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Fathers and Sons by Angela D [Notes and Stuff: An interesing "catching up" conversation between Lorne and Giovanni. I hope none of the readers have a problem with Lorne crying, because he will. A lot. Wouldn't you if you went from having no family to knowing you father was the head of a world wide crime organization and you were next in line? Um... this might suck because I wrote it so I'd have something to update. People, send in stuff, okay? You know what's mine and what's not. Don't Sue. I don't have any money anyway. Just me and my computer.]

He entered to office. "You wanted to see me?" Lorne asked. It had been about a week since he learned Giovanni was his father.

"Sit down."

He looked around and saw the outline of the chair. "It's too dark in here."

"I like it that way."

Lorne made a low whistle. "So what did you want to see me for?"

"I... never really knew you, Lorne. I think we have some catching up to do."

"Fine. I've got questions."

"As do I. You first."



"Why did you leave?"

"I didn't walk out on you. I wanted to be there for you."

"So, why weren't you?"

"Your mother and I got a divorce. I didn't want it. As soon as it was legal, she filed for a restraining order. It passed."

Lorne had the anime shakey eyes. "Mom... did that? You're lying!"

Giovanni opened the desk drawer. He placed the files in front of his son. Lorne picked up the papers and looked at them.

"It's true," he whispered, not wanting to believe. A tear fell down his cheek.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't there, Lorne. I wanted to be there more than that first year."

"How could she do this?" he asked, tears still rolling. Giovanni handed Lorne a tissue. "Thank you."

"Tell me, Lorne. How did your mother treat you after I left?"

"She wasn't there either. Nine years, she wasn't there. We had enough food, but she was never there when I needed guidence. They.... they made fun of me."


"Kids at school. They always knew I was different from them. They kept teasing me. I never had any friends."

To Giovanni, Lorne still seemed like a little kid. He wanted to reach out and hug him, although, he had to keep his hard outer image. Giovanni was afraid he might become soft if he showed any sensitivity.

"Giovan... dad... I want to know... this is stupid... why do you stay in this darkness all the time?"

Giovanni turned away from his son. His eyes got the shakey thing. "Because I have to."

"Why? Why do you have to?"

"They'll kill me."


"Every member of Team Rocket. You and Raven are the only ones I show emotion to. An emotion other than anger anyway. I don't want to show them that I am hurting inside."

"Like father, like son," Lorne said. Giovanni turned around and faced his son. "I got out of the darkness, though," Lorne continued. "I found someone I loved and I have never been better. I don't want to kill myself anymore."

"Pardon me for asking, but did you love your mother, before I told you the truth?"

"I... I don't know. I don't think so. If what I feel for Raven is love, then the answer is no. I guess I was always pissed off at her and you, but now... I just don't know."

Giovanni shook his head a little. "I always thought that she would be a good mother. I was so wrong."

They sat in silence for a few minutes. "Are we finished talking about family?" Lorne asked. "Can we go on now?"

"Hmm? Oh, yes. Yeah, uh where did you meet Raven?"

Lorne looked up dreamily. "That was the best day of my life. The same day I got Articuno. Seafoam Islands. I ran into Articuno and then I heard this girls scream. I tried saaving her from that Kingler on my own and I couldn't. Articuno came from out of nowhere and obeyed my every command. I got to talking to Raven and we've been friends since."

Giovanni smiled. "Your choice in Pokemon is... I can't find the word, but fire and ice is kind of funny."

Lorne chuckled. "Yeah, it is when you think about it."

"Why do you train Ice anyway? Not many people do."

"There's a few reasons. One is because Articuno was my first Pokemon. Interesting, now that I think about it. I only have three yet, I beat the Elite Four. I guess because I liked Articuno so much, i decided to stick with Ice. Second, it kind of reflects me growing up. My heart felt cold, like Ice. It's kind of a personal, symbolic thing, like James and his rose."

"I see."

"Did you... I'm going back to family... did you love mom? Before..."

Giovanni once again turned away from his son. "Yes. Yes, I did. With all my heart. Now that she's dead I'll never have the chance to..."

"Dad? I'm here."

Father looked at son. "Thank you. You turned out exactly as I wanted you to."

"No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did."

Lorne cried again. "No one would ever want me."

"That's not true."

"Yes, it is."

"No, it isn't. Raven."

"She... I love her, but I'm not what she deserves."

"She could have said no. But she married you because she loved you."

"Sometimes, I feel no one loves me."

Giovanni stood up and yelled, "That woman loves you! I..." Giovanni paused as Lorne looked up. "I love you," he said softly, sitting back down.

"I don't want to be a burden to you or Raven."

"Did a word that I said stay in your head? I am your father. Raven is your wife. We love you."

"Because you have to."

"No." Giovanni took a tape recorder out of his desk. "I asked her." He pressed the play button. The tape started.

"Do you love Lorne?" Giovanny asked.

She giggled. "Yes. With all my heart. He's the world to me. If anyone ever took him from me... I don't know. I don't want him to let go of me when he's holding me. I feel so warm and safe. I want to be with him until the end of time. I've always loved him."

Giovanni stopped the tape. "See?"

Lorne didn't move. He just took deep breaths. He looked up at his father. "She loves me," he said with a smile.

"Never let her go. Whatever you do."

"How do you know so much about this stuff?"

He shrugged. "Personal expirience."

Lorne smirked. "Another stupid question. Where the Hell did you come up with a name like Lorne?"

Another shrug. "Your mother's idea. Never bothered to question. Sounded good enough."

Lorne looked at his watch. "I have to go. We'll have to finish this later."


He walked down the hall of the Team Rocket HQ to his and Raven's shared office. She was inside. "Hi, Lorne. How was it?"

Saying nothing, we walked over and kissed her passionatly. "I'll never let you go," he whispered softly into her ear before he kissed her again.

Giovanni held a picture frame in his hand. "Catherine, why did you go?" A tear fell onto the picture of the young, happy brown haired woman, smiling as she held their first and ultimatly only child. Eyes closed, he lifted his head back as he remembered the smell of her perfume, the smile of love from her that was intended for him alone. I'll never know, he thought as he placed the picture back into the drawer. The Persian hopped up on his lap. I'll never know, he thought again as he pet the cat pokemon.

[final note: Woo-hoo! I liked writing that one! I should put this up on the GPS site too! I don't care how crappy it is!]