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Notebook Doodles

Is it just me or is school really boring? Good. Glad it's not just me. Personally, I like to doodle in my notebook when my teachers open their mouths. Hey, I get good grades in school so they don't really mind. Here's some examples of my best artwork ever. This is also an answer to all those professional FanArt pages. These are not professional. They are raw, eraser mark ridden, line papered odd little pics. If you have some you'd like to donate, send 'em my way! C-ya!

Lookit! Who could this be?

Awwww... it's an irritated, sweatdropping Lorne! Yes, Lorne! As in my lovable fanfic character Lorne. I got wondering what he'd look like, so this is kind of a rough little sketch.

It's Lorne again!

Awwwwwwww...... it's my attempt of a chibified Lorne holding a chbified Articuno (or what my memory said was an Articuno)

Mew, mew?

I love Mew! Yes I do! Mew, mew, mew! Mew is absolutley the most precious pokemon ever. I drew this confused little Mew while watching "The Lion in Winter". The movie was confusing, and so, I thought Mew should be too.

Princess Mononoke!

Princess Mononoke was a cool movie. And this is my attempt at drawing San. Don't ask about the hearts. I thought they were cute.

It's Sailor Moon!

Yes! Sailor Moon! Everybody! Fighting evil by moonlight! Winning love by daylight! Never running from a real fight, she is the one named Sailor Moon! Isn't she cute?

More Sailor Scouts!

And presenting, Sailor Moon, Sailor Venus, Sailor Mercury, Wicked Lady, a very screwed up Luna P and... my teacher's little doodle and comment.

Another Sailor Moon Pic!

Presenting, the three forms of Sailor Moon. Princess Serenity/Serena, Sailor Moon, and Serena/Bunny/Usagi

Who's that Pokemon?

Iiiiitttt's Jigglypuff! Can you tell? Math is my most boring class.

Isn't this cute?!

This is from a fanfic I'm developing where I get a mew. It's name is Mini Mew.

Another Mini Mew pic!

Awwwwww.... he's sitting on my head!

Well, that's all the doodles I got for you now. Be warned. As my classes get more boring, there will be more fanart! C-ya!