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This is taken from the website as of 24 March 2000. It details the issues the beliefs of the presidential candidates (of the USA) at that time (some of the links included might be out of date). They are in order of how they matched my beliefs, however, that doesn't mean that I completely agree with their positions.

David McReynolds -- Socialist

Abortion issues: Pro-Choice (Note: Mr. McReynolds personally answered all these questions regarding his positions on the issues) Where noted we quote from speeches and writings.

Affirmative action: Supports affirmative action. McReynolds said, "I don't favor the various hate crime laws because it weakens the right of defense."

Campaign finance: Strongly prefers reform. Announcing his candidacy at a press conference on 9/7/99 said, "I will work to limit the kind of obscenity we see today when the corporations openly bid for the candidates. Campaign financing laws must be enacted that provide a level playing field, with no special favors to large donors"

Crime: Preventative approach e.g.: job skills for prisoners. McReynolds calls for: Ending the policy of emphasizing imprisonment for non-violent crimes that has created what McReynolds terms a "gulag nation." "There are more people in prison today in America," according to McReynolds, "then at the height of Stalin's Terror in Russia."

Defense spending: Massive Decrease McReynolds calls for: Peaceful priorities, starting particularly with an immediate 50% cut in the US defense budget and an eventual zeroing out of all military spending.

Drug policy: Decriminalization, strongly prefers.

Homosexual issues: I favor the right of gays and lesbians to marry... I don't favor the various hate crime laws because it weakens the right of defense. Murderers and rapists should be tried for murder and rape. Win or lose. I am not persuaded that they should also be tried because they murdered out of hatred, etc. Open letter: "We have made great progress on the issues of gay and lesbian liberation - progress, which as a homosexual who "came out" in 1969, I can measure with amazement. But it is a battle that is not yet won."

Education money: Tax dollars support public schools only.

Environment: Protecting the environment for today and the future is essential.

Evolution: Teach the basic science of the matter, not ideology.

Foreign policy: Poor choices ('s options)- not for military intervention but for a strong United Nations. Said on May 1, 1999, "...if Tony Blair and Bill Clinton were concerned about moral issues and the plight of the innocent they would have lifted the sanctions on Iraq before doing anything else. (In Iraq at least 500,000 and possibly one million people, largely children and the elderly, have died and continue to die for lack of medical care and food.)"

Gun control: Support Gun Control (or maybe just outlaw the production and sale of ammunition)

Health care: Health care is primarily the responsibility of the government. For McReynolds, a key points of the campaign is: Comprehensive healthcare for all citizens.

Moral issues: Oppose Federal involvement in moral issues.

Social security: Protect Social Security.

Tax policy: Overhaul the federal income tax codes with radical change. McReynolds calls for: A maximum wage of four times the minimum wage. "If we limit the maximum wage to four times that which the lowest paid of us makes," says McReynolds, "then you can be damn sure that we'll see the minimum wage increased fast!"

Trade issues: Too complex to answer with yes or no - NAFTA should be opposed but that, by itself, is too simplistic an answer.

( thanks Mr. McReynolds for personally answering each question regarding his positions on the issues) David McReynolds is the Socialist Party candidate for President. For McReynolds, the four key points of the campaign are:

* Comprehensive healthcare for all citizens.

* A maximum wage of four times the minimum wage. "If we limit the maximum wage to four times that which the lowest paid of us makes," says McReynolds, "then you can be damn sure that we'll see the minimum wage increased fast!"

* Ending the policy of emphasizing imprisonment for non-violent crimes that has created what McReynolds terms a "gulag nation." "There are more people in prison today in America," according to McReynolds, "then at the height of Stalin's Terror in Russia."

* Peaceful priorities, starting particularly with an immediate 50% cut in the US defense budget and an eventual zeroing out of all military spending

Ralph Nader -- Green Party

Abortion issues: We support women's right to choose safe, legal abortion and believe that reproductive and health issues must remain a medical matter between individuals and their health care providers. --From the Green Party Platform 2000. Mr. Nader has endorsed the previous Green Party platforms although not specifically the new platform.

Affirmative action: We support affirmative action to remedy discrimination, to protect constitutional rights and to provide equal opportunity under the law. --From the Green Party Platform 2000. Mr. Nader has endorsed the previous Green Party platforms although not specifically the new platform.

Campaign finance: Supports campaign finance reform.

Crime: We need to explore, promote, and institute non-violent solutions to break the cycle of violent crime, and eradicate the inequities inherent in our criminal justice system. We support community-based crime prevention programs that address the roots of crime by creating economic, educational and recreational opportunities for all, as well as protecting the safety and peace of the community. As a matter of conscience, we oppose the death penalty. --From the Green Party Platform 2000. Mr. Nader has endorsed the previous Green Party platforms although not specifically the new platform.

Defense spending: "When you build missiles you don't create a fraction of the jobs per billion dollars that you create when you build public works."..."Hey, the Republicans gave $8 billion more to the Pentagon--a few weeks ago--than the Pentagon wanted." -- Ralph Nader on Donahue Monday, February 12, 1996 It is essential that we develop effective alternatives to society's current patterns of violence. We will work to demilitarize, and eliminate weapons of mass destruction, without being naive about the intentions of other governments. --From the Green Party Platform 2000

Drug policy: We support initiatives to move toward decriminalization of "VICTIM-LESS" CRIMES, for example, the possession of small amounts of marijuana. We favor innovative sentencing and punishment options, including community service for first-time offenders and "Drug Court" diversion programs. --From the Green Party Platform 2000. Mr. Nader has endorsed the previous Green Party platforms although not specifically the new platform.

