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Frances Spinella

Gygr ate her porridge and finished off the last of the goat milk before she and Lis went to the class. The warrior carried the sleeping kittens in her hands and settled them into her lap when she sat on the floor of the room. The place was packed. Everyone was crammed together shoulder to shoulder. The only person who had any room to move was Gygr. But she didn’t notice.

Jiliana introduced her new students to the class, in addition to Lis and the warrior fifteen others had decided to participate. “First I want you to raise your hand if you speak Alaistrian.” Most members raised their hand including the warrior and Lisi. “Good, now who speaks Dorian.” Fewer hands but the Commander’s and Lisi’s were both up. “How about Bret?” Gygr raised her hand as she tickled the waking kittens. “And Creanistrian?” Again Gygr raised her hand while Eyes licked her finger. “Does anyone here speak Eustrian?” Gygr’s was the lone hand. She giggled as Eyes and Black pawed her fingers.

“Gygr,” Jili looked at the woman who was concentrating on the kittens, “never mind. Okay we’ll begin with  . . .” The class ended half way before midday. Lisi and Jili spoke for a while after everyone had left.

“Blue, you should of paid attention,” Lisi turned the warrior’s face toward her own as they sat in the now empty room with Jiliana.

“I did. I raised my hand.” She stroked the soft fur of the again sleeping trio.

“Gygr can you speak any other languages?” Jili knew the woman spoke several and wanted to know how many more.

Gygr nodded her head as she fingered behind the ears of the sleeping kittens. “Uh huh, Brudian, Losi, Celcat, Prin, Sojelot, Thiasolian and Pistiamoran. I can read and write in all of them too.”

“Gods,” Lisi leaned against the wall, “I’ve got a intellectualizer living with me.”

Jili suppressed a smile. “Yes, well there’s no reason you can’t learn some of them too.”

“You’re doing it wrong.” Gygr gently lifted claws from her hand.

“What?” Jili turned to the warrior.

“You should split them up.”


“The students.” Gygr giggled when Eyes began sucking on her little finger.

“Can you elaborate?”

She sighed, “put the ones who already know how to read together. And the ones who don’t together.”

“What does elaborate mean?” Lis asked.

“Elaborate means ‘give more detail,’ I was requesting a further explanation of what she meant.”

“Oh,” the girl nodded.

“Gygr do you want to come back tomorrow?” Jili thought the woman had been bored.

Gygr looked toward Lis to answer. “I  . . .”

“Blue, tell the truth.”

“No. I want to dig holes for the trees.” She dropped her head and a tear escaped.

“Why are you crying, Blue?”

“I don’t know Lis.”

“Let’s go and dig some holes for the trees,” Lis rose and the warrior followed carrying the kittens.

Gygr kept an eye on her trio as she used the knife to form a hole into the hard dirt. She took a seedling from the batch Jonni had left with her and gently pushed it into the hole careful not to hurt the roots. Then she filled the hole with fresh soil Jonni had also left, followed by a mouthful of water onto the plant. She sat back and looked over the long row of seedlings she had planted so far today and brushed her hands against each other.

Good job Little One.

Who you calling Little One?

Hey, she’s not you and she’s not me.

She’s the kid.

Yes, yes. When do you think we should come back out?

We’ve got a lot to work on here. Give us some time, gladiator.

Give us some time?

Ever since they started calling you Commander you’ve been a real pain in the butt, warrior. Just don’t let it go our head.

Jeesh, everyone’s a critic. Even myself.

From the corner of her eye Gygr saw the wild cubs. Then a sight that terrified her. Her trio and the cubs together. She watched in horror as a dark paw reached over and knocked down Black. “Noooo,” she was up and running, leaping onto the cub. They rolled around in the dirt, the gladiator trying to get a good hold around the predator’s neck.



“Stop it.”

“Stop. NOW!”

Gygr lay still as Mishal and Lisiana ran to the warrior with the cub held in a tight grip between her strong hands.

“Blue,” Lisi knelt beside the woman, “let it go.”

“But  . . .”

“Let it go.” Lis laid a soft hand on the woman’s shoulder. “Please.”

Tears in her eyes Gygr slowly loosened her grip on the animal then released it. Dark scampered to her feet and placed a heavy paw on the warrior’s chest then licked her face. Gygr giggled.

“Dark and the kittens were playing, Red,” Mishal looked down at the woman her eyes misty. Stefan stood beside her an arm around the small dark woman’s shoulders.

Gygr allowed the cat to lick her then gently pushed her away. “Oh, I thought . . .” She rose to her feet and looked at Lis then Mishal then Stefan and back to Lisi. “I was afraid.”

Lis wrapped her arms around the tall woman’s waist and hugged her tight. “I know Blue, but they’re just playing with new friends.” She looked down at the cubs and kittens who were rolling around together in the dirt, “see?”

The woman nodded and watched them a smile forming on her face. “I’m glad they have friends.” She lay her head on the young woman’s shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

“Tell Mishal and Stefan,” Lis looked into the blue eyes looking into her own.

