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The Eleventh Realm

Thanks ever so much for coming to visit my little fae page. I'm so happy that you've made it here. *smile* My name is Wee One Ice Lily, in case you didn't know. This is The Eleventh Realm, my realm. I first started it about... oh,... 6 months ago with a few drawings in a binder. It has since expanded to 103 pictures and growing!! You see, I love to draw and make webpages!!

In any case, I'm a Wee One for The Site Fights. What are The Site Fights? The Site Fights is a friendly internet competition, in which groups of webpage owners, which we refer to as 'fighters', compete to determine whose website is the Coolest!!! I entered my sim city, Tambist, and we are doing great!! So go us!! I might enter this webpage into too, but I'm not sure. Tell me what you think at


I have always had a special place in my heart for fairies. I read whatever I can get my hands on about faeries. There's something mystical about them that I love. I love going from site to site, looking for beautiful pictures, and interesting articles, and other stuff. I really enjoy being able to connect with fellow faerie-lovers. I feel my wee fairy self is fluttering through the internet, giving cheer to all. I you love faeries, have some pretty fae pictures you'd be willing to share, or own a fairy webpage please share them with me!!

What would any Fairy be without her bag of fairy dust? And it just so happens that I have one right here. Isn't it beautiful? It's just waiting for me to open it up and spread some more spirit!! If you want me to 'dust' you just e-mail me at


Not to mention that every Fairy needs a wand. A wand to sprinkle my lovely spirit dust. It's just one of the essential pieces of equipment!!

"Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited.

Imagination encircles the world"

~Albert Einstein~



"When the first baby laughed for the first time,

the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all went skipping about,

and that was the beginning of fairies."

JM Barrie

Faraway and long ago...






Site Fights Spirit Counter


The Vale of Lavendise Next Fairy

This Fairy Ring site is owned by The Eleventh Realm.

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Want to join the ring? Get the info.

Together "How do I bring Faeryland back to Earth?"
Be Creative.
Wear two different coloured socks.
Plant a tree.
Make a faery garden.
Paint a picture.
Paint the walls.
Wail like a Banshee.
Sing a healing ong.
Make a wooded place magickal again.
Wear wings out in public.
Sprinkle someone with glitter!