
  Wrapping paper under the smell of freshly cut chrismass tree. A pajama claid boy with a store bought smile rushes to the kitchen only to find himself in dark night air. Trapped in an alleyway, the buildings on both sides of him seem to grow to the size of monoliths, dwarfing even his elephantine fear. Long hairy fingers climb up the cold steel fire escape to safety. Climbing into an apartment he see's Sherly's pink and white walls, covered in stuffed animals and prittyboy’s pictures. Perfect smooth white skin offsets tender pink lips as they eagerly await their first kiss. Closing his eyes he submits to the ciremstance, learning to kiss by clumsy trial. Then nostrils fill with smoke as his eyes open, blackened ashtrays and vinyl sticky from too many early mornings of coffee are before him. His arms are filled with the skinny pale body of Daniesta, her large sunken eyes begging him for a kind word or warm heart. Stolen love tastes sweat as they kiss. Hand in hand they stand and leave the greasy spoon, only to be walking into Ms. Gurdslaughts class. Red shame burns deep into his cheeks as she chastises him in front of the class for his tardyness. Scared, he runs out of the room to find a wall before him. He turns to find shadows fast approaching. The handgun cast as ominous shape on the ground along side all too long legs. Words move as quick as feet on the asphalt "No body touches my girl but me mate". The hammer slams against the back of the pistol. The dull click of a round clambering echoes thru his ears. Fear forces the man to action. Legs pump quick to propel him past the assailant.
  That’s why your here.