Gygr turned to the two women, “I’m sorry. I didn’t want Black to get hurt,” she glanced at the cubs and kittens who now seemed to be settling in for a nap under the shade of a bush, the kittens cuddled in the giant paws of the cubs. “Nap time.” She smiled.

“For you too,” Lisi turned to the two women. “I’m Lisiana,” she smiled, “I’m really sorry about this, but she’s very attached to the kittens.” The young woman looked up to the taller woman, “go get ready for your nap, Blue.”

Gygr nodded and with another glance at her kittens sleeping peacefully with the cubs she headed back to the house.

“She’s . . . uh different.” Mishal’s voice broke.

“Yes,” Lis nodded. “Balador did everything he could to break her,” tears fell to her cheeks and she brushed them away, “and he did.”

“Our Commander is a strong woman,” Stefan laid a gentle hand on Lisi’s shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. “Every one of us will do what has to be done to help her.”

“Yes,” Mish smiled at the young woman. “We all will.” The young dark woman glanced toward the house Gygr had entered, “I’m glad she has you.” There was honesty and concern in that voice. Lisi couldn’t miss it.

“Well, I better go see to her,” she nodded to the woman, “nice meeting you.”

“Blue,” Lisi heard crying when she entered the house, “are you okay?” She sat on the large bed Aldo had made especially for the tall warrior.

Gygr shook her head.

“What’s wrong,” Lisi stroked the woman’s forehead. “Want to tell me about it?”

“I . . .  don’t know,” the woman sniffled. “I hurt inside here,” she held her stomach, “and here,” she laid a hand over her heart. “Why?”

“Shhh, it’s all right.” She rubbed the strong back. “Maybe it was because you were so frightened for your kittens? Do you think?”

Gygr nodded and sniffled, “maybe.”

“Can you take your nap now?” Gygr scooted over and patted the place beside her.

“Will you come too?” Blue eyes pleaded.

Lisiana lay beside the distraught woman, “yes, of course. Now you sleep. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” She stroked the woman’s cheek, “I promise, Blue.”

Gygr lay her head on Lisi’s shoulder and closed her eyes. She was immediately asleep. Lis threw her arm over the warrior’s chest and gently rubbed her arm. Gods. How can I help her? Tears fell and dribbled into her ears and hair until finally, she too slept.

Gygr was sullen when she woke from the nap. “Eat your stew, Blue.”


“Blue eat your stew,” Lisi leaned over the table to look at the warrior.


“Are you hungry?”


“Well then,” Lisi poured the contents of the untouched bowl back into the kettle and stuck the bowl in a tub of water. “Do you want to go outside and dig more holes for the seedlings?”


“Do you want to play with the Black, Eyes and Commander?”


Lisi sat in the chair beside the woman, “well, what do you want to do?”

“Hurt someone real bad.” She looked into the green eyes that stared back in surprise.

“Hurt someone?”

“Real bad.” The assassin flexed her hands. “I want to make someone hurt.” She gritted her teeth, “I want to kill someone.”

“Oh, Blue,” Lisi laid a soft hand on the woman’s forearm. “That’s not a good thing.”

“I know,” Gygr dropped her head. “But that’s how I feel.”

“Let’s go for a walk,” Lis stood and pulled the warrior to her feet, “maybe you’ll feel better after getting some exercise.” She held the woman’s arm and leaned her head against it. Gygr reached over and settled her arm over the young blonde’s shoulder pulling her close to her side. “Okay.”

The two walked all over the Tang compound meeting people as they went who offered the warrior their hopes she got well soon as well as congratulations on the defeat of Jauka, even if the bastard did get away. Jonni praised her for the job she was doing with the seedlings then went on and on about something. Lis finally pulled the bored woman away promising the man they’d speak again, soon. They reached a clearing just beyond the compound and watched as soldiers trained with sword, staff and bow. Stefan was sparring with a new recruit trying to get the man to increase the speed and power behind his blows. The tall soldier sighed.

Gygr watched and before Lis could stop her crossed the clearing and pulled the staff from the surprised man’s hands. “Want to spar, Stefan?”

“Commander, it is always an honor to spar with you.”

Lisi caught up with her friend and pulled her aside holding up a hand to Stefan to wait. “Blue, don’t hurt her.”


“Because she’s a friend. A very good friend. Don’t hurt her.”

Gygr nodded. “Okay.”

Lisi approached Stefan, “please try not to hurt her. And protect yourself. She’s angry and confused and wants to lash out at anything.” Stefan nodded in understanding.

“You have my word, she will not be harmed.” The tall woman glanced at the warrior who danced the staff in her hands in complicated patterns, “and thank you for the warning.”

Lisi watched as the combatants nodded to each other that they were ready. Before the first thrust was made an audience began to gather around the women. Stefan and Gygr. Word spread and soon riders from Number One appeared for the match.

Lisi could only shake her head. Beside her she heard a quick intake of breath and turned to see Mishal. “She won’t be hurt.”

“It’s not Red I’m worried about.” Mish mumbled.

“It’s not Gygr I’m talking about,” Lis whispered. The two women appraised one another then turned back to the match.

Although physically, Gygr was still not back to her usual self, her skills had not diminished. She warded off blows and countered with deadly accuracy. It was obvious to everyone who watched that the warrior pulled those blows that could have been fatal.