Homosexual issues: We support the rights of gay, lesbian, and bisexual people in housing, jobs, civil marriage and benefits, child custody; and in all areas of life, the right to be treated equally with all other people. --From the Green Party Platform 2000. Mr. Nader has endorsed the previous Green Party platforms although not specifically the new platform. However, in speeches Mr. Nader refused to comment on the issue.

Education money: Greens respect the need for a multiplicity of educational alternatives, including PRIVATE, COOPERATIVE and PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS, for which communities should help find resources to support their essential work. --From the Green Party Platform 2000. Mr. Nader has endorsed the previous Green Party platforms although not specifically the new platform. Ralph

Nader: I believe in public education. I think it's worked in the past. It has some serious problems, especially in some of our large cities. The approach is to improve it--to have the parents more involved, to get more repairs in the schools, to get a different quality of civic education-- get these kids out analyzing and working with responsible adults trying to improve their community.

Environment: Mr. Nader is supported by the Green Party-- supporters of strong environmental protection.

Evolution: PRESUMED POSITION In an effort to give this candidate a more realistic score, we have made an educated guess as to his position. We have searched his website, news reports, etc. to gain an insight as to a stance. Failing that, we have given him a modifed score that indicates the following position: We've determined that he would oppose teaching of Creationism.

Foreign policy: He has indicated a non-interventionist stance with comments like this: "You cut the Pentagon budget by bringing our boys back from Europe and Asia. Those countries are perfectly able to defend themselves from Moldova and the Ukraine." -- Ralph Nader on Donahue Monday, February 12, 1996 We promote non-violent methods to oppose practices and policies with which we disagree, and will guide our actions toward lasting personal, community and global peace. --From the Green Party Platform 2000

Gun control: We believe in a citizen's right to self defense and to bear arms as constitutionally protected - we also believe it is inappropriate for criminals to have access to "killing machines", that is, assault rifles, automatic weapons, armor-piercing and "anti-personnel" ammunition. Therefore, we support the "Brady Bill" and thoughtful, carefully considered GUN CONTROL. --From the Green Party Platform 2000. Mr. Nader has endorsed previous Green Party platforms although not specifically the new platform.

Health care: We will actively work for universal health care, and believe that everyone has a right to decent affordable housing, education and medical care. --From the Green Party Platform 2000. Mr. Nader has endorsed previous Green Party platforms although not specifically the new platform.

Moral issues: PRESUMED POSITION In an effort to give this candidate a more realistic score, we have made an educated guess as to his position. We have searched his website, news reports, etc. to gain an insight as to a stance. Failing that, we have given him a modified score that indicates the following position: We don't think Mr. Nader would attempt to legislate "family values".

Social security: The various Social Security privatization schemes, full and partial, would cost both the "social" -- that is the public, cooperative, societal -- element of the program and "security" -- the rock-solid income guarantee afforded by the system. It should be rejected. -- Statement of Ralph Nader At the "Saving Social Security From the Privatization Threat" Conference Rayburn House Office Building January 21, 1999

Tax policy: Middle-class and poor people are paying an ever greater proportion of federal taxes, and too often local and state taxes are unfair and regressive. The tax code is a labyrinth of deductions, loopholes, exemptions and write-offs; the result of insider and industry-lobbying that has damaged our economy as it has served the interests of big business and financial institutions. --From the Green Party Platform 2000. Mr. Nader has endorsed previous Green Party platforms although not specifically the new platform.

Trade issues: We oppose in principle international trade agreements (GATT and NAFTA in particular). A clear living wage standard should serve as a foundation for trade between nations, and a "floor" of wage protections and worker's rights should be negotiated and set in place in future trade agreements. --From the Green Party Platform 2000. Mr. Nader has endorsed previous Green Party platforms although not specifically the new platform.

As of this writing Mr. Nader has not officially announced his candidacy for President. He is expected however to be "drafted" and nominated by the Green Party. He well-known as a consumer advocate. See also

Albert (Al) Gore Jr. -- Democrat

Abortion issues: Pro-choice. Believes that a woman should have a right to legal abortions, and that they should be "safe and rare." Wants to reinforce security around clinics to protect the doctors who perform abortions, and the patients who seek their services. --Gore campaign website

Affirmative action: Supports affirmative action. Supports increase in funding for the protection of civil rights laws, including a toughening of fair housing enforcement. Remarked at the Democratic Party Fall Meeting, Washington, DC on 09/25/1999 "I am also for the passage of a hate crimes law in this nation.". --Gore campaign website

Campaign finance: Supports reforms to eliminate gray areas in legislation. Backs McCain-Feingold Bill. Does not accept political action committee donations, and no more than $1,000 per person.. --Gore campaign website

Crime: According to his campaign site, he believes there is no more fundamental responsibility than to make Americans safer and more secure -- in their homes, on the sidewalks, and in their communities. Also according to his campaign site, he helped to design one of the most successful anti-crime strategies in modern history, merging elements that had never before been combined: more community police, tougher punishment, and smarter prevention.

