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The Four Lepers

TEXT2 Kings 7:3-9


A.      Background, the Syrian siege of Samaria.

B.      Leper's situation:  Joy over their discovery and concern

          for suffering brethren.

C.      WILL we horde or share the treasures of the gospel?


A.      The disciples( John 1:40-42, 44-45;  Acts 5:42;  8:1-4 ).

B.      The apostle Paul( Acts 20:20, 24, 26-27, 31 ).

          1.       He was a debtor( Rom. 1:14;  2 Cor. 5:14-15 ).

          2.       He was "in love"( Rom. 9:1-3;  10:1-3 ).

C.      Isaiah's eagerness( Isa. 6:8 ).

D.      Jeremiah's zeal( Jer. 20:7-9 ).

E.      Jesus himself:

          1.       Compassion( Mat. 9:36-38 ).

          2.       Busy at his Father's work( John 5:17 ).

          3.       Purposeful and urgent( John 9:4 ).

          4.       He saw it through( John 17:4 ).


A.      God's plan is fulfilled in Gospel Teaching( 1 Cor. 1:21 ).

B.      Billions are depending on us( Rom. 10:13-17 ).

C.      Each person is important( Luke 15:7, 10 ).

D.      The effect of this work( James 5:19-20 ).

E.      Necessary for the Christian

          1.       "Must I go and empty handed..." "Can I go...?"

          2.       Belshazzar's failure to glorify God( Dan. 5:23 ).

          3.       Moses( Num. 20:12 ).

          4.       Herod( Acts 12:23 ).

          5.       How is God glorified?( John 15:8, 2 ).


A.      A foolproof plan to evangelize the world:

          1.       Each one convert one.

          2.       The whole world converted in just 35 years.

B.      God is on our side( Phil. 2:13-16 ).

          1.       God + me=success( Phil. 4:13 ).

          2.       We can turn the world upside down( Acts 17:6;  Col. 1:6, 23 ).

C.      But we must work!!

          1.       What would happen if an insurance company sought customers the same way

                   we seek souls?

          2.       What if we sought souls the same way that an insurance company seeks      


D.      Prospects are needed!  Find one and work on him.

          1.       Offer a home Bible Study - I will teach it if you can't.

          2.       Offer a correspondance course.

          3.       Invite to services - make definite plans - offer a ride on a specific day.

          4.       Be ready always to discuss the Bible( 1 Pet. 3:15;  2 Tim. 2:15 ).

          5.       Pray for success, Reflect God's goodness and Joy.  Be happy!


A.      Do you want the church to grow?

B.      Do you want others to go to heaven?

C.      Do you want to go there yourself?