Stefan was having a great time and with each glance into the eyes of her Commander she noted the feeling was mutual. Stefan too pulled blows that could have seriously injured Gygr. And a few of the spectators noticed that. Yoshi and Jili, arms around each other’s waist watched with fascination.

Gods it’s nice to let loose again.

Yes, well remember Lis doesn’t want us to hurt Stefan.

Yeah, yeah. Commander you notice Stefan and Mishal together?

Who could miss it.

Look at Mish now. She’s afraid we’ll hurt her uh . . .  Her what? Lover? Yeah.

Gladiator, shut up and concentrate on the fight.

Yeah, yeah.

Don’t let the big one hurt us.

Calm down now Little One.

Don’t call me that.

Then what do we call you.

Call me Red. That’s what Wilem called me.

All right Red.

Now let Gladiator concentrate.

Give me a moment and I’ll put a stop to this.


Yes, I can.

It’s not a fight to the death. And who are you?

I’m the Assassin. Not a fight to the death?

No let the Gladiator handle it.

You hate me don’t you?

Assassin I don’t even know you.

You will.

The Assassin saw the opening and took it. It was all they could do for Red, Gladiator and Warrior to stop her from killing Stefan. Gygr looked down at the woman on the ground. Gods I almost killed her. She reached down a hand and helped the soldier to her feet. “Nice. Thanks,” she strode away from the clearing toward the house.

What was that all about Assassin.

Just wanted you to know I could take over any time I want.

Lis ran to catch up to her friend, “what was that all about?”

“What?” Gygr looked down at the girl beside her.

“You could have killed her.”


Lis pulled at the warrior’s arm and stopped her. “Why?”

“I didn’t,” the gladiator raised a brow. “Isn’t that what you wanted?”

Lisi swallowed. This wasn’t the Gygr who’d been with her these last months, “ye . . . yes.”

“Then why are you upset?”

“I . . . was just afraid, that’s all.”

The warrior placed a gentle hand on the young woman’s shoulder, “I know.” She smiled, “let’s see how our triplets are doing with the cubs,” and wrapped an arm around the smaller woman’s shoulders pulling her close.

The officers met in the new HQ at Tang Lake on a weekly basis. Without their Commander to make decisions regarding Doria they had taken on running things until she was again able to take the reins of leadership. Tron, Gus, Yoshi, Bris, Haodal, Eadwar, Callow, Grest and Quella stood around the table when the door opened and a shadow fell over the surface of the map they were examining.


“Little One.”



She held her hand up for silence and they separated allowing her a place to view the map. She turned it so that it was not upside down for her. “First thank you for taking care of the troops and Doria during my uh . . . incapacitation.” She looked at the map. “What are you working on?”

“Plans for new roads. New villages are popping up all over and we need to have a decent road system.”

The Commander nodded. “First rebuild Port Emilie and Doak. Gustav that will be your responsibility. Take the best carpenters, and anyone else you need to do it. You have three months.” She turned to Eadwar, “set up a mint. We’re going to turn some of all that gold into Dorian coin. I want it set up and in operation within the month. Take whomever you need to help you, Dakkan might be a good choice.”

“Coin?” Yosh raised her brows.

“If were going to be a country separate from any other we need our own coinage.” She turned to Bris, “arrange a census. I want to know how many citizens and prisoners we have here.”

“Good idea, Little One.”

“Haodal, get those sailors together and scour every league of coast. I want a port in the east.” The man smiled and nodded. She's back.

“Yoshi, Grest, Callow you will continue with training the new recruits. Set up a permanent force to patrol Doria. Locate new outposts for them. They should be no less than half a day’s ride to a town if there is one nearby. I don’t want soldiers and townspeople to have difficulties. Quella will be allowed a small merchant station at each outpost.”

“Thanks Gygr,” the young man smiled and brushed his mustache down with his thumb and forefinger.

“Tron, locate someone who has had experience in judicial matters. We will be setting up a system that will allow those accused of crimes to be heard as well as those accusing them. Only after a finding of guilt has been made will prison sentences be given. Also make a list of every prisoner, and their crime.”

“Gustav, ask Kelt to make me a new map with the new villages. Then we’ll decide where new roads will go.” She nodded and everyone cleared the room to begin their tasks.

When everyone was gone she looked around the room. The new HQ was on a hill overlooking Tang Lake and the office boasted a large window, that was not yet covered in glass. At the moment a breeze waved through and brushed the still growing hair of the warrior. The desk, she could see, was Aldo’s work. The man is a genius with his hands. She sat in the large leather chair and looked over the landscape afforded by the window. To her right was the door from which she’d entered facing south. She closed her eyes and rested her head against the leather chair. A clearing of a throat brought her attention to the door.

A tall figure stood in the doorframe and the warrior immediately recognized Stefan. The soldier closed the door, “am I interrupting, Commander?”

“No, no Stef, come in and sit down in one of these comfortable chairs Aldo made.” She waved the woman in and pointed to four chairs facing the desk.

Stefan sat, “very comfortable. Aldo does good work.”

