GISMOS - Global Ionospheric Simultaneous Measurement of Substorms; a 1992 GEM campaign GLE - Ground-Level Enhancement or Event GLO - Arizona Airglow Shuttle Experiment GLONASS - Russian Global Navigation Satellite System GOES - NOAA Geostationary Operational Environment Satellite GOLDIS - Geophysics On-Line Data and Information System GONG - Global Oscillations Network Group GORIZONT - Moscow State University Geostationary Monitor GPPT - Interball/Tail spacecraft General Plasma Parameters Tail GPS - Global Positioning System GSE - Geocentric Solar Ecliptic coordinates GSFC - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center GSM - Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric coordinates GUARA - Rocket/radar campaign for 1994 --------------------HHHHHHHH------------------------------ HAO - High-Altitude Observatory HESI - High-Energy Solar Imager HIA - Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, Canada HIREP - Highly-Relativistic Electron Precipitation HISCAT - High-latitude, High-altitude, High-power, High-frequency, High-performance, Heating and ionospheric Scatter facility HLPS - High-Latitude Plasma Structures HXT - YOHKOH spacecraft Hard X-Ray Telescope HYDRA - POLAR Spacecraft Fast Plasma Anaylzer Experiment --------------------IIIIIIII------------------------------ IACG - Inter-Agency Consultative Group IAG - Federov Institute of Applied Geophysics, Moscow IAGA - International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy IAMAP - International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics IAMAS - International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences IAS - International Auroral Study; STEP Project 2.6 IASPEI - International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior IAU - International Astronomical Union ICESA - International Commission for Earth Science in Africa ICS - Incoherent Scatter GEOTAIL spacecraft Ion Composition Subsystem ICSU - International Council of Scientific Unions IDN - International Directory Network IDSCS - International Decade of Solar Cycle Studies IEEY - International Equatorial Electrojet Year IFZ - Institute of the Physics of the Earth, Russia IGBP - International Geosphere-Biosphere Program IGRF - International Geomagnetic Reference Field IGY - International Geophysical Year for 1957/58 IKFIA - Institute of Cosmosphysical Research and Aeronomy IKI - Space Research Institute, Moscow IMAGE - International Monitor for Auroral Geomagnetic Effect IMF - Interplanetary Magnetic Field IMP - NASA Interplanetary Monitoring Platform IMS - International Magnetospheric Study for 1975/80 INPE - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brazil INSA - Indian National Science Academy INTERBALL - Russian Tail and Auroral probes INTERMAGNET- International Real Time Geomagnetic Observatory Network IONOSONDE - Russian polar satellite IPE - Investigation of Ionospheric Plasma Escape; STEP Project 2.4 IPS - Interplanetary Scintillation IRI - International Reference Ionosphere ISAS - Institute of Space and Astronautical Science ISEE - International Sun Earth Explorer ISF - International Science Foundation ISTP - International Solar Terrestrial Physics ISY - 1992 International Space Year IUGG - International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics IUWDS - International Ursigram and World Days Service IZMIRAN - Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation --------------------JJJJJJJJ------------------------------ JARE - Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition JGR - Journal of Geophysical Research JPL - Jet Propulsion Laboratory --------------------KKKKKKKK------------------------------ KP - Key Parameter or Planetary magnetic disturbance index --------------------LLLLLLLL------------------------------ LANL - Los Alamos National Laboratory LEMT - WIND spacecraft Low-Energy Matrix Telescope LLNL - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory LTCS - Lower-Thermosphere Coupling Study --------------------MMMMMMMM------------------------------ MACCS - Magnetometer Array for Cusp and Cleft Studies MAESA - Measurements for Assessing the Effects of Stratospheric Aircraft MAG - IMP-8 spacecraft Fluxgate Magnetometer GOES spacecraft Magnetometer MAGIC - Magnetometer Array on the Greenland Ice Cap MAGION - Czech subsatellite for APEX mission MAHRSI - Middle Atmosphere High Resolution Spectrograph Investigation MAIS - Multi-color All-Sky Imager MALTED - Mesospheric and Lower Thermospheric Equatorial Dynamics campaign for 1994 MAP - Middle Atmosphere Program MARI - Middle Atmosphere Research Initiative MARIA - Magnetometer and Riometer Array MATC - Middle Atmosphere and Tropospheric Climate; STEP Project 4.7 MAX91 - The U.S. element of FLARES22 MDI - SOHO Michelson Doppler Imager MELA - Modeling of Possible Solar Variability Effects in the Lower Atmosphere; STEP Project 5.3 METAL - Study of Metal Layers in the Upper Atmosphere METEOR - Russian Radiation Belt Monitoring satellite MFI - WIND spacecraft Magnetic Fields Investigation MHD - Magnetohydrodynamic MICPAD - Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling and Polar Auroral Dynamics; STEP Project 2.3 MIDEX - NASA Medium Explorers MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology MLSO - Mauna Loa Solar Observatory MLT - Mesosphere Lower Thermosphere Magnetic Local Time MLTCS - Mesosphere Lower-Thermosphere Coupling Study; STEP Project 3.5 MOWG - NASA Management Operations Working Group MPA - Meridian Photometer Array - LANL spacecraft Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer MSFC - NASA Marshall Space Flight Center MSIS - Mass Spectrometer Incoherent Scatter MST - Mesosphere-Stratosphere-Thermosphere MSX - U.S. BDMO Mid-Course Sensor Experiment --------------------NNNNNNNN------------------------------ NAS/NRC - U.S. National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration NCAR - National Center for Atmospheric Research NGDC - NOAA National Geophysical Data Center NGI - U.S. National Geomagnetic Initiative NIPR - National Institute of Polar Research, Japan NIXT - Normal Incidence X-Ray Telescope NLC - Noctilucent Clouds NOAA - National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration NODIS - NSSDC On-line Data and Information System NPL - National Physical Laboratory, India NPRSC - National Polar Radio Science Consortium NRL - U.S. Naval Research Laboratory NSF - U.S. National Science Foundation NSI - NASA Science Internet NSO - National Solar Observatory NSSDC - NASA National Space Science Data Center --------------------OOOOOOOO------------------------------ ORSTED - Danish Magnetic Fields Satellite --------------------PPPPPPPP------------------------------ PACE - Polar Anglo-American Conjugate Experiment PC - Polar Cap magnetic activity index PCO - Polar Cap Observatory PEACE - CLUSTER spacecraft Plasma Electron and Current Analyzer PEGSAT - NASA Chemical Release Satellite PENGUIN - Polar Experiment Network for Geophysical Upper-Atmosphere Investigations PFRR - Poker Flat Research Range PGI - Polar Geophysical Institute, Apatity PIXIE - POLAR spacecraft Polar Ionospheric X-Ray Imaging Experiment PLA - IMP-8 spacecraft Plasma Investigation PMC - Electrdynamic Studies of Polar Mesospheric Clouds; STEP Project 4.4 PMSE - Polar Summer Mesosphere Echoes PPB - Polar Patrol Balloon for 1990/1991 PRIME - Prediction and Retrospective Ionospheric Modelling over Europe PROMIS - Polar Region and Outer-Magnetosphere International Study PRWD - Priority Regular World Days PSPT - Precision Solar Photometric Telescope PWI - GEOTAIL spacecraft Plasma Waves Investigation - POLAR spacecraft Plasma Wave Investigation --------------------QQQQQQQQ------------------------------ QBO - Quasi-Biennial Oscillation QWD - Quarterly World Days --------------------RRRRRRRR------------------------------ RAPID - CLUSTER spacecraft Research and Adaptive Particle Imaging Detector RASC - Radio Atmospheric Science Center, Japan RECOMMEND - Test Recovery System and Procedure REU - Research Experiences for Undergraduates ROCSAT-1 - Taiwanese mission for 1998 RISE - Radiative Inputs of the Sun to Earth program RSMA - Remote Sensing of the Middle Atmosphere from the Ground and Space; STEP Project 4.3 RUSCO - Russian STEP Coordination Office --------------------SSSSSSSS------------------------------ S-RAMP - STEP-Results, Applications and Modeling Phase SACI - Brazilian Satellite for Scientific Applications SAID - Sub-Auroral Ion Drift SAMNET - British Sub-Auroral Magnetometer Network SAMPEX - NASA Solar Anomolous and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer SC - Sudden Commencement SCALE - Scattering Layer Experiment SCAR - Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research SCD - Brazilian Environmental Satellite SCIFER - Sounding of the Cusp Ion Fountain Energization Region