Defense spending: Newsweek reports that his "sketchy campaign platform" supports a strong military and calls for continued development of advanced weaponry. 1991 On the votes that the JustLife Education Fund - Arms Reduction considered to be the most important in 1991, Then-Senator Gore voted their preferred position 40 percent of the time.

On the votes that the Professional's Coalition for Nuclear Arms Control considered to be the most important in 1991, Gore voted their preferred position 54 percent of the time.

Drug policy: The hours between 2 & 6 are the most perilous hours of the day for our children. A teenager is most likely to take up smoking between the hours of 2 & 6. That means we must engage our children in positive, constructive activities between the hours of 2 & 6, [by expanding] access to quality after-school care for all our children. . --Gore speech.

Homosexual issues: Supported ENDA, an annually proposed, yet not yet passed, federal employment non-discrimination law which would protect gays and lesbians in the workplace. On record as being willing to support legal protections for "domestic partnerships." By Ceci Connolly and Bradley Graham Washington Post Staff Writers Tuesday, December 14, 1999, Page A01

Vice President Gore said yesterday that President Clinton's "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the military should be abandoned and vowed to "eliminate this unacceptable form of discrimination" if elected president. --

Education money: I oppose vouchers, Tim (Russert), is because even if you say it's not going to come from public school budgets, it does because history shows, experience shows there's a set amount of money that communities have been willing to spend on education. And if you drain the money away from the public schools for private vouchers, then that hurts the public schools. --Gore and Bradley Debate the Issues Meet the Press 12/19/1999

Wants to reduce class sizes in all grades so that there is one teacher for every 20 students. Believes that every classroom should be connected to the Internet, and that all children should be taught the technological skills they need to succeed. --Gore campaign website

Environment: The author of "Earth in the Balance" -- Al Gore has long been associated with environmental protection.

Al Gore was recently quoted in the L.A. Daily News "If you do not want a president who will fight heart and soul to move heaven and Earth, taking the leadership to protect open space and combat global warming, then I'm not your guy."

Evolution: Favors the teaching of evolution in the public schools, adding the decision should be local and "localities should be free to teach creationism as well."

Foreign policy: Interventionist. Believes America should lead the way in promoting universal freedom and democracy in this world that is becoming increasingly interdependent. Wants to expand U.S. investments abroad.

Gun control: Supports gun control legislation, including mandatory background checks at gun shows. (Supported ban on assault weapons, and the Brady Law - which has kept over 300,000 felons from buying guns.) --Gore campaign website

Health care: Supports. Wants to expand the availability of high quality health care to all Americans, especially seniors and children. Supports preventative health care education, and the expansion of biomedical research for AIDS and cancer.

Moral issues: On the votes that the Christian Voice considered to be the most important in 1991-1992, Gore as a US Senator voted their preferred position 9 percent of the time.

Social security: Would protect. Wants to invest 62 percent of the budget surplus to keep Social Security going until 2055. Wants to work with Congress to maintain Social Security at least through 2075, but is wary of risky tax schemes.

Tax policy: Wants to keep interest rates low and investment rate high. Aims for a balanced budget every year. Wants to continue "reinventing government" to eliminate wasteful spending. --Gore campaign website

Trade issues: Free Trader. Plans to open up more foreign markets to U.S. trade.

Al Gore is the current Vice President. He is seeking the Democratic nomination.

John Hagelin -- Natural Law Party

Abortion issues: Government should neither fund nor ban abortion. NLP (Natural Law Party) will support education to prevent need for abortion. "The moral responsibility for this decision should not be that of the Federal government." States should have the right to impose waiting periods and /or notification requirements. Abortion should be funded privately only, except in cases of rape, incest, and life-threatening situations.

Affirmative action: The NLP believes AA is a "necessary evil." but doesn't approve of quotas. Equal opportunity, not equal outcomes. "Laws alone will never end discrimination. For this reason, the Natural Law Party will support the establishment of 'coherence-creating groups' of experts in the Transcendental Meditation program, shown by extensive scientific research to reduce social stress and promote harmony in society and thereby increase tolerance."

Campaign finance: Supports campaign finance reform. "I will promote crucial democratic reform, including
(1) public sponsorship of election campaigns,
(2) elimination of PACs and 'soft money,' and
(3) prevention of lobbying by former public servants on behalf of domestic and foreign interests." Also would end barriers for third parties to putting their candidates on all ballots.

Crime: "I support a truly comprehensive, field-tested, scientifically proven strategy, including effective prison rehabilitation and reducing societal stress, to prevent and reduce crime." The NLP favors a strong penal code, especially for specific, highly egregious violent crimes, but the current effort to extend the death penalty to include a wide range of crimes is opposed as a desperate measure.

Defense spending: "The Natural Law Party believes that the U.S. should not implement further major reductions of defense expenditures at this time. "We believe that a smaller, more flexible force coupled with greater economic and security cooperation will serve the nation's security interests and provide the basis for a more stable world. Through this peace-promoting technology, which is based upon groups of experts collectively practicing the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program, the Natural Law Party can help to ensure a peaceful world."

Drug policy: Would provide "proven, cost-effective drug rehabilitation programs on a wide scale to end drug abuse." Favors prevention through education to reduce desire and demand for drugs, but is opposed to legalization of drugs.

