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The Dragons of Q'uinar

Quiani enters a large cavern and you see a large green dragon turn her head and observe you as you enter. ^Welcome friend!^ She says. You look to Quiani, who smiles encouragingly at you.

^Hello.^ You respond.

Quiani rubs the dragon's side. "This is Chanta. She's the guardian here. She watches over the dragon's heratige and history, and makes sure no one changes it."

Quiani hands you a parchment. "Read this." She says.

You begin...

The Dragons have four ranks each:


Peridot - The Peridot Dragons are the Queens. Their pale green coloring is like the soft green grasses that first sprout in the spring. These Dragons are incredibly kind hearted and smooth speaking. They are amazing diplomats, which is a necessity for the position of Queen. They can easily fly long distances, and are very caring of their bondmates. They mate 3-4 times a year, with clutches of 5-9 eggs. They will mate with the highest-ranking male available.

Pearl - The Pearl Dragons are also very kind, but only to those people they know well. They are quite shy around strangers. But with their friends, they are the jokers and clowns. They mate twice a year, with clutches of 3-4 eggs. Pearls usually only mate with Topaz dragons.

Diamond - The Diamonds are as hard as their name implies. Razor sharp minds and an incredible quick wit. Their humor can sometimes be described as "crude", but those that know a Diamond well will tell you that it's all in good fun. These Dragons are quite vain of their creamy coloring, and can not stand to be unclean. Diamonds only mate once a year, with small clutches of 1-2 eggs. They usually mate with a Turquoise dragon.

Ruby - These Dragons are very shy and small. They make excellent couriers, being fast and agile. The Rubies love to spend time by themselves, and so know the mountains like the back of their wings. They are great guides, and good survivors. These dragons are sterile.


Emerald - These deep green males are the Kings of the Dragons. They make excelent leaders and good warriors. Less diplomatic than their Queens, they would prefer to bite first, ask questions later. These males mate only with the Peridot dragons.

Topaz - The Topaz Dragons are the aerial dancers. More so than the other Dragons, they are able to perform aerial stunts that seem impossible by the laws of physics. They are the dare-devils of the Dragon kingdom. They will mate with any female, but prefer Pearls.

Turquoise - The Turquoise Dragons are the negotiators. Many a Turquoise has assisted the Queen in diplomatic matters. They love to play chess, and love the subtleties of politics. Will mate with any female, but are usually unable to catch anything greater than a Diamond.

Sapphire - These blue Dragons are the shy ones. They don't make good warriors, but are amazing scouts. They seem to be able to make their blue coloring blend in to whatever their surroundings are. These males are not sterile, and will mate with any female.

Chanta was adopted from the EverRealm

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