“Yes, he does.” Gygr never minded quiet but she saw Stefan was uneasy, “I’d like you to take command of the Tang outpost, Stef. Would you mind?”

“Commander I follow orders . . .”

“Yes, yes, but is it somewhere Mishal would be happy.”


Gygr leaned forward and folded her hands on the desk, “I see the way she looks at you Stef. And I see the way you look at her.”

The soldier reddened and cleared her throat, “yes Commander. We’ve become very close.” She squirmed in her chair, “I . . . uh care . . . I mean . . .”

“You love her?” The soldier nodded. “Which brings me back to Tang Lake. I know Mishal likes water. Port Emilie and Doak are both being rebuilt as well as another port in the east. Until that time I’d like you to command Tang.”

“And later?”

“Later I will give Mishal and you the opportunity to transfer to a port. She will become Wharf Master and you will be in charge of the garrison there.” She bit her lip, “if it’s something you both want.”

Stefan didn’t know what to say. She had come unbidden to the HQ to ask Gygr if she had any intention of getting back together with Mishal. Now she was speechless. “Uh . . . Commander . . .”

Gygr stood, “you talk it over with Mish. Right now Lisi is waiting and she really gets after me if I’m late for a meal.” The Commander smiled.

“I know what you mean, Mish is the same way. That woman!”

Gygr threw her arm over the soldier’s shoulder as they walked to their respective homes, “yeah, but we can’t live without them.”

“Unfortunately,” the soldier smiled, “they know it.” Both women laughed in companionable understanding.

“WHAT?” Gygr was stunned, “they want me to what?”

“Proclaim yourself Sovereign of Doria,” Lisi filled the bowls with stew and laid the breads on the table. She placed a pitcher of goat milk near the warrior’s bowl and cider beside her own, then sat, “come eat before it gets cold.”

The warrior crossed to the table and sat. Beside her chair three faces peered up to her as she sneaked a piece of meat from the bowl and dropped it. Lisi pretended not to notice. Glad I put the extra meat in her bowl or she wouldn’t get any. “Jauka’s still a threat, Blue. They want someone to have . . .”

“They want someone to dump the problems of Doria on permanently.” Gygr chewed the stew, “really good Lis.” She smiled.

“But you are already dealing with the problems of Doria, Blue. The people need to feel secure. And these days that means they want royalty.”

“Lisi, I am not royalty.”

“Neither was Plydias before he crowned himself King of Abumarn.”

“Abumarn is a small country surrounded by other small countries. Doria is a whole continent three quarters the size of Alaistria.”

“The more need for one person to be responsible.”

“Why do you want me to do this, Lis?”



Tears began to fill the young woman’s eyes, “Blue I never had a real home before I met you. I never had friends before I met all these people. I never was or felt safe until Jauka was defeated.” She sniffled and tried not to sob, “I love this country, what everyone is working so hard to build . . .” The woman began sobbing and pulled away from the table running outside onto the porch.

Gygr found her sitting on the stairs, “okay Lis.” She held the young woman and kissed the top of her head.

“Blue,” she looked up into blue eyes, “I just don’t want Doria to be like Alaistria full of little countries always fighting each other.” She shook her head, “no one wants that.”

The two held each other and only separated when they heard the crash from inside. Gygr and Lis looked at each other, “damn,” they yelled in unison and raced back inside. Eyes, Black and Commander sat eating the meat from a bowl that had fallen from the table. The crockery was broken.

“What a mess,” Lisi shooed the culprits away.

“I’ll clean it.”

“No, Blue. You take those three outside.” The woman continued to mumble as she cleaned the mess.

The warrior heard words like “cats for dinner” and “feed them to Dark and Light,” before she escaped with the triplets. She sat on the steps and drank the goat milk she had filched from the table. The kittens raced across the way to play with Light and Dark who had just been released from their own residence.

The warrior watched Stefan as she sat beside her on the step. “Nice night.” Just then a string of Dorian, Bret, Alaistrian and Creanistrian words usually heard from sailors and soldiers floated from the open window. Stef swallowed, “very verbal.”

“Yeah and she’s learning Prin and Calcat too.”

“Ah.” Stef nodded.

“You have trouble with Dark and Light?”

“Don’t go there Commander,” the soldier rolled her eyes.

“I see.”

“You know, she’s the one who wanted to raise them when we killed their mother. Now, whenever they do something wrong they’re mine and whenever they do something good, their hers.”

“Gods, and I thought I was the only one who had that problem.”

“Must be something in the air,” Stef nodded. “You gonna do it?”

“Do what?” Gygr took a sip of milk.

“The Sovereign thing.”

“How did you know?”

“Hey, Commander, we’ve been discussing this for six months, ever since we chased Jauka out.” She stared at the cubs and kittens, “we just put it on hold when you were . . . uh . . . sick.”

“I’m not sovereign material in case you haven’t noticed, Stef.”

“Who is? Certainly no one in Doria.” She turned to face the warrior. “You know how to get the best out of people, you know what it’s like to be a slave and free. You know how to fight and how to organize. And you’re one of the fastest and best decision makers I have ever known.” She stood facing the woman, “if you can find someone better let us know.” She turned to leave.

