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Panic Disorder

*** Definition ***

Panic disorder is characterized by sudden episodes of acute apprehension or intense fear that occur "out of the blue" without any apparent cause.Intense panic usually lasts o more than a few minutes,but in rare instances,can return in "waves" for a periode of up to two hours.At least four of the symptoms (listed below) are present in a full-blown panic attack,while having two or three of them is referred to as a limited-symptom attack.

Your symptoms would be diagnosed as panic disorder if :1) you have had two or more panic attacks and 2) at least one of these attacks has been followed by one month or more of persistent concern about having another panic attack,or worry about the possible implications of having another attack.You may have two or three panic attacks without ever having another one again or without having one for years.Or you may have several panic attacks followed by a panic-free period,only to have the panic return a month or two later.

Sometimes the initial panic attack may be followed by recurring attacks three or more times per week unremittingly until you seek all of these cases,there is a tendency to develop "anticipatory anxiety" or apprehension between panic attacks focusing on fear of having another one.

*** Symptoms ***


Graphic 'The Scream' by Edvard Munch

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