Homosexual issues: Said in regard to gay rights: "The NLP supports legislation to protect all minorities." They do not support legislation for or against gay marriage.

Education money: Supports school choice. "Implement programs that provide parents with vouchers to send their children to any participating school, public, private or religious."

Environment: "I am committed to increasing both energy efficiency and the use of renewable, safe, and nonpolluting energy sources, such as wind, solar, and biomass. This approach will protect our environment, create energy self-sufficiency, and add to the economic prosperity of the nation."

Evolution: position not known

Foreign policy: Interventionist. "Two thirds of U.S. foreign aid is military aid. I would create an immediate shift away from the export of weapons-toward a more life-supporting policy based on the export of U.S. know-how."

Gun control: The NLP favors the current level of gun control. When coherence is established and stress is eliminated in the U.S., the misuse of firearms will decline.

Health care: Provide vouchers to the working poor so they can buy into a private health care plan. Supports market-based solutions; health education to prevent disease and promote health, and thereby reduce medical costs by 50%.

Moral issues: The NLP does not support legislating morality, but believes their educational and stress-reducing programs would lead to greater morality.

Social security: We recommend privatization of one half of the Social Security system. Under our plan, the workers' personal contributions to Social Security payroll taxes (approximately 50%) would be privatized -- placed in mandatory retirement investment accounts that the workers themselves control. Each worker would thus have his or her own personal retirement account, which could include both private sector investments (e.g., stocks and bonds) and government securities.

Tax policy: Supports replacing the US income tax structure with a national sales tax. Proposes a flat tax that would start at 19% and gradually decrease to 10% by 2001. "The most powerful fiscal action our government can take to stimulate the economy is to lower taxes. I will cut taxes deeply-and responsibly-without adding to the deficit or cutting essential services... Through my cost-effective solutions to crime, spiraling health costs, and other social problems, I can save the nation hundreds of billions of dollars annually."

Trade issues: Protectionist. Supports imposing tariffs on products imported from nations that maintain trade barriers that restrict the importation of American products. Support lifting the trade embargo imposed against Cuba. Support NAFTA and supports extending NAFTA into other western hemisphere countries. Favors trade to increase markets for US goods and to stimulate competition.

"John Hagelin is making his second run for president as the nominee of the Natural Law Party, whose goal is 'to bring the light of science into politics.' Hagelin, a physicist, is the author of more than 60 scientific articles and headed a doctoral program in physics at Maharishi International University in Fairfield, Iowa, until he took a leave to run for the White House. Hagelin, who is on the ballot in 45 states, would try to apply the laws of science to the world of politics and public policy. He advocates what he calls 'conflict-free politics,' and a key ingredient in many of his policy proposals is Transcendental Meditation." --

Howard Phillips -- The Constitution Party (formerly the U.S. Taxpayers Party)

Abortion issues: "Very simply...abortion is illegal." "He has been at the forefront of the fight for the "Right to Life."

Affirmative action: Mr. Phillips opposes affirmative action stating he is "opposed to all racial, gender and ethnic discrimination promoted by the federal government."

Campaign finance: "We will abolish the Federal Election Commission. We will eliminate all ceilings on individual contributions. We will require full and immediate disclosure of campaign contributions." "We will also eliminate the corrupt use of your tax dollars by the incumbent political establishment to send more than $100 million every four years to the Republicans and the Democrats for their primaries, their conventions, and their general election campaigns."

Crime: "Crime, in most cases, is to be dealt with by state and local governments...We favor the unimpeded right of states and localities to execute criminals convicted of capital crimes and to require restitution for the victims of criminals. Federal interference with local criminal justice processes should be limited to that which is constitutionally required." --U.S. Taxpayers Party 1996 National Platform

Defense spending: Party platform: We call for the maintenance of a strong, state-of-the-art military on land, sea, in the air, and in space. We urge the executive and legislative branches to continue to provide for the modernization of our armed forces, in keeping with advancing technologies and a constantly changing world situation.

Drug policy: The Constitution Party will uphold the right of states and localities to restrict access to drugs and to enforce such restrictions in appropriate cases with application of the death penalty. We support legislation to stop the flow of illegal drugs into the United States from foreign sources. As a matter of self-defense, retaliatory policies including embargoes, sanctions, and tariffs, should be considered. At the same time, we will take care to prevent violations of the Constitutional and civil rights of American citizens. Searches without probable cause and seizures without due process must be prohibited, and the presumption of innocence must be preserved.

Homosexual issues: Against special rights for homosexuals. Platform of the party includes: "Under no circumstances should the federal government continue to subsidize activities which have the effect of encouraging perverted or promiscuous sexual conduct. Criminal penalties should apply to those whose willful acts of omission or commission place members of the public at risk of contracting AIDS or HIV."

Education money: All teaching is related to basic assumptions about God and man. Education as a whole, therefore, cannot be separated from religious faith. The law of our Creator assigns the authority and responsibility of educating children to their parents. Education should be free from all federal government subsidies, including vouchers, tax incentives, and loans, except with respect to veterans. We support the unimpeded right of parents to provide for the education of their children in the manner they deem best, including home, private or religious. So that no parents need defy the law by refusing to send their children to schools of which they disapprove, compulsory attendance laws should be repealed.

