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12 November, 2000

6 November –  The Saudi men who hijacked a Saudi Airlines flight last month have been given political asylum in Iraq. They are also going to be rewarded for choosing Iraq as their destination! Refer to my 15 October journal for my opinion on it.

7 November – Today is Election Day in the USA. Interestingly enough, at 8h15 Central European Time (my time), CNN World said that the first ballots had already been cast. There is a small town in New Hampshire, which has 60 registered voters, that has a tradition of voting at midnight on Election Day. I guess every town needs some kind of gimmick to put them on the map.

I returned home from work at 21h and turned on CNN for their election coverage. All they had was a Bush supporter, a Gore supporter, and a Nader supporter (Phil Donahue) yelling at eachother. It was very out of character for Phil and surprised me. CNN World had their "Election Special" then entire day, it appears. I watched it for two minutes and then switched to BBC World to see what was going on in the world. I assume that by the time I wake up in the morning, they will have announced who won the election.

The queen on Denmark passed away. She was born in Stockholm and married into the royal family when she was 25.

8 November – Today the results of the presidential election began coming in.

9 November – "The Campaign from Hell" drags on. Maybe it should now be called "The Election from Hell." Personally, I just want the whole thing to be over. I was tired of hearing about the campaigns, slanders, etc that lead up to the campaign and was looking forward to not hearing anything else about it after 8 Nov. I’m glad that my tax dollars aren’t paying for this.

I also find something else to be interesting. If I remember correctly, Jeb Bush, who is the Governor of Florida and also W’s brother, promised W that he would deliver the state of Florida (meaning that he was sure that Florida’s electoral votes would go to the Republicans). Now all this is happening....does that sound fishy to anyone else?

11 November – Happy Independence Day!

Today, 11 November, is Independence Day in Poland. It commemorates 11 November 1918, when Poland was put back on the map again after 122 years (the actual country of Poland dates back as far as 966).
-------------- The History of Polish Independence
(abridged version)

In 1795, Poland was partitioned between the Russian Empire, which received half of the Polish territory, Prussia (now Germany) and Austria, which both received a quarter. Poland had disappeared from the map of Europe.

(I'm skipping a bit here)

After the downfall of the Russian Empire in March 1917, the provisional government of Russia recognized Poland's right to self-govern and a provisional Polish government was formed. In September 1917, the Germans, then in complete control of the country, created a council that served as the governmental authority of the newly formed Polish kingdom. With the collapse of the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire (now Turkey), and Bulgaria) in the fall of 1918, the Poles quickly began the process for declaring independence. On 18 November, Poland proclaimed itself to be an independent republic and Józef Pilsudski became the temporary head of state. On 21 November of the same year, he was permanently sworn into that position.


Today I went for a walk with my friend Tom (Tomasz in Polish). We walked out to where his family used to have houses and a small farm. It is still considered to be in our town, but takes 1-˝ hours to walk there because we had to walk part way around the biggest lake in town. We went through the woods, by some other lakes, up some hills, and finally on a dirt road. It was a nice walk and I’m glad that he took me there.

I met Tom three weeks ago. He is 25 years old and is an English teacher in a (public) junior high school. He also works a couple days per week at "The British School," the other private English school in town. That makes us rivals. However, we’ve chosen to be friends, hang out and also share teaching tips. He also joins Mary and I on our Friday night ritual of going out for pizza.

The good thing about the election problems this year is that instead of CNN world, sometimes they switch us over to the USA and we get CNN live from Atlanta. Usually it is beamed in from London and sometimes from Berlin.

Tonight’s Jay Leno shows were from 4 & 7 November.

12 November – The movie "The Muppets Take Manhattan" was on this morning. I’ve seen all of the muppet movies several times and the original (The Muppet Movie) is still one of my favorites.

I think (and hope) that all the hype over the USA election is dying down. On CNN World’s 15h news broadcast it wasn’t mentioned until 15h24 (after the stories about the death of Rabin’s wife, the Austrian funicular accident and the election in India where one of Gandhi’s legacies is being challenged).

A lion of the species "he Cape Lion," from South Africa, which was thought to have been extinct since the 1800’s, may have been discovered in Siberia. It’s distinguished by it’s size (it can grow to be 10 feet long) and it’s main, which extends to middle of back.

As a note referring back to the journal of 15 October, I was able to eat three of the hard boiled eggs that I made. I wasn’t able to eat the rest and ended up throwing them out. I guess this makes me officially a non-egg eater.

The Jay Leno show tonight was from 8 November.

Regis Philbin was a guest on the Conan O’Brien show, which was from 8 November. He was mainly plugging his new book, "Who Wants To Be Me." he also played a joke on Conan that included Gellman. It was good to see him. As I’ve previously mentioned, when I lived in the USA, I had watched the "Live! With Regis and Kathie Lee" show for many years.

40 days until Christmas break and 263 days until summer break.

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