Click on the Element symbols above to view some cards in that Element - both of the Major & Minor Arcanas
Tarot Deck Box ~~~~~ Back of Tarot Cards
Australian Animal Tarot Deck e-Book.pdf with Author's full interpretations & meanings - $25.00
The 78 Animals
2. PARROT (Budgerigar) ~ Beauty; Foraging
3. ECHIDNA (Spiny Anteater) ~ Personal Boundaries; Comfort Zone; Single Mind
4. TASMANIAN DEVIL ~ Aggression; Determination
5. WOMBAT (Hairy-Nosed Wombat) ~ Survival; Tenacity
6. BEE ~ Builder; Worker; Service
7. CROW ~ Law; Council; Tools
8. PENGUIN (King Penguin) ~ Agility; Play
9. PLATYPUS ~ Camouflage; Timid
10. DUGONG (Sea Cow) ~ Sacred Gifts; Provider; Walk gently
11. FROG (Giant Green Tree Frog) ~ Cleansing; Emotional Healing
12. DUNNART (Fat-Tailed Dunnart) ~ Alertness; Scrutiny
13. CASSOWARY ~ Respect; Reputation
14. COCKATOO (Sulphur Crested) ~ Friendship; Self-esteem
15. BUTTERFLY ( Mountain Blue - Ulysses) ~ Transformation; Grace
16. GOANNA (Perentie) ~ Curiosity; Power
17. SEAL (Australian Fur Seal) ~ Adaptation; Contentment; Environment
18. RAVEN (Australian Raven) Magick; Mystery~
19. DOG (Australian Cattle Dog)~ Companionship; Loyalty; Smell
20. TASMANIAN TIGER ( Thylacine)~ Illusion; Elusiveness
21. BILBY (The Greater Bilby)~ Solitude; Conquering Fear
22. LIZARD/GECKO ~ Dreamtime; Letting Go
23. BANDICOOT~ Integrity; Mobility
24. POTOROO (Long-nosed Potoroo) ~ Discovery; Newness
25. CROCODILE (Saltwater) ~ Past Lives; Secrets; Watchfulness
26. SPIDER (Red Back Spider)~ Weaving; Interconnectedness
27. HAWK (The Black Kite) ~ Communication; Truth; Soul Healing
28. DINGO ~ Shadows; Deception; Intention
29. KOALA ~ Holding On; Selectiveness; Sharing
30. TURTLE (Loggerhead Turtle)~ Mother Earth; Healing Knowledge
31. MAGPIE (Australian Magpie)~ Protection; Swiftness
32. EMU ~ Attentiveness; Action
33. EAGLE (Wedgetail Eagle)~ Spirit; Spiritual Healing
34. DOLPHIN (Bottle-nosed) ~ Essence; Beginning; Chi
35. ANT (Green Tree Ant)~ Patience; Teamwork; Community
36. TURKEY (Brush Turkey) ~ Give-away; Sharing
37. BAT (The Greater Long-eared Bat)~ Renewal; Rebirth
38. BOWERBIRD (Golden Bowerbird)~ Attraction; Inquisitiveness
39. BROLGA ~ Dancing; Hypnotic
40. SNAKE (Green Tree Python)~ Transmutation; Life Force
41. WHALE (Humpback Whale)~ Keeper of Records; Memories
42. SUGAR GLIDER (Feather Tailed Glider)~ Faith; Trust
43. POSSUM (Ringtail Possum)~ Ego; Persistence
44. KANGAROO/WALLABY~ Abundance; Family
45. OWL (Tasmanian Masked Owl)~ Vision; Silence; Intuition
46. NUMBAT (Banded Anteater) ~ Preparedness; Gathering
47. LYREBIRD (Superb Lyrebird) ~ Imitation; Shyness
48. QUOLL (Native Tiger Cat - Western Quoll) ~ Intelligence; Fearless
49. MANTA RAY (Devil Fish)~ Ebb & Flow
50. CAT (Domestic) ~ Resourcefulness; Independence
51. DOVE~ Feminine Energy of Peace & Love;
52. BRUMBY(Australian Wild Horse) ~ Power; Endurance; faithfulness
53. SEAGULL (Pacific Gull)~ Communicating with Deities; Responsibility
54. SHARK (The Great White)~ Remorselessness; Movement
55. PEACOCK ~ Representation of God; Yin Yang; Immortality
56. MOSQUITO ~ Irritation; Mutation
57. FLY (Aussie Bush Fly)~ Laziness; Breakdown
58. PRAYING MANTAS ~ Prayers; Stillness
59. SWAN (The Black Swan)~ Patience; Quiet Time; Divination
60. MUD CRAB ~ Sideway Movement; Protection of Home
61. CHICKEN (Woodhen)~ Pecking; Seeking; Inner Voice;
62. ORCA (Killer Whale) ~ Shadow Side; Acceptance; Soul Song
63. COW (Brahman)~ Great Mother Goddess; Alter to Danger
64. CAMEL ~ Vastness; Burdens
65. PELICAN ~(The Australian Pelican) Recovery from Loss; Control; Storage
66. RABBIT/HARE ~ Hidden Teachings; Humility
67. BEETLE (Christmas Beetle)~ Centre of Universe; Spiritual Enlightenment
68. WASP ~ Sisterhood; Female Warrior Spirit
69. CURLEW ~ (Bush Thick-kneed Curlew) Soul Lessons; Messenger of Change
70. SEA DRAGON ~ Fatherhood; Masculine Energy
71. MOTH/CATERPILLAR (Emperor Moth)~ Whirlwind energy; Confusion
72. STARFISH (The Blue Starfish)~ Regeneration; Connection to the stars
73. SCORPION ~ Transmutation of poisons; Reflections
74. OCTOPUS (Blue Ring) ~ Smoke Screen; Destroying Barriers
75. DRAGONFLY ~ Dreams; Seeing the Truth
76. WILLIE WAGTAIL ~ Protector; Relatives
77. JELLY FISH (Portuguese Man of War) ~ Entanglement; Pain
78. FOX/FLYING FOX ~ Shapeshifting; Stealth
Brolga - Air - Coins
Crocodile - Fire - Swords
Dragonfly - Earth - Wands/Rods
Penguin - Water - Cups
Sugar Glider - Major Arcana - The Lovers
'Australian Animal Tarot Deck'
By Ann Williams-Fitzgerald
Auz Vizions
Geroge Town, Tasmania 7253, Australia

Links around this site and other interesting places
About the Author
About the Deck
Wisdom of the Australian Animals Book & Medicine Card Set
CAT Medicine
MANTA RAY Medicine
DOVE Medicine
SHARK Medicine
OWL Medicine
SNAKE Medicine
TURTLE Medicine
For Love of Animals............
Mother Earth...Lets HELP her
Inner Wisdom Centre
Inner Wisdom Promotions
Tarot World
Email: auzvizions@optusnet.com.au
Website maintained by Ann Williams-Fitzgerald
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