Environment: Stated in Colorado's Constitution Party Home Page: "It is a prime responsibility of man to be a prudently productive and efficient steward of God's natural resources. In that role, man is commanded to be fruitful, to multiply, to replenish the earth and develop it, to turn deserts into farms and waste lands into groves. This requires a proper and continuing dynamic balance between development and conservation, between use and preservation. The proper exercise of stewardship demands that we avoid the extremes; that we escape the deadly hand of government confiscation; that we recognize and preserve the right of the individual to acquire, own and use his property so long as he does not infringe upon the rights of other individuals to do the same."

Evolution: We support the unimpeded right of parents to provide for the education of their children in the manner they deem best, including home, private or religious.

Foreign policy: "Intervention in the politics of other nations is wrong" "When the nominees of the Constitution Party take office, there will be no legislation by Executive Order, there will be no more undeclared wars - there will be no wars at all except for the purpose of defending our own country. And there will be no commitment of forces without the prior authorization of the Congress of the United States." "As faithful stewards, it is our duty to immediately withdraw the United States from all institutions which challenge and undermine the American system of sovereignty and accountability - and that includes the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, NAFTA, the World Trade Organization, the Asian Development Bank, the InterAmerican Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - and, yes, the Federal Reserve."

Gun control: Argues that the Second Amendment to the Constitution clearly preserves the right to keep and bear arms.

Health care: Favors getting the government out of medicine.

Moral issues: Promotes the following: non-denominational prayer in public schools, including the Bible in school classrooms, religious displays on public property. Calls for the "the federal government--its legislative, executive and judicial branches--to cease these attacks on the religious liberties of the people, and to stop all attempts to interfere with the encouragement of religious and moral principles by state and local governments. --U.S. Taxpayers Party 1996 National Platform

Social security: "We will insist that that money be restored to the Social Security Trust Fund so that Americans who have been required to pay taxes into that system will get back every penny to which they are entitled - and we will do this even as we move toward the complete privatization of the Social Security system so that individual Americans may take back from the bureaucrats and politicians control of their own retirement planning as befits the free citizens of a free society."

Tax policy: I will work to repeal the Sixteenth Amendment ("Congress has power to lay and collect income taxes"), and I will strive to persuade Congress that there should be no direct taxation whatsoever by the Federal government on the American people, with revenues instead to be derived by excises, imposts, duties and apportionment among the states.

Trade issues: Stated in Colorado's Constitution Party Home Page: "We oppose the unconstitutional transfer of authority over U.S. trade policy from the Congress to agencies, domestic or foreign, which improperly exercise policy-setting functions with respect to U.S. trade policy, and the unconstitutional transfer of authority over copyright and patent policy from Congress to agencies, domestic and foreign."

Howard Phillips is founder of the Conservative Caucus and of the U.S. Taxpayers Party. He worked in the Nixon administration as Director of the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity and resigned when President Nixon reneged on his commitment to veto further funding of Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" programs. Starting in 1974 he mobilized opposition to the Panama Canal treaties, the SALT II arms control treaties, NAFTA, the World Trade Organization, and federal funding of left-wing activism. A graduate of Harvard University (1962) and twice-elected president of the Harvard Student Council, he has twice been nominated as the USTP candidate for President.

Alan Keyes -- Republican

Abortion issues: Pro-life. Does not support abortion except in cases where fetal death is a collateral consequence of efforts to save a mother's life.. Believes abortion violates an unborn child's First Amendment rights.

Affirmative action: Opposes affirmative action on the contention that it divides the people, and patronizes minority groups. Believes the federal government should follow California's lead in abolishing preferential treatment immediately. Believes that homosexuality is a choice, and opposes same-sex marriages.

Campaign finance: Wants no limits on congressional campaigns. He would remove all limits on contributions and spending (with full disclosure). Supports PAC contributions.

Crime: I've never been somebody who thought that you should be applying capital punishment indiscriminately. But I do believe that it is necessary in certain instances in order for a society to show due respect for life.

Defense spending: He believes we have carried cutbacks too far. He would reduce some aspects of defense spending while increasing others.

Drug policy: Increase penalties for selling drugs. Impose capital punishment for convicted international drug traffickers.

Homosexual issues: States in his campaign literature that "the effort to equate homosexual and lesbian relations with legal marriage represents a destructive assault on the heterosexual, marriage-based family." He says, "It is wrong to treat sexual orientation like a race."

Also says, "I oppose any efforts to use government power to impose views that contravene religious conscience on matters such as homosexuality and abortion."

Education money: Strongly favor school choice approaches that empower parents to send their children to schools that reflect the parents' faith and values. This should include choices in both the public and the independent schools.

Environment: He supports weighing the impact of environmental legislation on jobs, private property rights, and economic concerns.

Evolution: Strong believer in Creationism. Favors only local control of schools, which would open the door for the teaching of Creationism in public schools.

Foreign policy: Non-interventionist. Thinks our foreign policy should be guided by national interests, not by the UN. Believes the maintenance of American sovereignty should be a priority. Calls for a US withdrawal from the UN, should our independence in international affairs be threatened.

Gun control: Opposes. Argues that the Second Amendment gives a citizen the right to protect himself from threats like intruders and a tyrannical government. Believes that people are responsible for violence, not firearms.

