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The Letter "B"

..A.. ..C.. Catawba Language Homepage

baby (#.4)     ya`itrowa`
baby (@.2)     kori`ha(h)
back (#.4)     nowa_`'suhere`
back (&.1)     du`gre
back (@.1)     dug
back (body part?)(#.4)     -r-tu`k
back (i go)(#.4)     nowa_'suhere
back and forth (&.5)      tcab-ro
back he leave for (@.1)     dugii`ra`re
back may, come (@.1)
back of hand (+.3)     yi`ks- (i`ksa) sako`   "hand above"
back they go (@.1)     dugii`nare
back we go (@.1)     dugmana`re
back, his (+.2) (3)    hi`sidaa'
bad (#.1)     mbarayii`re
bad (#.4)     imbara`
bad (@.2)     sikareri
bad (worse, worst)(#.4)     imbarrah
bad, are very (#.1)     imbara`tcu`re
bag (%.1)     unti
baking bread, i am (+.3)     ku`s nikta_`tire
baking bread, i am (@.2)     ku`s nikta_`re`
baking cake, he/she (+.3)     u`a kusta_` kata_tire`
baking cake, you are (+.3)     kusta_` itchua` nikta_`tire
bald roots (Psoralea pedunculata.plant)(&.4)     weete wo`ropkere
ball ($.6)     wap
ball (&.5)     w>b
ball, to play (+.5)     wap
barbers root; yellow root (&.2)(plant)
bark "tree skin" ($.4)     y>p>pi`s
bark, to (+.3)     wu wu`h-re
bark, tree (%.1)  
bark, tree; hide; skin (@.1)
bark; holler; shout (+.3)
barrel (+.3)     ya`pk>_
basket "cane made" (Arundinaria) ($.2)     wa_`sap
basket (%.1)     wasap
basket, elm bark "medicine basket" ($.2)     wii_`ti wa_sa`p
bass "fish mouth big" (animal)($.2)     yiis-mopatkii_`
bat (animal)($.7)     kutcin weru`'
battle, i go to (+.3)
battle,i go to (@.2)
be, there i will (+.3)
be, you will (+.3)     ye`t- uyenre`i`vre`
beads (+.3)     wumu`ire "runs through"
bean meal "beans beaten" ($.2)     nu_tce`mi'mi'
beans (plant)(&.4)     ii_ye nuntce
bear (animal) ($.2)($.7)     n-me_`'
bear (animal)(#4)     ni`me`
bear (animal)($.6)     nume 
bear (animal)(&.1)(@.4)     nume_`
bear root (plant)  (&.2)     n-me_` hii_p>`'   "bear foot"
beast (&.1)     wiit
beautiful girl, a (@.2)     yawe`ka_he`
beaver "dog in water" (animal) ($.2)     ta_si yamurii`'
beaver (animal) ($.7)     ta_siitcop  "water dog"
became wet by sweating, i (+.3)
bed (@.1)     yas>`k   
bee; wasp (animals) ($.7)     wu`swe` tcuwe
bee; wasp (animals)(+.3)     wo`s
beech (Fagus grandifolia.plant) (&.2)     y>p tukse`'  "tree"
been there three times, i have (+.3)
before hitting somebody (+.3)
belly (*.4)     pa_
belly, his (+.2)  (3)   hi`'pa_
beloved (#.4)     nemosaye`here`
below ($.7)     se`be(?)