“Stef,” Gygr patted the step beside her, “let’s talk.”

Stef had spoken with nearly every officer, every member of her command, every citizen she came across and got basically the same response. “Better Sovereign Gygr than Emperor Jauka.”

“It’s like I’m the lesser of two evils.” Gygr sat in front of the large fire, Lisi on her lap. Across from her Stefan held Mishal, Tron, Aldo and Alden, Bris, Yoshi and Jiliana, Gustav, Dakkan and Callow sat in various spots.

“Well,” Jiliana cleared her throat, “if you really think about it, that’s exactly what it is.”

“Jili!” Yoshi looked at her partner.

“Well, it’s true.” Jili protested.

“Yes,” Gygr nodded, “it is. I would rather it was more like something all the people of Doria wanted and not just those Stef and you folks personally spoke with.”

“Why not have everyone have a say?” Dakkan mumbled.

“What did you say,” Gygr leaned toward the young man.

“Why not have everyone have a say?”

“Great idea.” She rose lifting Lisi into her arms as she did so.

“What are you talking about?” Mishal asked.

“We’ll have all the people decide who they want as their sovereign.” Gygr answered.


“Uh . . . well, we’ll figure out a way.” She sat Lisi on the chair and paced. “Maybe you can come up with two choices and let them decide.”

“What? Go door to door and ask?.”

“Uh  . . . yeah.” She paced, “well, maybe  . . . uh . . . I’ll think of something.”

“Why not just send someone to each town and village and ask people  and keep track. It didn’t take Bris all that long to do the census. At least now we know how many people live in Doria.”

“That sounds workable,” Stefan leaned forward in excitement almost toppling Mish from her lap, “Oh sorry Mish.”

“It does,” Gustav agreed.

“Okay, now who besides Gygr do we select?” Bris looked around.

“Not me. That's the only stipulation I have. I do not want to be Sovereign. And,” she made eye contact with each one. "That's final

“Well then who?.”

Stef cleared her throat, "how bout Mish?”

“Sounds good to me.”


“I don't know how to be a Sovereign.” Mish shook her head. "You need someone with experience in the workings of a government."

“Okay, how about Eadwar?” Callow suggested.

“Okay. Mishal and Eadwar.” Gygr agreed.

“But . . .” Mishal turned to the warrior and saw the warmth in her eyes.

"That gives everyone the chance to select someone with experience, Eadwar, or someone new. I think that's perfect." The Commander paced in front of the fireplace.

"So, who gets to choose between these two people?" Aldo rubbed his chin with his knuckles as Alden rose from his lap and went outside.

“Everyone.” Gygr smiled.

“Babies? Come on Commander,” Yoshi chuckled. “How can a baby make a decision?”

“The baby can’t but the parents can. And those who have children have more to gain or loose so they should be able to make a selection for their children.”

“Actually,” Jili looked around the room, “in a backwards way that sounds logical.”

“Hey,” Alden called from outside, “the moon is at it’s highest.”

Everyone stepped into the cold night air and looked at the canopy of stars. Not as many viewable because of the bright moon, but still a beautiful sight.

Gygr wrapped her arms around Lisi and pulled the woman's back to her chest. The young woman kissed the warrior's forearm, turned inside the warm arms and looked into the bright blue eyes of the woman she loved more than her own life.

“Lisi . . . uh. . .,” Gygr lifted the young woman and carried her back into the warmth of the house.


“Hmmm. . . I thought maybe we could. . . .uh”

The young woman wrapped her arms around her warrior's neck and pulled her head down. "I love you, Blue." She kissed soft lips and let the sudden tears flow.

"Guess you know I love you too." She kissed the smaller woman back and backed up until her calves felt the bed. After checking quickly to make sure the triplets hadn't commandeered the bed Gygr sat and hugged Lis tightly. "I do love you, Lis. You know that, don't you?"

The young woman could only nod. “Why now?”

“Because . . ,” the warrior lay her partner on the bed and kissed her ear, “ .  . . now,” she lightly kissed her cheek, “ . . . I,” Gygr sat up and gently turned the girl onto her back, “ . . . want,” then placed a knee on each side of Lisi, “ . . . to,” and bending over flicked her tongue over the blonde’s lips, “ . . . love,” then kissed her lightly, “ . . . you.”

“Blue,” she reached up and kissed the warrior back pulling the woman down closer. They reveled in the intensity of the kiss and finally both pulled away for a breath. “Gods, Blue.”

“Exactly,” Gygr pulled down the cover, “do you like this sleep shirt?”

“Uh . . . it’s an old one. Why . . .” The warrior ripped it from Lisi and lifted the girl to pull the garment from under the young woman. Gygr felt the rough scars on the girl’s back and remembered what caused them. Now is not the time Gygr. Pleasure her. That is what she needs. That is what you must give her now.

The warrior swallowed and settled a kiss on soft lips, “good. Much nicer when I can get to my objective without interference.”

“Well, how about your nightshirt?” Lis smiled.

“Uh . . . well I kinda like this one so I’ll just slip it off,” she quickly slipped the garment over her head and tossed it with the torn one. “Now where was I?”