Health care: Favors allowing Americans to set up a tax-free medical savings account, which would be taxed if used for any purpose other than medical costs. Otherwise, favors keeping the government out of it.

Moral issues: Supports school prayer, and a parent's right to choose a child's school. Believes in strengthening the nation's curriculum by reintroducing moral education. Opposes sex education.

Social security: Believes we must "trust the capacity of people to make the right judgments about how to use their own money to provide for retirement." Criticizes Clinton for believing we need to take care of the elderly with Social Security.

Tax policy: Wants to abolish the "socialist" income tax by replacing it with a national sales tax. Supports a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution that would limit both borrowing and spending.

Trade issues: Advocates trade controls. Believes that free government is more important than free trade. Keyes says "Trade socialism must be defeated root and branch, even when it is called 'free trade'."

He adds GATT/WTO were big mistakes. In his opinion our representatives in Congress should not give the President "fast track" authority to "strike back room trade deals".

A former Reagan Administration official Alan L. Keyes is a popular Conservative orator. This former diplomat is campaigning for the Republican nomination.

Harry Browne -- Libertarian

Abortion issues: Position provided directly to by Mr. Browne: "The Constitution gives the federal government no authority to legislate on abortion in any way. I oppose abortion, and hold other opinions on social issues, but do not want the politicians to have the power to legislate on any social issues."

Affirmative action: Position provided directly to by Mr. Browne: "I oppose Affirmative Action. The federal government should be color-blind, and not take race or gender into account in any way in any matter."

Campaign finance: Position provided directly to by Mr. Browne: "I would repeal all campaign finance laws and would allow people to support anyone they choose to whatever extent they choose. Present laws are biased toward incumbents, and toward the two old parties. I would eliminate ballot restrictions that discriminate against third parties and independent candidates."

Crime: Position provided directly to by Mr. Browne: "I favor an end to the War on Drugs, to the financing of gang warfare and the criminal profit in drug-dealing. These are just some of the changes needed to help Americans return to our native virtues of individual freedom, self-responsibility, civility, and decency.

The Constitution defines only three federal crimes: treason, piracy, and counterfeiting; it doesn't give the federal government the authority to legislate on any common crimes."

Defense spending: Position provided directly to by Mr. Browne: "We now have a strong national offense, but a weak national defense. We can bomb anyone to oblivion, but we are completely vulnerable to any two-bit dictator who can get his hands on a nuclear missile. I prefer we rely on private companies to develop and build a missile defense that protects us from nuclear attack -- and end our reliance on offensive nuclear weapons, withdraw American troops from all foreign countries, and stop American interference in the policies of other countries. This will make us safer than we are now."

Drug policy: Position provided directly to by Mr. Browne: "I would end drug prohibition and the War on Drugs. The federal government has no Constitutional authority to prohibit any drugs. It required a Constitutional amendment to prohibit alcohol (which produced the same explosion of crime that drug prohibition has caused)."

Homosexual issues: Position provided directly to by Mr. Browne: "The federal government has no Constitutional authority to legislate about groups, about marriage, about any personal matters."

Education money: Position provided directly to by Mr. Browne: "I would remove the federal government from education entirely. I would repeal the income tax immediately, so parents can afford to send their children to schools of their own choice, or to home-school their children, without having to get vouchers or approval from government."

Environment: Position provided directly to by Mr. Browne: "The two largest sources of pollution in America are:

(1) government agencies polluting their own property; and

(2) government allowing private companies to pollute government lakes, rivers, roads, and lands with strip-mining, clear-cutting, and toxic-waste-dumping. Private owners rarely pollute their own properties because they care about the future value of those properties, but when they are allowed to lease or otherwise use government property they have no incentive to protect it. I want to take as much property as possible away from the government and put it into the hands of owners who will care about its future value."

Evolution: Position provided directly to by Mr. Browne: "I believe in the separation of school and state, which makes the question of what to teach in school completely irrelevant to the government. Parents would choose whether to send their children to a school that teaches evolution or a school that teaches creationism. The government would have no say in the matter."

Foreign policy: Position provided directly to by Mr. Browne: "I favor no government aid whatsoever. We can do more for world peace by providing free trade, by refusing to meddle in other countries' affairs, and by not arming the participants in disputes. And if we reduce our federal government dramatically, the resulting prosperity will inspire other countries to do the same--and the smaller their governments, the less likely that they will threaten world peace."

Gun control: Position provided directly to by Mr. Browne: "I oppose gun control. I would repeal all federal gun-control laws, so that citizens can defend themselves against predators. I believe the Bill of Rights is a literal document; the Constitution prohibits the federal government from imposing laws relating to common crimes."

Health care: Position provided directly to by Mr. Browne: "The federal government is the biggest barrier to good health. Medicare and Medicaid have run up the price of health care; federal and state mandates have priced health insurance outside the reach of young people; federal regulations have overloaded doctors and made them less able to treat their patients efficiently and inexpensively. I would abolish the FDA so that life-saving medicines are available sooner. The federal government has no Constitutional authority to be involved in health care."

Moral issues: Position provided directly to by Mr. Browne: "It is ludicrous to look to Washington for moral and ethical leadership. Politicians deceive and pander as a way of life. We must get government out of the way so individuals can take care of themselves and their families. I would repeal the federal income tax immediately, so parents can afford to send their children to private and church schools that support the parents' values, and so one parent can afford to stay home to raise the children, if desired."

