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Etan Island

Brown - Mountains
Light Green - Fertle Pastures
Dark Green - Forests
Light Blue Dot - Coral Harbor Pod

The second largest island, it bosts one of the rarest comodoties on Q’uinar. The Unicorns. Found by a group of gypsies, they have been kept back in the valley on the western side of Etan. There is only one small entrance to the valley, and that is kept tightly guarded by the gypsy families who have taken over the breeding and carring for of the Unicorns. They sell only a few Unicorns a year, so the Unicorns are a very highly desired item.

Unfortunatly the Unicorn’s intelligence has been degrading, and the Unicorns that come out of the valley are no longer setient. They are just like horses. Some people beleive (and hope) that there are still some intelligent Unicorns back in the valley, but no one knows for sure.

Etan Island also is home to the Coral Harbor Dolphin Pod. These Dolphins and their riders live and play in their cove and out in the oceans. They are located here because of the particularly dangerous currents off of the island. Many ships would have been lost, if not for the dolphin rescuers.

Eove City is small, and very few people live there. Many predict that the town will soon die out, but others say that it never will because of the need for a safe port around Etan Island.

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