below; under (#.4)
best (@.2)     marita`w>ri
best (good' better)(#.4)     himbaar mera`he(r)
better (good' best)(#.4)     himbaar meraaede
beyond (#.4)     >tci`duk
big (&.1)     ...t-ro` ,   patkii_`(re) .  tro(t-ro`)
big (@1.)     pa`tki_re
big cheat, a (+.3)
birch, yellow (Betula nigra.plant)     (&.2)     y>p koko`h> "tree breaks/brittle"
bird (animal)(*.4)     kutcin
bird (animal)(@.1)     kutci`n
bird brushing "bird sleep kill or hunt" ($.2)     kutci`n hiim>na`re
bird trap (+.3)     y> kutcin hakpa_he`
bird trapper (+.3)     ye` katcatkire`
bird traps, one who makes (+.3)     y> kutcin hakpa_he` tahatikure`
bird/animal call "bone call" ($.2)     s>p pu`h-re,  s>p pu`here
birds (animals)($.2)     kutci`n
bit the man, the dog (they say) (+.3)     ta_`si yee tcuxa`tire
bite (*.5) so`
bite, i (#.4)     tcu`ks>re`
bite, to (&.1)     be`(here)
biteing (*.5)     su`
biteing, continue (*.5)
biteing, fish (*.5)
bites me, the dog (+.3)     to_`si tcu`knire
bites them (children), the dog (+.3)     to_`si tcuk uo`p'kire
bites you, the dog (+.3)     to_`si tcuk>_`re
bitter (&.2)     tcine`
bitter; sour (@.2)(+.3)     hitare`
black (#.4)     awokek>
black ($.6)     hawo`ktci
black (%.5)     yu_ktcii`
black (+.3)     hawutkare`
black gum (Nyssa sylvatica.plant)(&.2)    y>b be'be`'  "tree immovable"
black haw (Viburnum prunifolium.plant)(&.2)     web-sa`p  "hauls bone"
black person (#.4)     ye`hoketce`   (ye`hoke'tce`)
black person (%.5)     ye_ mo_ke`hare  "person not free"
black person (+.3)     yuhuktci`
black person (@.1)     ye_`' hawo`ktce_
black snake (Coluber constrictor.animal)(&.3)     ya wa`ktciye  "snake black"
black-drink tree (plant)(%.3)     y>pon
blackberry (plant)(%.4)     wa`kta
blackberry (plant)(+.3)     wiaru`
blackberry (Rubus?.plant)(&.2)     wiiya_`ro
blackbird, redwing  (animal)($.7)     kutcin hawoktce hitci se`k-re` "bird black red wings"
bladder, his (+.2) (1)    hi_`sede'
blanket (%.1)     nunisiwa_
blaze (of fire); flame (+.3)
blind (+.3)     yitu`hare  "eye not"
blind fold game (&.5)     tahanto`'     "where am i going ?"
blink (?); shut ones eyes, to (+.2)
blood (*.1)(+.2)     iit
blood (*.4)     it
blood (@.1)     itma`
blood, my (+.2)     ii`dna'
blood, our (+.2)     ii`t'aa'
blood-root (plant) ($.4)     puccoon(algoquian?)
blossuming medicine (plant) ($.4)     wi`ti si_w>re
blow (*.4)     pu
blow the bugle, to (+.3)    pupuha`tkire
blow, to (+.5)     puu
blowgun ($.2)(*.7)"cane stalk(dart) blowing"  wa_`sa pu`he,"blowing using"su`'ha ho`tc-we
blowing hard, wind (*.5)
blowing the bugle, i (do) did not hear ,, the man (+.3)     ye` nepapu`puhati`ka nani`sare
blows much, the wind (is)(+.3)     hie` hu tcu`re
blows the bugle, the man (+.3)     ye` uti` nepapu`pu ha`tkire
blue (#.4)     wi>_k>re`
blue ($.6)     wu,  wi
blue (darker shades)(+.3)     wuya`nka(re)
blue bird (animal)($.7)     kutcin wayu`ngka
blue jay (animal)($.7)     tindo
blue, dark (+.3)     hawuto_` h-re`
blue, light, robin egg blue (+.3)
blue, robin egg; light blue (+.3)     wayanri`winhe ,  wayaneri`win-re`
blueish black/ chocalate (+.3)     hoktcitca_h-re`
board "flat wood" (%.4)     yapiite_`
board (@.1)     y>`ps-  ,  y>ps-
boat (%.1)     y-mayi
bob-white  (animal)($.7)     tu`pu`'ke',  ta`pa`ke_ke_,  ipeke,  ipa`ke
bobcat "cat fierce" (Lynx rufus animal) ($.2)     hapke_` mo_tce
bobcat, panther (animal)($.7)     ha`pke sure (skunk)
body, his (+.2) (2)    hiha`gyu
boil (@.1)     haro`de
boil, to (&.1)     ha`ro(re)
bone ($.6)     sap
bone (+.3)     sa`p
bone (@.1)     s>`p