The warrior feathered kisses onto the soft cream skin of Lisi’s chest. When she stroked a nipple with her tongue she thought the woman under her would throw her off the bed, her body reacted so quickly.

“Gods Blue,” Lis’ breathing came faster. She reacted to every touch and the warrior touched everywhere. Gygr moved to the other nipple and was pleased when she was met with the same reaction. Her fingers lightly stroked one hard nipple as she feathered the other with her tongue. “Blue, please . . .”

“Shhhh,” Gygr moved back up and took the young woman’s bottom lip with her teeth at the same time moving her hip between Lisi’s legs spreading them. She investigated with her tongue and was met by her partner’s and they dueled, each trying to please the other. “Gods Lisi.” The warrior caught her breath when Lisi pushed her thigh between Gygr’s legs.

“Oh, Blue I love you so much I hurt.”

“Lisi, please,” Gygr was wet all over the thigh that caused the sudden surge of blood to course through her center. “Uhhhh. . .”

Lisiana felt strong fingers gently stroke her, “gods Blue. . .” She couldn’t finish as her body began to buck.

Gygr inserted two fingers and stroked in time to the fluttering tongue over a hard nipple. When she inserted a third finger Lisi cried. “Am I hurting you,” the warrior stopped the movement with her hand.

“No, Blue, I . . . I just never had this happen before.” She pulled the red-haired head toward her own and kissed with a passion that even surprised the former prostitute.

Gygr continued her handwork and stroked the hard nub with her thumb, then inserted the fourth finger. She heard the sudden gasp from the small woman under her and moved her lips to a nipple as she began stroking in rhythm again.

Lisi arched her back, “Blue . . . Blue . . . oh gods.” She bucked and the warrior felt the orgasms one on top of the other. When Lisi had been satisfied Gygr removed her hand and gently kissed the woman she loved. “Blue,” Lisiana smiled, “all the years I was on my back for others I’ve never been satisfied until now.” She sighed and leaned her head on the broad shoulder of the woman laying beside her. “Thank you,” she slept.

Gygr lay with one arm holding Lisi and the other behind her head. She hadn’t been satisfied but was more than pleased with the new sensation she had brought her partner. My life partner. Gods. She smiled. And I was the first to bring her the Pleasure Waves. Gods. That had surprised the warrior. She looked at the smile on the sleeping woman’s face and closed her eyes. Gods.

By early February both Emilie and Doak, which had been renamed Cristov, had been rebuilt and were bustling with merchant ships. Mishal had accepted the position as Wharf Master in Port Emilie until the new Sovereign was chosen. Two assistants she would train as the new Wharf Master of Cristov and the new eastern port accompanied her and Stefan. A new headquarters was built where Stefan and Mish lived on the spacious second floor, the first containing the various new government offices.

Most thought Tang Te Lake the perfect spot for the palace of the new Sovereign. Gygr, however, felt it too isolated, believing a regent should be available to the people. But then with 1,620,000 square leagues of Doria to rule and a population of less than 20,000 the location seemed a moot point. At least Tang Lake was pretty much centrally located.

Haodal and his sailors had located three  possible port sites on the east coast of Doria. Building had already begun at one site which was named Wilem.

Gygr flipped the gold coin in her hand. “Nice weight Eadwar,” she looked at the crest on the coin. “Where’d you get this?”

“Mishal designed it. Said we need a new crest for a new sovereign of a new country. I rather liked it.” The crest was a sword with the hilt, guard and a small part of the blade surrounded by a circle.

“I agree, it’s really quite beautiful.” She looked at the crest on the gold coin again, “it will become our official crest. Make sure everything in Doria that has to do with the palace includes the crest.

“As you wish, Commander,” Eadwar bowed.

“So what will we call the coin and what value do we give it.”

“Actually Commander, I been giving that a lot of thought, “we could call the coin a dory.”

“Dory, dory.” Gygr thought about it and said it a couple more times, “I like it. How about value?”

“Well that’s a bit more complicated.” The man explained the intricacies of the exchequer which only served to confuse the warrior even more.”

“So what your saying is basically, if say a dory is worth a cow, then the dory will be equivalent to the value of a cow in Doria. Right?”

“Uh, yes to put it simply.”


“But it’s really much more complicated than that. If there is going to be trade between Alaistria and Doria we have to know how many singli equals how many dorys.”

“Ahhh.” Gygr thought and leaned forward, “Eadwar you will place a value on the dory. Each year it will be adjusted based on the values of other coinage. You figure the rest out.” The man stood before her, mouth agape.

“Close your mouth Eadwar,” she rose, “and make sure there are little coins so that people can carry coin of various values.” She led the man to the office door and bent a finger for the next person to come in with their report.

“The selection is going very well Little One,” Bris took the chair his old friend motioned him to. “7,988 have made their selection.”


“Gygr, I cannot tell you the outcome until all have made their minds known.”

She nodded and swallowed a mouthful of goat milk. “Yeah that’s fair. But if it’s no then we will have done all this preparation for nothing.”

