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Thank you everyone for the patience...I'm slowly getting the pictures up and indexed. To check them out, go to the Eternity link below.

Welcome To NIX Entertainment

Welcome To NIX Entertainment Online. NIX stands for: Necessary Indulgent X-Tremes. We specialize in Entertainment Managing and Booking. We also offer services in Talent Search, Web Design, and Party/Rave Coordination. If you need any information on our services or prices not listed here, please feel free to contact us by e-mail (see link below) or by phone at (520) 408-1239. We will be updating the profile page and the Feature Dj page before the end of the month. Sorry for the delay in the upkeep, but we've been really busy! Thanks for your patience. Banner Exchange Member

RAVEWORLD.NET Banner Exchange

Please click on this banner to support our promotion.
NIX Entertainment offers to you some of Arizona's finest talent. Find out who they are and what they can do.

Our Rap Sheet

The pictures from Eternity, NIX Entertainment's first party, are finally here! Check 'em out! The first link is to see the pictures thumbnailed, although you can't see the full sized pictures from that page yet. I will have that feature up and running as soon as I can. To see the full sized (way too big actually) pictures, go to the second link, which is the index of the directory the Eternity pictures are in. Use the back button to get back to the list from each picture, then click on the parent directory link to get back to this page when you're done. All these pictures are copyright 2000 NIX Entertainment...

Thumbnailed pictures from Eternity.

Full sized pictures from Eternity.

Friends of NIX*E-Artists and other sites definatly worth your time. These are folks NIX*E is proud to show you.

Our Friends

Every month we pick one of our DJ's to showcase to you, and for you to get to know them a little better. This page is our...

Feature Dj Page

Before NIX Entertainment came along, Nix was just another friendly party kid. Find out more about her here.

Nix's Original Web Page. All about the owner!

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

There is something wrong with the server that my guestbook is on, so you may or may not be able to sign and read it. Click on either link and be patient with it. If the problem continues I'll get a different guestbook.

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