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Chianti--Partner of Heidi

Chianti is a 5 year old mare, of real "cocktail breed" (from a huge halfbreed mom and a little connemara pa). We are working with a long rope as there is no fenced area.

I must say the ClickRyder list is a very educational and encouraging list! Chia and me are very happy and thankful for all the help we get!



No big deal. A little noisy when mom shakes it, but ok.

Playing with the ball. She knows how to push it forward, although she usually pushes it to the side and follows it in a circle (at least she's following!) She's learning to stop it with her nose when I kick it towards her (carefully). she targets it and if I kick/throw it away, she's following in trot and and targets it/stops it.


Picking up the whip, which now is put away and replaced by another object. Hoola-hoop coming up next! Look at the cute little mouth!

A new blanket! Well, seems familiar!

She got the tarp over her ears for a short time, CT for standing still, and the tarp was taken behind her ears again. "My treat, mom?"


A Chia Bow

Chianti and I tried out the bow in different ways. This was the only way I got her down with her leg. When the pictures were taken she needed help with her leg. But she improves every day. It was hard for her, and it took quite some time before she dared to put her knee on the ground. But when she first did, she thinks it`s fun!!! I think she found some balance/support when she put her forehad on the ground. So we do it forehead down, instead of nose down...A CHIA BOW!!!! And actually offer it on her own now.




Chianti Driving

Chianti Drives

Chianti Drives

Chianti Drives

Chianti Drives

Chianti Drives

Chianti Drives

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