Social security: Position provided directly to by Mr. Browne: "I would take Social Security completely away from the politicians -- and care for today's retirees with private annuities paid for by selling off federal assets the government has no Constitutional authority to own."

Tax policy: Position provided directly to by Mr. Browne: "I would make government so small that we can repeal the income tax and not replace it."

Trade issues: Position provided directly to by Mr. Browne: "I believe you should be free to buy whatever you want from whoever is willing to sell it to you, anywhere in the world. Giving the politicians the power to decide what you can buy or sell means giving those with the most political influence the power to forcibly remove competition and run up the prices of the things you buy."

Harry Browne is an investment advisor, the author of eleven books, radio personality, and public speaker -- and he was the 1996 Libertarian candidate for President of the United States.

George W. Bush -- Republican

Abortion issues: Pro-life with exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother. Would appoint Supreme Court justices and running mate who differ on the issue.

Affirmative action: Opposes quotas and racial preferences. Supports affirmative "access". Is opposed to hate crime laws per se. He believes the tough enactment of existing laws in sufficient. He points to the James Byrd dragging case saying, "After all, two of the three defendants will be put to death in our state." (The third defendant had not been tried at the time.)

Campaign finance: Supports increase in individual campaign donations now limited at $1,000 per person. Also supports immediate and full disclosure of fund-raising efforts via the Internet. Called for banning "soft money" contributions from labor unions and corporations because members/shareholders do not know those contributions are given.

Crime: Would increase sentences. Increase state funds for construction of state prisons and for hiring of additional prison staff.

Defense spending: Supports rebuilding America's military strength to keep the peace Supports accelerated research for and deployment of both theater missile defenses and national missile defense, as soon as possible Prepared to cancel ABM treaty with Russia if unable to convince Russia to amend the treaty to allow deployment of missile defense systems within a short period of time. Newsweek reports that he would "redirect spending toward new weapons technologies, then restructure the military in smaller more agile units built around new combat systems".

Drug policy: Strengthen penalties and sentences for drug-related crimes.

Homosexual issues: Bush opposes the extension of hate crime laws to protect gays and homosexual adoption. Source:

When asked, "Do you believe that the Texas government should include sexual orientation in Texas' anti-discrimination laws?," Bush responded, "No."

When asked, "Do you believe that the Texas government should recognize same-sex marriages?," Bush responded, "No." -- Source: Vote Smart NPAT 1998

Regarding the service in the military, "Somebody's sexual orientation is their personal business as far as I'm concerned," Bush observed. "I'm a 'don't ask, don't tell' man."

Education money: Supports school choice.

Environment: Believes environmental standards must be based on sound science, solutions based on market driven technologies. Recognizes that global warming must be taken seriously but will require any decisions to be based on sound science and a thorough cost-benefit analysis, opposes Kyoto protocol.

Supports moratorium against offshore drilling in California and Florida. Opposes breaching dams in Pacific Northwest.

Evolution: Believes both evolution and creationism are valid educational subjects. He believes it is a question for states and local school boards to decide but believes both ought to be taught. LA Times

Bush Sees Place for Teaching on Creation From Reuters WILMINGTON, Del. -- Republican presidential front-runner George W. Bush said Wednesday that he thinks schools should teach "different forms of how the world was formed," with evolution taught alongside creationism.

Foreign policy: Interventionist. Believes free trade and U.S. interests should guide the country's relationship with the world. Would redefine relationship between China and U.S. as one of "competitors," not strategic partners Would refocus America's policy in Asia on friends and allies Supports "one-China" policy Supports the Taiwan Relations Act.

USAtoday reported on 11/19/99: "SIMI VALLEY, Calif. - George W. Bush today cautioned against retreating to a U.S. foreign policy based on isolationism and protectionism, calling it a ''shortcut to disaster'' that would invite challenges to America's power as a world leader. The result, he said, ''would be a stagnant America and a savage world.''

Gun control: Opposes gun control. However supports ban on automatic weapons. Supports requiring instant background checks at gun shows.

Health care: Supports medical savings accounts as a health insurance option for all Americans. Supports giving patients in federally governed health care plans protections similar to those already enacted in Texas; opposes legislation that would supersede reforms already enacted by states.

Moral issues: Proposed spending at least as much on abstinence education as on teen contraception programs. Proposed ensuring that faith based organizations can compete for federal abstinence education grants.

Social security: Pledged to fulfill the solemn commitment of Social Security; no reduction in benefits for retirees or near retirees Called for dedicating all Social Security money to Social Security.

Tax policy: ``This is not only no new taxes, this is tax cuts, so help me God,'' Bush said, promoting his proposal for a $483 billion tax cut package.

Supports cuts in marginal tax rates and a fairer system. Called for reducing the death tax Supports reducing the marriage penalty. Supports tax incentives to encourage charitable giving.

Trade issues: Called for eliminating trade barriers and tariffs everywhere so "the whole world trades in freedom" Called for strict enforcement of anti-dumping and other unfair trade laws Supports expansion of NAFTA throughout the Americas. Supports China's admission into WTO, subject to final language of agreement. Supports revising export controls, to tighten control over military technology and ease restrictions on technology already available commercially.

