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7/10/11 Update

Once again, a couple people have been wondering if maybe I've finally retired to my lonely mansion in a crater somewhere on the far side of the Moon, and the answer is NO. Not yet. I've turned my life into a harmonious balance of the many things I love to do.

I love magic, so this year I've performed my signature "Mini Illusion Show" for the libraries in Nogales and Rio Rico, and thrilled the Kids Club of the Scottsdale Princess Resort twice with my classic "Parlor Show." And as always I've performed for birthday parties and preschools and more, and the year's only half over.

Beyond magic, my friends and I have resurrected our unique band, DeCembre, which you can learn more about at Not satisfied to merely blow the socks off of our fantastic audience, we've decided we should also own the record label, which you can learn more about at The artwork you see on that site, by the way, is my own original fine art from high school. Back in the day, I was in a synth rock band called The Emerald Sea, and I designed the image of the ship in the Emerald Sea for the album cover that never was.

As if all of that wasn't enough fun for one lifetime, I'm doing final edits on a fantasy sci-fi novella I completed back in 1998. It's called The Ark Of Azron, and here's the synopsis: Set on a very strange "Earth" in the distant future, a remnant of Outsiders (people living in wilderness colonies) are hunted by troops from Utopia, a fascist prison-like city that doesn't tolerate any form of freedom. As they fight for their survival, the Outsiders gradually discover that Earth's true history is not what they had been taught, and the truth is bizarre beyond their wildest imagination. When it's ready, I'll let y'awll know how and where to snag your copy.

One more crazy-happy thing besides magic I've been up to is a new YouTube series called Free Thinking. In a sense, I've reverted to childhood even more than usual with this one, since the outdoors has (or is it "have?") been my greatest passion since exactly five minutes after I was born. The hospital was really stuffy and it made me feel claustrophobic. Anyway, Free Thinking is a video series at where I attempt to make wilderness living fun, exciting and approachable to people who would rather surrender to a global takeover of fascist man-eating aliens from the Pleiades than eat rats and grub worms to survive. As the end credits of Free Thinking 13 say, The Garden of Eden is all around you.

And that's an abbreviated update on what I've been doing between March of 2007 and today, my friends. If you'd like to hire the most awesome comedy magic show on the planet for your family oriented event, I'm still available. Just give me a call and I'll come down off the mountain and give you a performance your audience will remember for life!

03/05/07 Update

My friends and enemies alike have been making tentative jabs at me with sticks, trying to see if I'm actually alive, since it's been so long since I've updated my website. Yeah, it's been over five years since I've written anything here, and the photos are very old by now. Old photos you can understand, of course, as they make me look so much younger than I am. But not even writing anything? Sheeesh! Get with it Daniel!

Awright, so I've escaped the oven-heat of Phoenix and moved back to the Prescott area where I graduated from high school. Gradually I've been sticking my left big toe in the business water here, wondering when I'm going to take that giant leap and spend all my money on advertising, announcing my presence to the locals. (Phew, what a long sentence!) But even if the move to a less populated area may cost some money and time while re-establishing myself, still the weather is at least a hundred degrees cooler in the summer.

For those who might be wondering, I am still performing (of course), and am planning the usual summer library shows. I'm also still doing lots of birthday parties and family events.

Blessings, everyone!

11/13/01 Update

Okay, so it's been awhile since I've written a newsletter. Sorry, heh heh. In the last year and three months, I've been traveling around between Phoenix, LA, Nevada and Washington state, performing magic shows, having as much fun as I'm allowed, and pretty much doing the mayhem that I do. As always the show has matured again into something a little sillier and a little more infantile in its own comical way. I've retired a couple bunnies, including Houdini the hotoe dwarf and Dumbo the flying fluffazooma. And cheerfully taking Dumbo's place is the extremely tiny, completely black "Harold" the Netherland dwarf. Snowball and George the white doves are totally in love and trying to make eggs that hatch, and I've added Ringo the ring-neck dove to the show. He's dizzy with pride in the showman's spotlight. Sunnybird the lutino lovebird and Azure the blue budgie are also strangely in love. That's an odd thing, a lovebird and a parakeet in love. You'd have to see it.

Meanwhile, I've been spending much of my time in Las Vegas, trying to set up more business here, while weekends are mainly filling up in the Phoenix area. Winter's coming on, and the weather in the southwest should be dipping down below 90 degrees sometime soon. I can't wait. :-)

8/27/00 Update

Well, I just got back from Washington state. I drove up there for my parents' 35th wedding anniversary celebration. I did a magic routine for them; three of the brothers (Joel, David and myself) sang a pretty funny song Joel wrote for Mom and Dad; and David played the harmonica. I did a gospel magic show for the kids at a church there in Spokane to help pay for the trip. Then there was the long drive back to Phoenix. I decided, this time, to smell the roses along the way: I traveled the highways through Oregon and Nevada instead of my usual freeway route through Salt Lake City. Wednesday night I hung out in Vegas a few hours before traveling on. On Thursday I arrived in Phoenix. And there on my answering machine was a message from my old friend and magic partner, Brian Staples, saying that he had a real potential opportunity for some shows in Vegas. He had also been there on Wednesday. Good luck, Brian!

Friday, it was back to the daily grind. Wait a minute, what grind?! I'm a magician! I love my job!

The DeCembre recording project is going slow but well. For those who didn't know that one of my hobbies is music, well, now you know. The band is DeCembre ("December"), and although there are only two of us now, we're having a great time anyway! The demo's done, and we're halfway through the rest of the album. That's about all the news for now. Check back in a few more weeks!

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