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The Home Of Jeff Jarrett Cruiserweight Tournament Final - TAFKA Prince Ieaukea vs. Lash LeRoux
The match started out with Paisley hyping TAFKAPI as he attacked Lash LeRoux from behind and Paisley was able ot kick him. Lash LeRoux was able to fight back quickly with a fast pace arsenal but when he went to dance, TAFKAPI was able to re-take control but LeRoux and TAFKAPI traded control and Lash nailed a pescado. When they got back in the ring, TAFKAPI used a dragon screw legwhip and used a variety of punches. And then tossed Lash over the top rope. When they got back in the ring, TAFKAPI continued his dominance as he blocked the only offense of LeRoux which was a frankensteiner. He then did his reverse suplex for the pin.

WCW Hardcore Title - Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Brian Knobbs
Started out on the floor with Knobbs running from Bigelow until Finlay distracted Knobs and they fought into the internet area. And the into the crowd as Bigelow attacked him with a trash can. They then brawled into the hallway as Bigelow slammed Knobbs into a table. Finlay interfered again and nailed Bigelow with his cast. They went back into the crowd again as Knobs dragged him back to the ring. Knobs reached under the table and grabbed the table. He placed it into the corner and went to bulldog him into the table but Bigelow blocked it and tossed him into the table. Bigelow then nailed him with trash can shots and the Greetings from Ashbury Park. Bigelow then went to the top but Finlay interfered and knocked Bigelow down to get the pin and win the title.
Handicap Match - 3 Count vs. Norman Smiley
3 Count started the match by attempting to attack him from behind but he fought them off. And then did a huge backdrop of Shannon Moore onto the others on the floor. Norman had control at the beginning but was able to fight them all off. They held the advantage till Shannon Moore missed a high spot and Norman gave him a airplane spin but both ended up dizzy. Norman then was about to do the big wiggle but then 3 Count went to dance as Norman attacked them both. Norman placed Shannon Moore into the Norman Conquest but 3 Count attacked him and they began to triple team. Norman was able to fight them off again for a few seconds till 3 Count destroyed him with consecutive high spots and the Walls of Jericho for the win.
The Demon vs. The Wall
The Demon was standing in the ring as The Walls music was going for awhile but he never came out. He was standing in the entranceway when The Wall attacked him from behind. The Wall dominated the match with power move after power move. The Demon would get control here and there with different quick moves but never was able to string together. The Wall won with a chokeslam from the top rope to the ring. A basic squash match.
Skins Match - Tank Abbott vs. Big Al
Tank Abott and Big Al just stood at the beginning of the match. Big Al then tied their hands together with a rope and threw really stiff punches at each other for a few minutes. Tank Abbott sold a punch like he was dead and Big Al just stood there forever and ran his mouth. And then stood on the face of Tank Abbott. Then Tank got up and punched Big Al repeatedly with more really stiff shots. They continued to punch and then picked up Big Al and carried him to the top rope and went to grab the jacket but dropped Big Al by mistake. He went down really hard, Abbott went down, kicked him and went back and grabbed the jacket. He then pulled a knife and placed it to Big Als throat. The camera then pulled away for about a minute.
For Ownership of Harlem Heat - Big T vs. Booker
Match started with Big T dominating with his power while they showed Stevie Ray harassing fans at ringside. Booker fought back with a couple quick moves and tossed Big T to the floor. He then fought off Stevie Ray. Booker wasn't able to fight for long as Big T and Stevie Ray fought back and took control. Stevie Ray threw him back into the ring but Booker fought off Big T again and nailed the ax kick. J. Biggs tried to interfere but Booker knocked him off the apron and then he knocked off Stevie Ray as he nailed a missle dropkick on Big T. He went for the pin but the lights went out, as it looked like Midnigh was back. A man was standing on the apron and Big T nailed him with a powerbomb for the pin. The man is formerly known as 4X4.
Vampiro vs. Kidman
They started out by trading headlocks in quick fashion till Vampiro tossed Kidman over his head, Kidman landed on his feet and then Kidman gave hima back breaker. Kidman got onto the shoulders of Vampiro and did a frankensteiner over the top rope. They fought on the outside for a few moments and then went back into the ring. Vampiro took control and kept it as Vampiro countered anything he did. Kidman was dropkicked into Tori as she was on the apron. Kidman went to help her but V ampiro continued to attack him. He grabbed a chair and went to nail Torrie when Kidman gave him a Van Daminator. They went back into the ring as Vampiro took control again. The crowd was really dead. Kidman fought back and nailed a Hurricurana for a two count. Vampiro fought back shortly after with a powerbomb for 2. He placed Kidman on the top rope but Kidman fought back and nailed a reverse DDT from the top for the pinfall victory.
