1. To see that each camper in your cabin is in the correct place at the correct time according to schedule.

2. To be an example in promoting a proper spiritual, moral, and cheerful atmosphere among all campers.

3. To be responsible for the safety of all campers.

a. You must take the lead in observing all safety rules.

b. You should be a good example in personal hygiene. In may be necessary to remind your campers about showers, brushing teeth, etc.

4. To take the lead in seeing that ALL campers have an enjoyable experience by helping them to become involved in a maximum of activities.

5. To handle any minor discipline problems as it is needed, whether the camper is in your cabin or not. Any camper that needs further discipline, or any problem that may escalate into something more serious must immediately be brought to the attention of the director.

6. To attempt to curb over-zealous pranksters. Report to the director.

7. To immediately report any sick or injured camper to the director. NO medication may be given by a counselor or another camper to a camper.

8. On Sunday afternoon, at check in time to examine your cabin thoroughly for damage or vandalism from previous camps. Make a list of any damage you find. Then on Friday morning, check again as soon as possible and report any new damage.

9. To see that your cabin is clean, swept and in order on Friday morning. To make sure that all campers have their belongings out of the cabin and ready to go on the last day.

10. To enforce the camp rules. Counselors may not change any of the rules! All execptions will be made by the Camp director.





1. Campers or staff may not leave the enclosed camp area at any time without specific authorization from the director.

2. Campers may not have visitors without specific authorization from the director.

3. Boys are not allowed in the girls' cabins and girls are not allowed in the boys' cabins At Any Time..

4. All campers must be in the proper area at the time of scheduled Bible classes, crafts, ballgames, meals, and worship periods. Though participation in these activities is not mandatory, because liability for your welfare rests with us, so that we might properly supervise those entrusted to our care, You must be present and on time for ALL camp activities!

5. NO shorts, cut-offs, halter tops, muscle shirts, or bare midriffs will be permitted. Flipflops and sandals may be worn only to and from the shower.

6. No smoking, drinking, or unauthorized drugs will be allowed.

7. Profanity or vulgar language will not be permitted.

8. Damage to others' property or to the camp facilities will not be tolerated.

9. Campers may not leave cabin without consent of their counselor after lights out.

10. Campers are not allowed in the cafeteria except during meals and other scheduled activities in the cafeteria. Campers must leave the coffee and such alone!

11. No radios, clock radios, tape players, TVs, or CELL PHONES. They Will Be Taken!

12. Campers are advised to bank spending money with their counselors. The camp is not responsible for the money you keep or personal items.

13. Courtesy will be shown all camp personnel, staff, visitors, and all other campers.

14. Problems with other campers or adults not belonging to our group are to be reported to the director. Fighting is not permitted, no matter who is involved, and rudeness is never right. Go through channels if you have a problem.

15. No pranks, balloons, slingshots, knives, fire-arms, or any other weapons are allowed in camp. NO THROWING OF ROCKS OR PINE CONES.

We want your camp experience to be a happy one!

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