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July 4th, 1968

by Rhonda Moore

It actually started at 2 AM that July 4th morning. The plans had been carefully laid the day before, and of course, were carried out with great precision!

At 2:00 AM I was startled awake (I wasn't supposed to be asleep!) by rocks thrown at my second story window. I checked to make sure they hadn't woke up Marilyn, and carefully shoved the window and the screen up. Howie was standing on the patio below, trying to be heard without speaking above a whisper. I shushed him even more, because my stepdad was sleeping on the couch, with his head right at the window below mine.

Howie produced a ladder, (if it could be called that!) and leaned it against the wall below the window. It appeared to be homemade, and the bottom of the side rails were straight instead of slanted, so it didn't rest easy leaning there. With Howie holding it, I climbed out the window, onto the ladder, and began to climb down.

About half way down, I discovered the next 2 rungs were missing!! I was and still am, only 5'3" tall, with very short legs. There was absolutely no way I was going to reach the next rung! As I hung there, the only solution seemed to be jumping. Howie apprarently agreed, since he whispered loudly for me to do just that. So, I DID!

As I hit the concrete patio, in my bare feet, I bit down on my finger to keep from crying out. When I tried to stand up, it felt like my ankles were where my knees should have been! Howie helped me up and held me up until I could walk on my own. What a sight that would have been if my stepdad had woke up!

Howie laid the ladder down against the wall, and we made our way round to the front of the units. To my surprise, I was greeted by Dubie, Frank Kline, who was new to the base, and one other (that I can't remember right now!). We snuck out to the runway where the vacation trailors were kept, and made ourselves at home in the Dubie's trailor. The guys checked to see if there were any open doors on the others, and availed themselves of a few goodies. I think they came back with a box of chewing gum and some crackers! It was slim pickins! We giggled and laughed, thinking how sneaky we were being. When the MPs made their rounds, we ran out the door and hid in the long grass, and somehow managed to avoid detection, for the moment.

Since our location had been compromised, we decided to move to a new one. The barracks was the obvious choice, since they had vending machines and a pool table. As we walked down the runway towards the barracks, the MPs came back! My four gallant companions stood shoulder to shoulder, hiding me behind them, until the MPs left. To this day, I can't figure out if they actually didn't see me, or if they just let it pass because they didn't want to do the paperwork!! We reached the barracks, bought some sodas to share, and played pool for awhile.

By this time, it was 4:30 AM, and time was getting short. I told Howie I wanted to go home, before the household began stiring. He, unfortunetly had other plans!! He wanted to head to the officers pool, and scrounge. Frank, even though it was the first time we met, came to my rescue. He walked me home, and together, we discovered that the ladder was NOT the way back in. The kitchen window was open, and Frank slid the screen up, then opened the window all the way. He moved the dishes off the sink, and turned the faucet to the side. He was about the same height as me, so this was a real challenge! (Now, picture this) He cupped his hands, and gave me a leg lift up to the window. With the top half of me inside, he pushed on the only available area presented to him, and shoved me farther inside. I flipped over, and sat my butt in the sink, pulled my legs in, and climbed down. I blew Frank a kiss, closed the screen, lowered the window, turned the faucet back around, and put the dishes back in the sink.

I knew where every creak and squeek lived on the staircase, and I carefully made my way upstairs. My stepdad was still snoring on the couch, and everything was quiet up stairs. I crept back into my bedroom, and started getting into my PJs. I was paralized with fear when I heard the stairs groan under the weight of my stepdad. I made a diving leap into the bed, pulled the covers up over my head, and prayed!! The footsteps came toward my closed door, then proceeded on to the master bedroom. I laid there, trying not to breath, until I heard the familar snore from the room next door. I finished putting on my PJs, climbed back into bed and heaved a hugh sigh of relief!! It was now 5 AM.

About 7:30 my Mom knocked on the door, and told us it was time to get up, that there was lots to do today. I jumped out of bed, and couldn't wait for the 4th of July festivities to begin. I spent the whole day at the carnival set up by the old teen club, and had a great time. Howie even won a giant blue teddy bear for me, and I still have it,to this day.

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