Sicilian Strecher Match - Mamalukes vs. Crowbar/David Flair
Match was a brawl on the outside at the beginning. They grabbed a stretcher and Flair placed Johnny the Bull on it as Crowbar did a pescado onto him from the ring. They brawled then for a few minutes in the isle till they went into the ring where the Mamalukes double teamed Crowbar. They then dragged Daffney into the ring and Johnny was about to powerbomb her but she did a hurricurana. More brawling as they did another stretcher spot int he isle. All four guys were bumping hard for the match. Daffney had sprayed Disco with mace he walked around blind. Big Vito tossed Crowbar into a table that he sold for awhile. Big Vito/Johnny then double teamed David Flair for awhile. They placed him onto the stretcher and taped Flair onto it. They then dragged Flair down to the entrance. This left Crowbar alone as he fought off the Mamalukes for a few minutes until they got the advantage and drove Crowbar through a table. He was then placed into the stretcher and taken off as the Mamalukes wons their match.
- Ernest Miller talked about how he brought James Brown to San Fransico. That all the rednecks didn't believe he is friends with him. The Maestro had came out and said the James Brown was not there. He then came out with a ton of people as Ernest Miller had knocked out the Maestro. Miller and Brown danced for a long time as the crowd was into the angle.
Texas Death Match - Terry Funk vs. Ric Flair
Terry Funk was the first to get offense in the match as he suplexed Flair into the ring and then gave him a backdrop in a series of punches. Funk then went for his Spinning Toe Hold finish. Ric Flair was able to fight off the Toe Hold and threw Funk to the outside of the ring. Funk though was able to regain control on the outside and gave him two successive suplexes for the pin but Flair got up. They continued to fight on the outside as Flair tossed him into the crowd and then brought him back. Flair then tossed him back into the ring and gave him a figure four. Funk fought off Flair and tossed him to the outside of the ring and gave him a piledriver on the floor. Funk then pulled up the mat and then went for a pin but Flair kicked out. Both got up and traded chops and punches. Funk then gave him a piledriver on the concrete. Funk pinned him and Flair got up before the 10 count. Terry Funk then began to berate Flair with the microphone and then gave him a piledriver through a table.
Hulk Hogan vs. Lex Luger
Very slow paced match with the action being complete brawling. The crowd was hot at the beginning but cooled off quickly. They brawled around the ringside area as Liz tried to interfere during the match at several points. They traded control back and forth. Hogan was down for a few minutes as Lex Luger dominated. Hogan made his norman comeback that the crowd was really into. Hogan got knocked in the nuts that stopped him. Jimmy Hart though knocked him with his cast and Hogan got the pin with the leg drop. Ric Flair then came out and attacked Hogan and Jimmy Hart till Sting came out and saved Hogan. The crowd was into the end of the match.
Jeff Jarrett vs. Sid vs. Scott Hall
Match started with Hall and Jarrett fighting then Sid made his way out to the ring. The Harris Boys are at ringside with Jarrett. Sid dominated when he came down as he fought off both Hall and Jarrett. They both had to leave to the outside. All three then got into the ring as the Harris Brothers attacked Sid and Jarrett attacked Hall. Jarrett continued his advantage for a few minutes but Hall was able to fight back and Sid was able to fight off the Harris Brothers. Jeff Jarrett knocked out the ref and Sid took out both wrestlers with clotheslines and gave them a double chokeslam. Nick Patrick then ran down to make the count. Jarrett then nailed Sid with the title but on got a 2 count. And then he gave Nick Patrick the Stroke finish. Charles Robinson then ran down to make a count as Jarrett had Hall pinned but only got a 2. Jarrett continued his advantage for a few minutes but Hall was able to fight back and Sid was able to fight off the Harris Brothers. Jeff Jarrett knocked out the ref and Sid took out both wrestlers with clotheslines and gave them a double chokeslam. Nick Patrick then ran down to make the count. Jarrett then nailed Sid with the title but on got a 2 count. And then he gave Nick Patrick the Stroke finish. Charles Robinson then ran down to make a count as Jarrett had Hall pinned but only got a 2. Jarrett then attacked Robinson, then attacked Mickey Jay as Mark Johnson came down and couldn't count a pin on Jarrett. Jarrett then nailed Hall with a guitar but when Johsnon went to count three Piper came down and stopped him. Sid then powerbombed Jarrett for the pinfall victory.
Good PPV overall...They ha dbad parts like when Jarrett didnt win the belt! A couple of my predictions were right...but WCW does have 2 new champs and that is Cruiserweight= TPFKAPI and Hardcore...Brian Knobs.