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Individual Leadership

TEXT:  Eph. 4:11


A.      God has provided the church with leadership( Eph. 4:11 ).

B.      God expects all to exercise what we might call

Individual Leadership.

          1.       When we see a need we do what we can in a humble way whether

                   anyone else does anything or not.

          2.       The exercise of personal responsibility.  Self-starters.


A.      Joseph of Arimathea( Mat. 27:57-60 ).

          1.       Joseph took the initiative.  He was not sent or drafted.

          2.       He not only saw the need, he did something.

B.      Andrew in bringing Peter( John 1:41-42 ).

          1.       Andrew realized his brother's need and did something.

          2.       Mat. 28:19-20.  Personal leadership is a part of God's plan( 2 Cor. 4:13 ).

C.      Those "scattered abroad"( Acts 8:1, 4 ).

          1.       Initiative came from an inward compulsion( Jer. 20:8-9 ).

          2.       Mat. 12:34Our hearts should be full of the gospel.

          3.       Most evangelism depends on personal effort( Acts 5:42; 8:4;  11:19-20 ).

D.      Priscilla and Aquila( Acts 18:24-26 ).

E.      The good Samaritan( Luke 10:30-37 ).

          1.       What did those who recognized as leaders do?

          2.       Who sent the Samaritan?

          3.       What cause the Samaritan to do what he did?  Inner qualities.

F.      Cornelius( Acts 10. 24-33 ).


A.      One brother’s "teacher training class."

B.      Lloyd Taylor’s work at maryvale.

C.      Irene Toliver in Ashfork.

D.      Jack Greenwood and Bob Mclaughlin.


A.      You to Lead.

          1.       A willingness like Paul's is necessary( 1 Cor. 11:1 ).

          2.       Leading is not griping or merely giving advise.  It is doing - example!

B.      Knowledge.

          1.       We are expected to learn so we can lead( 2 Pet. 3:18;  Heb. 5:12 ).

          2.       Zeal without knowledge is harmful( Rom. 10:1-3;  Mat. 15:14 ).

C.      Wisdom.

          1.       Begins with reliance on God( Prov. 9:10 ).

          2.       And a proper motivation( James 3:15, 17 ).

          3.       Sometimes involves knowing when to lead and when to follow.

D.      Conviction( 2 Cor. 4:13 ).  Faith compels and enables.

E.      Vision( Prov. 29:18 ).  The ability to see ahead - Perceive the need.

F.      Sacrifice( Rom. 12:1 ).

          1.       Leadership requires paying  price - time, money, effort, etc.

          2.       Such a sacrifice inspires others to follow.

G.      Courage.

          1.       Taking initiative means taking a risk( Ecc. 11:4 ).

          2.       Sometimes leadership costs us friendship.

H.      A tough skin.

          1.       He who leads must be able to take criticism, most of which will be

                                       destructive and unjust.

          2.       A good leader can distinguish just criticism from unjust and use both.

          3.       Be sure you are right and then go ahead ( 1 Pet. 3:17;  4:19 ).


A.      We are not advocating that certain ones just take over.

B.      We are saying it is time we show more interest in things

          righteous and ACT!