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Mystery Rocket Theater 3000

Team Rocket comments on Pikachu Shocks back #3! (Meowth is white text, Jessie is red text, and James is blue text)

Where'd that nose come from?

Hey! My nose is gone!

Cute blankie James. *snicker* Thank you

You were rather PMS-y that day, Jessie. Hmmm... since when do you speak French?

Why do I have to cook breakfast all the time? Why did you pre-toast all the bread? That was stupid. Oh, oh! Last panel! What? Your hair moved!

Don't ask. I don't know where my eyes are. I don't know what scared me more... Jungle Boy or... SATANIC JAMES!! Your hair moved again, Jess. for someone saying "yay" you sure don't look happy, Meowth.

Well, duh. What else would an EVIL orginization do?

James, why are you smiling? Your hair is on fire! What's with the big Meowth head? I like the big Meowth head! It's cool looking!

How come you don't ride on my head any more, Meowth? You started using Jessie's hair Gel!

Well, duh! How stupid can a person be?

Yes, it's TRUE! I came up it "Gotta Catch 'em All!" Ah hahahaha! James, it you came up with that, then how come we aren't rich from it? Oh.

to be continued