George W. Bush is the 46th Governor of the State of Texas. Now in his second term, Governor Bush has been labeled a "compassionate conservative". He hopes to follow in his father's footsteps and win the Republican nomination for the presidency.

Patrick J. (Pat) Buchanan -- Reform Party

Abortion issues: Pro-life. Believes that life begins at conception, and strongly opposes the right to choose. As president, would push for an amendment to protect the rights of the unborn. Says that his running mate and Supreme Court nominees would have to be pro-life.

Affirmative action: Opposes affirmative action. Supports what he says should be "equal justice for all, special privileges for none". Wants to put an end to "reverse discrimination" in all federal agencies. In an interview with Matt Drudge, Buchanan said of hate crime laws, "...passing a series of new laws and expecting (violent crime) will stop is mistaken."

Campaign finance: Supports reform -- Wants to impose contribution limits of $1000 per person for House and Senate campaigns. Wants to make sure that 75 percent of a candidate's funds come from the districts or states the candidates wish to represent. Also, believes in banning PAC and corporate contributions.

Crime: PRESUMED POSITION In an effort to give this candidate a more realistic score, we have made an educated guess as to his position. We have searched his website, news reports, etc. to gain an insight as to a stance. Failing that, we have given him a modified score that indicates the following position: A tough on crime throw away (or at least misplace) the key.

Defense spending: We cannot police the planet on a defense budget of 3% of GDP, and unless America is prepared to restore our military might, we cannot contain a rearmed Russia, patrol the Balkans, roll back a second Iraqi attack on Kuwait, repel North Korea, and prevent another of Beijing's bullying assaults on Taiwan. America must retrench and rearm. We must reclaim American invincibility on land, sea and air, and complete the Reagan legacy by deploying a missile defense system.

Drug policy: Supports medical use of marijuana by dying cancer patients.

Homosexual issues: Critical of supporters of gay rights. "Gay rights activists seek to substitute, for laws rooted in Judeo-Christian morality, laws rooted in the secular humanist belief that all consensual sexual acts are morally equal. That belief is anti-biblical and amoral; to codify it into law is to codify a lie." (Buchanan column in Wall Street Journal, 1/21/93)

Education money: Pro-school choice. Opposes national standards, and wants to abolish the Department of Education so that communities can take control of their schools. Supports tuition vouchers, and tax-free education savings accounts.

Environment: As President I will require Congress to vote on every endangered species and compensate property owners when their land is seized and converted into protected habitat. We want to see the bald eagle and grizzly bear survive, but unelected bureaucrats must not be allowed to violate property rights in the process.

Evolution: Supports the teaching of Creationism. Conservative Pat Buchanan said he supported teaching children that the universe was created by God, although he did not object to them learning about evolution as a theory.

"What I do object to is to teach Darwin's theory of evolution of human beings from animals without divine intervention. I don't believe in that and I adamantly object to that," he told Reuters in a telephone message. - Buchanan said in a speech at the Commencement Address Christendom College' May 6, 1995 "How can we ever again succeed in educating children to become moral men and women if, in America's public schools, we consciously deny them all religious instruction." See

Foreign policy: Isolationist--Sometimes called an "America Firster" Buchanan believes in a more traditional foreign policy that would not see U.S. soldiers in interventionist roles. Wants the country to withdraw from international organizations that do not serve the country's interests, and looks forward to a cooling of relations with Beijing. Buchanan has long supported sanctions against "rogue nations".

However, Clarence Page of the Chicago Tribune reported a change of heart and quotes Buchanan, "Because of the siege mentality our embargo has created inside Cuba, our sanctions may be the main pillar of Castro's power." Buchanan said, "This is a dramatic departure from what I argued and beleived." See CNN report:

Gun control: Opposes gun control. Supports the Second Amendment. Does not believe that gun control legislation curbs violence.

Health care: Wants to reduce proliferation of HMOs, and calls for a redesigning of the Medicare system. Believes that workers should be allowed to use their Medicare taxes to invest in accounts that would cover the costs of their post-retirement health care.

Moral issues: America is locked in a cultural war for the soul of our country. On one side: secularists armed with the proposition that God is dead. Their governing axioms reduce faith to superstition and traditional morality to quaint nonsense.

If we are to reclaim American morality, we must restore traditional values-patriotism, loyalty, courage, and decency. We must revitalize our popular culture with media detoxified of raw sex & violence. We must ensure that the schools teach the values we hold dear.

Social security: Wants to use budget surplus to save Social Security. Has said that we need to drop the "Europeans off American defense welfare" to invest those funds toward solving internal problems like Social Security.

Tax policy: Wants to exempt first $35,000 of salaried income, subjecting remainder to a flat tax rate of 16 percent. Wants to put an end to death taxes, and to offer greater per-child tax credits and mortgage interest deductions.

Trade issues: Would impose tariffs on cheap foreign goods to protect American jobs. Believes that imported goods should be taxed as American-made products are. Would use tariffs to offset tax relief. Plans to reinforce America's manufacturing base to open more foreign markets to U.S. goods. See Buchanan quote regarding the Cuban embargo under "Foreign policy".

Pat Buchanan is a political commentator, and a familiar face to CNN viewers. A former Nixon aide he bolted the GOP. He seeks the Reform Party's nomination.

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