“It will not be for nothing, Little One.” The man smiled and stood, “I am going west to complete the task. I should be back in two months or so.” He turned to go then turned back, “Everyone is excited, Little One. They have new hope and a new future. And you have given it to them.” He turned to go.

“No, Bris,” she stood, “they gave it to themselves.”

Gustav briefed the Commander on the building of Wilem. Kelt delivered new maps, while Tron went over a document he called THE RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE OF DORIA.

Gygr made arrangements for five copies to be made of the document which would be signed by the new Sovereign.

An edict was released ordering the Dorian Treasury pay each Dorian citizen of every age five Dory in gold. The payment would be made whether Mishal or Eadwar became Sovereign and the date for payment would be March 7, the second anniversary of Jauka’s defeat. If there was to be a Sovereign that would also be the day of the ceremony.

Yoshi had suggested Doria continue the spy network in Panadol and El Sofar and even Abumarn and Creantlisto. If there was danger from Jauka, the logic went, they should know before his ships were off their shores. Yoshi took special care to choose the right people. They were all volunteers, spoke several languages and were trained by Yoshi, Callow and Grest in various forms of combat. Each had enough money to set up a business, most opted for a tavern or brothel, and were already in place.

Once the decision was made to place the palace at Tang Lake, Gustav and his team of builders began their task. Aldo made design after design showing them to Jili, Alden and Gygr. None seemed to please them.

“Look, Gygr,” he sat in a chair his legs stretched out before him, “why don’t I just make a plan that will look palatial, give it to Gus and let him build it. If we don’t begin soon there will be no palace ready for the new Sovereign in March.”

“Aldo, Alden and Juli are picky.”

“Alden and Lisi? Your the one who’s been saying no to every drawing I make. All I get from Alden and Jili  is, ‘whatever Gygr wants.’”

The warrior chuckled and held up her hands, “okay, let’s do this. You get approval from them and whatever they say goes. I’ll stay completely out of it.” She smiled, “and I’ll tell them their in charge. Fair?”

The two chatted a bit more and by the time her day was over Gygr was exhausted. Damn, fighting isn’t as tiring as this.

Wilem was completed and Gus arrived at Tang to begin construction on the new palace.

Lisi sniffed, “Blue?"

"Yes love."

"Commander brought in a dead bird and laid it at my feet. Why?”

Gygr laughed, “that, my sweet, is a gift. The triplets are in the gift giving stage, very normal for cats.”

“How long does it last?”

“Sometimes forever,” she smiled, then seeing her partner’s reaction added, “but usually half a year or so.”

“Thank the gods.”

Of the 18,427 citizens of Doria, seven were no longer with the living and 51 infants now cried their harried parents awake in the wee hours. Over 78% had selected Mishal."

Plans for the coronation were well under way and Tang Lake was abuzz with excitement. A tall platform was built to accommodate the Sovereign as well as Dorian officials and scrub cleared to allow those citizens who attended a place to congregate. Booths with free food, paid for by the Dorian Treasury, were set up, tents were placed between Number One and Tang Lake and privies dug strategically hidden by the never-ending, well watered, desert scrub. Those soldiers on guard duty for the occasion were issued new, colorful uniforms (tunics only, no armor).

Mishal and her personal guard, now called the Palace Guards, moved into the palace.

The warrior and her love lay in bed. The following day Mishal would be crowned the First Sovereign of Doria. She kissed the blonde head.

“Blue, did you hear Jili and Yoshi are going to have a child?”

“Uhmmm,” she chuckled. “They’d been talking about adopting for some time now.”

“Would  . . . uh . . . would you ever want a child?”

Don’t go there Gygr. She needn’t know.

Lisi felt the warrior tense in her arms. Does she know? Who could have told her? Paula?

“We’ll talk about that some other time,” Gygr settled herself over the young woman, arms and legs straddling her. “Right now I have other things on my mind.” The kiss was passionate, deep and long. The two separated breathless. When the warrior could breathe again she began a concerted campaign with her lips and tongue over the soft skin of her Lisi.

“Oh, Blue,” the young woman decided this time her love would share the Pleasure Waves. Gygr focused on a nipple and Lisi shivered in excitement. Light feather strokes with her tongue caused the little peak to rise and harden. The warrior took the delicacy between her teeth and continued stroking with her tongue. When Lis thought she was going to die, the woman moved to the other nipple. She gently sucked and felt the little tip harden in her mouth.

“Mmmmm,” the commander gently used her thigh to separate the young woman’s legs and felt the warm wetness immediately. She brushed a kiss on sweet lips and presented her tongue requesting entrance. It was met by another and they danced as Gygr pressed against Lisi’s hardening nub.

Lisi rolled her eyes back and shivered again, pulling her mouth away for a breath. “Gods, Blue . . .”

The warrior stroked the moist nub and felt more warm fluid cover her hand. She inserted a finger and stroked the hard clit with her thumb as she again took a nipple between her teeth and played her tongue over it. She felt her partner buck and stopped her hand, “no not yet.”

Slowly she tracked light kisses alternated with feather tongue strokes down her love’s chest. The commander kissed the curly blonde hairs and flicked her tongue once over the hard bulging clit. Lisi bucked.

