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Jessie, James, Meowth and etc.!

Hi! These are the TR members that I let stay here all the time. They clean up after themselves, they're polite and Meowth is adorable! (So is James. Tee hee)


This is Jessie. Although, she is constantly on PMS, she is very nice. I never approach her when she has a mallet 'cause she'll whack me with it! Otherwise, she's fun to have around.Notes: Don't wake her up in the middle of the night. Mallets are painfull... James

What can I say? It's James. Very polite and proper and stuff, even though he can be an idiot. He too, is very nice (cute too). I always have to stock up on donuts for him when he comes. He usually brings me a rose. So sweet!Notes: bathroom hog, eats like a vaccum cleaner... Meowth

Such a cute little talking Pokemon. He can be rough around the edges sometimes, but if you throw him a ball of string he'll be ok.Notes: Fave movie- Batman Returns- thinks catwoman's a hottie...

Mondo, Giovanni, Lorne, Raven Pics when I get or draw them... now, to continue...

MONDO- One of my best TR buds. Hyper, ya know? Fun to hang out with and man, can he cook! Luv ya!Notes: Hide the sugar and the coffee....

GIOVANNI- Hee, hee. Indimidating to have over... but a puppy dog underneath. Notes: My pikachu is known to bite him everytime it sees him. keep band-aids on hand... shows fondness for that stuffed persian I have...

LORNE- I'm not sure if he's really my friend or not... keeps trying to upstage me... Notes: He's a character I created. SHould be gratefull... doesn't act like it...

RAVEN- Lorne's wife. Fun for me and Jessie to sit around in our PJ's and talk. Quiet, most of the time. Notes:Yet another charcter I created, yet isn't like Lorne at all... thank God. Very fun. Loves Strawberry ice cream...