boney; lean (+.3)
book (+.3)     d-pa` tsa_`  "that which has marks"  ,  insa`kwi
book is hers, the (+.3)     insa`kwi ya`k'ri i`'hri
book is his , the (+.3)     insa`kwi i'hri
both (@.1)     na_`'prip
bottle (%.1)     wutepi
bottle (+.3)     watebi`
bottom of bottle (+.3)     watebi` hiisu`
bottum of barrel (+.3)     ya`pk>_ hisu`
bow ($.2)     itcika`'
bow (+.3)(@.2)     i`tcika
bow of a boat (forepart)(+.3)     hatatse`
bowels; intestines (+.2)
bowels; intestines (@.1)
bowl (of pipe)(+.3)     wam-su` hiska` "pipe head"
box (@.1)     pare`pare`sare
box trap "rabbit (house) box" ($.2)     pa_'suke_`'
box turtle (animal)(Cistudo Carolina) ($.3)     kaya`'
box, a square (+.3)
boy (#.4)     ye`tc>ha`
boy growing fast, a (+.3)
boy, a fine (@.2)
boy, little (+.3)     yitca` ha taro`ha
brain, his (+.2) (7)    himu_`tu
branch (#.1)     tca
branch (@.1)     tca_a
bread (#.3)     ku`sta
bread (#.4)     gu`st>
bread (%.1)     kusta_
bread (+.3)(@.2)     kusta`n   ;  ku`s
bread ; cornbread(@.1)     kusta_`'
bread, he has eaten (#.4)
bread, i am baking (@.2)
break this rope with my hands, i (+.3)      ni(?) wuya` di`ks- kitsere`
break with my hand, i (+.3)     diks-` kits-re`
break, i (#.4)     ka`ts-re`
break, to (&.1)     ko'ko(re)
breath (+.3)     hamu` hie` 
breech cloth, his (+.2)     yaamaa`'wa'
breech cloth; hankerchief (+.2)     yaa`maa'
bring here, they (+.1)     imaru`'ire
bring here, to (+.1)     mahu`'...
bring, he ; carry (+.1)     duhuu'
bring, i (#.4)     dohone`
bring, i (+.1)     dutcu'
bring, they (+.1)     iyuru`'ire
bring, we (+.1)     duhu'
bring, you (+.1)     duyu'
bring, you all (+.1)     duwu'
broad river (waterway)(#.1)     iswa_`' ha`pide`   "river cutting off/dividing"
broil meat on the coals, i (+.3)     wi`diu impi`s sako` na`mure
broke a rope by shooting at it (I?)(+.3)     mboo`sa wuya` ka_`s-re
broken (#.4)     ka`the(r)
broomstraw (Andropogon glomeratus.plant)(&.2)     wii_`ti s-ra`k  "root grass"
brother (%.1)     bara...
brother, my (@.2)     buru(h)hi_`ha
brother, older (%.5)     mb>ra(n>) seh-re`'
brother-in-law (%.5)     yagitc> mb>ra`h-re  "wifes brother"
brother; friend; sibling (%.5)     mb>`ra
brow; forehead (+.2)
brown (+.3)     si`ka_ hawut hawire
brown thrasher (animal)($.7)     tup tup-ri,  tu`pari  "swamp bird?"
brown, darker ; red-brown (+.3)
brush shelter (wigwam?) (+.3)     sukyo`p
bucket (+.3)     ya`sku
buckle (+.3)     d-pa`duropimo`kure
buckle up something, i (+.3)     di`di de`pa durop'mo`sure
buff color (+.3)     wuyantkakawire`
buffalo (animal)(#.4)     y>daa`s
buffalo (animal)($.2)     y-d-ha`s
buffalo (animal)($.2)     y-d-ha`s, w-d-re`su, t-p-wa_`sure "wild cattle"
buffalo (animal)(*.1)     widee`
buffalo (animal)(*.2)     yunn>s  (y>nas?)
buffalo, animal ($.7)     wi`desuri` "wild cow"
buffalo; cow (animal)(+.2)
bugle, the man blows the (+.3)
bull (animal)(#.4)     ya`s-dwai_`'
bull frog (animal)(&.3)    ar>_`'rai
bullroarer (game/toy)(&.5)     ye_'wi`h-re , ye_` wi`he_'  "wind turns"
bullsnake;greyratsnake(Elaphe obsoleta confinis.animal)(&3)yaw-de`s-na"snakecowmale"
burning, the wood is (+.3)     y-p wida_re`  ,  y>p wida_re`
burnt myself, i (+.3)     di wira_re` 
burnt, my shoe i (+.3)     wite` newira_re`
bush (+.3)     yo`p
but (#.4)     on-ka_
but; only (+.3)
butterfly  (animal)($.7)     tcu`w-tahe`
buzzard (animal)($.2)     is-ne`' 
buzzard (animal)(@.2)     shii`ka
buzzer (game/toy)(&.5)     su`ruh>he_'
by (by the side of)(#.4)     ake`,  a`kp-sa`
by somebody, i get rubbed (+.3)
by somebody, i got hit with a stick (+.3)