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The Ring

Angel and Cordy

"First I say yuck and then I press Search" -Cordelia

Aired in Canada on Feb.29.00

I think this episode was pretty okay. We start off with a new client. I pretty beat up client. I was very impressed by this man's acting. Well the character. How could he pull off such a great story just to get Angel to fight for them. I don't know. But I think by far the howlers were the funniest demons since the beginning of this series! I mean not only did they look funny with there bloated blue heads but their screams were hysterical.
What I didn't understand about this episode is why Angel was so against killing the other demons when every day he kills at least 10 of them. Maybe most of them are vampires but aren't they evil too? It was very strange when he was trying to be friendly and strike up a conversation with the other demons in the prison, or wherever they were. When Angel was on Buffy he seldomly talked let alone try to make friends with anyone. This is why I love this show because Angel is so much more interesting then he was in Buffy.
Now it is time for the highlight of this Angel episode. At the end when they free the demons. Cordy says "Well, i think we did a good thing tonight". Wesley says" Yes, we freed a bunch of captives". Cordy says " Actually didn't we just free a bunch of demons?". Did you see Angel's hopeless face? Haha. I also loved the part when Cordy and Wes are arguing! And to think they were just making out last season of Buffy?

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