“No, not yet,” she returned to the nipple and began stroking with her finger adding a second and then a third. She kissed the insides of her lover’s thighs reveling in their softness. Lisi bucked again.

“Blue, please . . .”

Gygr again lay a quick lick on the clit and stroked, lick, stroke, lick, stroke, building into a rhythm that had Lisiana bucking. Then she came. Gygr felt the muscles tighten over her fingers and stopped as her love was overcome with wave after wave of pleasure.

“Blue,” Lis whispered. They lay together holding one another, listening to each others heart beat. Lisi pushed the warrior onto her back and straddled her. “Your turn, Blue.”

The blonde drew her fingers through the growing red hair and stroked her forehead with her thumbs. Gygr sighed. She loved it when Lis played with her hair. Staying away from her nipples, Lis landed light kissed over the woman’s chest down to the red mound where she rubbed the curly hairs with her nose. Gently she pushed the warrior’s thighs apart and licked first one then the other, from the knee to the crotch, ending with a lick at the throbbing clit. Gygr shook.

Lisi moved up and stroked the aureole with her tongue as the warrior shook beneath her.

Gygr bit her lip. Gods. It’s been a long time. The light flutter over her sensitive nipples brought tears to her eyes. Lisi. Gods Lis. She thought her body would explode from the center when Lis entered her first with her tongue then with two fingers. The added sensation of her own fluid being traced over her lips almost made her hit the ceiling. She felt her body spasm in the almost forgotten throes of pleasure and pulled Lisi’s mouth closer between her legs as the young woman danced her tongue in rhythm to the strokes of her fingers. At last it came. First one, then another, another, another and still she shook. Gods. Oh Lisi what you do to me.

Lisiana moved into the strong arms of her lover and they both slept, completely spent. For awhile anyway.

March 7th finally arrived. Gygr and Lisi were awakened by a trio of soft bundles who wanted to eat. NOW! The women chuckled. “Guess they don’t know it’s a special day,” Lisi slipped out of bed.

“They don’t care if there is a Sovereign or not as long as their fed and loved.” She spent time with each one. Unconditional love. I rather like that. She watched Lisi fill the tub and slip in for a bath. Yeah, I really like that. Then she joined her.

“It looks like all 18,000 citizens are here,” Lisi laughed as she saw the crowd that had gathered throughout the night.

“Yeah, the only bright spot is we don’t have to worry where we’ll be sitting.” They laughed.

It had been decided that a citizen would crown the new Sovereign. Tron and Bris kept an eye out for someone who seemed to capture the essence of Doria and found her. The woman’s name was Kistry, she’d been born and raised in Doria and had been enslaved by Jauka with the rest of her family. She’d lost two children in childbirth and another three lived with her in the new farm they had claimed. The only distinctive thing about the woman was that there was nothing distinctive about her. When approached by the two men, her reaction to the request satisfied them they’d made the right choice. “I’ll do it only if I wash her feet first to show her my loyalty.”

When she heard about the strange request Mishal added a second part to the ceremony. Bris and Tron looked at each other in wonder, but made the arrangements.

The ceremony was not to be long. The new Sovereign wanted the people to dance and eat and party as long as they wanted. Puppeteers were hired to entertain imaginative little minds, minstrels would supply music in several venues, bards would entertain with stories, cooks had foods of all types available. Only the taverns were closed, although a light ale was allowed after some protest by the army.

Finally the time came. Light clouds moved east, and a light breeze fanned the audience. Mishal, clothed in a simple white tunic, climbed the stairs to the platform. Already seated were Stefan, Gygr, Lisi, Yoshi and Jili, Tron, Gustav, Eadwar, Haodal, Aldo and Alden, two wildcats and three much smaller ones.

 The small dark woman turned toward her people and looked over the thousands before her. “As Sovereign of Doria I pledge myself to uphold the rights of my people before my own, the protection of my people before my own, the happiness of my people before my own, the freedom of my people before my own and the interests of my people before my own.”

She sat on a small stool Dakkan brought forward and unbuckled her sandals. Kistry kneeled at the woman’s feet and poured a small amount of water onto them, then dried them. Mishal stood and stepped aside as Kistry sat on the stool. The former slave kneeled at the woman’s feet, poured water onto them, then dried them. Everyone was quiet.

Mishal faced the audience and knelt. Kistry stood beside her and placed her hand on top of the woman’s head. “I stand here for all citizens of Doria and proclaim Mishal the First Sovereign of our land.” Kistry bent over and kissed her Sovereign on the cheek. The place erupted into a wave of cheers, whistles, yells and dancing. They were a country with a Sovereign who would lead and protect them.

Mishal approached Gygr. "Would you be the General of the Dorian Army, Gygr?"

The tall warrior bowed, "I would be honored Soveriegn."

Later that night, the new General and her partner lay cuddled in bed. "Uh, Lis?"

"Yes, Blue?"

"Now that I'm a real general would you do me a favor?" She yawned.

"What, Blue?"

"Don't feed me porridge anymore. I really don't like the stuff."

"I'll consider that my first order." But the new general was already asleep and didn't hear.

Copyright 1999 by  Frances Spinella.
All rights reserved.