program SCOSTEP - Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics SEL - Space Environment Laboratory SELDADS - NOAA Space Environment Laboratory Data Acquisition and Display System SEP - Solar Energetic Particle event SFDU - Standard Formatted Data Unit SGEPSS - Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences SHORT - Effects of Short-Term Solar Variability in the Troposphere; STEP Project 5.2 SIMPO - Simulation Promotion Office, Japan SLS - Structure of the Lower Stratosphere; STEP Project 4.6 SMEX - NASA Small Explorer Program SOHO - ESA/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory SOLERS22 - Solar Electromagnetic Radiation Study 22; STEP Project 1.2 SOLMAX - FLARES22 campaign for 1991 SOLTIP - Solar Connection with Transient Interplanetary Processes; STEP Project 2.1 SOLVE - Solar Variability Enterprise SOPA - LANL spacecraft Synchronous Orbit Particle Analyzer SOUSY - ALOMAR Sounding System SPARC - Stratospheric Processes and their Role in Climate SPDF - NASA Space Physics Data Facility SPDS - NASA Space Physics Data System SPOF - ISTP/GGS Science Planning and Operations Facility SSDOO - GSFC Space Science Data Operations Office STAFF - CLUSTER spacecraft Spatial Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations STE - Committee on Solar Terrestrial Environmental research of Japan STELAB - Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Japan STEP - Solar-Terrestrial Energy Program WIND spacecraft Supra-Thermal Energetic Particle Telescope STIB - Stratosphere-Troposphere Interactions and the Biosphere STICS - GEOTAIL spacecraft Supra-Thermal Ion Composition Spectrometer STP - Solar Terrestrial Physics STPW - Solar Terrestrial Predictions Workshop STR - Solar Terrestrial Research STSP - Solar Terrestrial Science Programme, ESA SUNDIAL - Part of the World Ionosphere/Thermosphere Study SunRISE - Radiative Inputs from the Sun to the Earth SUPERDARN - Extended DARN SUPERWAGS - WETMITS Campaign for 1990 SVETSB - Solar Variability Effects on Technological Systems and the Biosphere; an International Catalog. STEP Project 5.5 SWE - WIND spacecraft Solar Wind Experiment SWIM - NASA/USAF/DOD/NOAA Solar Wind Interplanetary Measurements program SXT - YOHKOH Soft X-Ray Telescope --------------------TTTTTTTT------------------------------ TGCM - Thermospheric Global Circulation Model TEC - Total Electron Content TIDE - POLAR spacecraft Thermal ion Dynamic Experiment TIEGCM - Thermosphere-Ionosphere Electrodynamic Circulation Model TIGCM - Thermosphere-Ionosphere General Circulation Model TIMAS - POLAR spacecraft Toroidal Imaging Mass-Angle Spectrograph TIMED - U.S. Thermospheric, Ionospheric, Mesospheric Energetics and Dynamics mission TOMS - Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer TRACE - NASA Transition Region and Coronal Explorer TSS - NASA Tether Satellite System --------------------UUUUUUUU------------------------------ UARC - Upper Atmosphere Research Collaboratory UARS - NASA/Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite UCWE - Upward Coupling of Wave Energy; STEP Project 4.1 ULYSSES - NASA/ESA spacecraft to investigate heliospheric phenomena out of the ecliptic UN - United Nations URL - WWW Uniform Resource Locator URSI - International Union of Radio Science USAF - U.S. Air Force USGS - U.S. Geological Survey USSCO - U.S. STEP Coordination Office UVI - POLAR spacecraft Ultra-Violet Imager --------------------VVVVVVVV------------------------------- VIS - POLAR spacecraft Visible Imager --------------------WWWWWWWW------------------------------- WAGS - Worldwide Acoustic Gravity Waves Study WBD - CLUSTER spacecraft Wide Band Data WCRP - World Climate Research Program WDC - World Data Center system WEC - Wave Experiment Consortium for CLUSTER WETMITS - Effects of Wave Processes in Energy Transfer in the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere System; STEP Project 3.2 WFF - NASA/GSFC Wallops Flight Facility WG - Working Group WGI - World Geophysical Interval WHISPER - CLUSTER spacecraft Waves of High Frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron Density by Relaxation. WIND - NASA/ISTP L1 Particles and Fields satellite WMO - World Meteorological Organization WWW - World Wide Web --------------------YYYYYYYY------------------------------ YOHKOH - ISAS; formerly Solar-A satellite for observations of solar activity
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