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These sermons are designed to motivate members of local congregations to do their best for the Lord by doing their best in the church. There is much information from the Scriptures included telling us how to do God's will in this.

Sermons Currently in the Series

THE FOUR LEPERS - Four lepers shut out of the city risk all and find a treasure that can save them and make them rich, and save the city. Will they share it?
PAUL'S MOTIVATION - What kept Paul going in spite of his suffering. Could the same thing help us?
INDIVIDUAL LEADERSHIP - The Lord is looking for faithful people to lead his people. Who will it be, and how will they do it?
THE IDEAL CHURCH MEMBER - What constitutes the ideal for a member of this congregation? Who determines the ideal, and shouldn't we all strive for it? Who is it we can't do without?
THE BOND OF PEACE - Doctrinal soundness is essential to the proper growth of a congregation, but so is the Bond of Peace.
FELLOWSHIP AGAIN - A look at this subject from a positive point of view.
BE STRONG AND WORK - The Lord's house has been neglected too long. Here is an exhortation from the past that is good for our time.